Daily News Archive
July 23, 2001
Republican, Democratic
Members of Congress Ask Colleagues to Support School Environment Protection
Act - Tell Your Representative to Support this Landmark Legislation
On June 19, 2001 the United States Senate passed the School Environment Protection Act (SEPA) as an amendment to Better Education for Students and Teachers Act, S.1, which amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Now the fate of this important piece of legislation, originally introduced by Senator Robert Torricelli (D-NJ) is in the hands of the joint House-Senate Conference Committee.
Last week, both Republican and Democratic Members of Congress sent "Dear Colleague" letters asking their fellow Representatives to join them in urging the Conference Committee to support the School Environment Protection Act (SEPA). Republicans Connie Morella (MD), Jim Ramstad (MN), Wayne Gilchrest (MD) and Benjamin Gilman (NY) and Democrat Rush Holt (NJ) sent a letters on July 18 and July 20, 2001, respectively.
This joint Conference Committee was appointed by both Houses of Congress to iron out the differences and form a compromise between the House and Senate versions of the education bill. Because SEPA was only included in the Senate bill, the committee must be urged to pass the bill without any weakening amendments.
Copies of the Dear
Colleague letters, as well as the legislation text, a summary, list of
supporters, sample letters to Congress and sample letters to the editor
can be found on the SEPA Action Page.