
Daily News Archive
From February 18, 2002

Former Farm Bureau Official Named to EPA

Adam Sharp, former director of agricultural chemicals, biotechnology, and air quality at the American Farm Bureau Federation, has been appointed to the EPA as the Associate Assistant Administrator for the Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances. Sharp brings to EPA a history of support for biotechnology and pesticide use.

For example, the American Farm Bureau Federation voiced opposition in 1999 when EPA announced restrictions to uses of azinphos methyl and methyl parathion. These two organophosphate pesticides were commonly used on a variety of food crops, and have both been linked to negative environmental and health effects. EPA says azinphos methyl "poses a high degree of risk to agricultural workers, as well as significant acute ecological risks." Adam Sharp stood against the restriction claiming foreign growers would have an advantage over those in the U.S. as a result. Further, he claimed, "There probably is ... zero risk of any of these pesticides in the food supply." This statement stands in stark contrast to a report by the Environmental Working Group, which claims that in the U.S., 1 million children consume unsafe levels of organophosphate insecticides each day.

Adam Sharp's firm advocacy for pesticide use will now be impressed within EPA's Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances. Efforts by the public must be strengthened to promote pesticide reforms and a safe environment.