Dear Lawn and Landscape Service Provider,
Beyond Pesticides is committed to working with all landscapers to promote sustainable landscapes and businesses. We believe that there are increasing business opportunities for you with the increasing consumer demand for nontoxic approaches; contrary to the claim by some in the chemical industry who say we are “gearing up to oppose your business.” We are acutely aware, as you may be, of the potential worker, public health and environmental impacts of pesticides, and we work to prevent the unnecessary use and exposure.
Across the country, landscaping professionals are lining up for organic landscaping training courses. Their letters to their customers explaining their new non-chemical approach is met with gratitude and relief. And, their businesses are booming. Integrated pest management professionals also claim an increase in their business opportunities. That is why we are offering an online Basic Training in Organic Land Care.
We also promote business through our Safety Source web site which helps homeowners identify organic practitioners in their area. Newly trained professionals are added monthly as the demand continues to grow.
Organic landscaping is the business of the future. If you would like to learn more about materials, resources, or training opportunities in your area please contact us at 202-543-5450.