
Model Laws and Policies

Model Laws *

Model laws and policies are possible and we try to elucidate for lawmakers and advocates what would be necessary within a model law within this section. The bill prohibits the use of the most toxic pesticides from being used in schools, provides right-to-know, and establishes school IPM. Depending on the political climate in your state - banning the worst chemicals may not be feasible.This model demonstrates legislation that truly protects children from pesticides at schools. Massachusetts is the only state that bans specific high hazard pesticides from certain settings in schools, otherwise bans are seen on the local level.

Model Policies *

The maintenance of a safe, clean, healthy environment for students and staff is essential to learning and is a goal of the school district. The use of toxic chemicals to control pests and weeds may itself threaten staff and students’ health and ability to learn. Considering other school districts and institutions around the country have shown that Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a viable, cost-effective approach to controlling pest, these alternatives should be seriously considered.

The policies in this section have the stated goals:
(a) To prevent unnecessary exposure of children to chemical pesticides and provide the healthiest learning environment, playgrounds, and playfields possible.
(b) To promote safer alternatives to chemical pesticides while preventing economic and health damage caused by pests.
(c) To ensure that clear and accurate notification concerning the use of pesticides in schools be made available so that measures may be taken to prevent and address pest problems effectively without endangering children or adults.
(d) To implement the use of integrated pest management techniques to reduce the need for reliance on chemical pesticides.

We have also supplemented this document with prose for school districts in New Jersey and North Carolina: Model Policy (for New Jersey Schools) and Model Policy (for North Carolina Schools) *


* PDF file; requires the free Acrobat Reader to view