
Sales Flyer Encourages use of Highly Toxic "Banned" Pesticides

One of the inevitable results stemming from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decision to allow the continued sale of existing stocks of Chlorpyrifos (DursbanTM) and Diazinon is that retailers are scrambling to rid themselves of their current stocks. EPA entered into agreements with the manufacturers of both of these highly toxic chemicals in 2000. The agreements allow the continued sale of Chlorpyrifos through 2001 and the continued sale of Diazinon through 2002. Nothing short of a ban on products containing these pesticides can protect the public form the chemicals adverse health effects. Since less toxic and non-toxic alternatives are available for all Dursban uses, it is wrong and unnecessary to allow its use to continue during the phase out period. Click here for more information about alternatives to Dursban.

Is your local hardware store holding a sale on Dursban or Diazinon? We encourage you to join with the Attorneys General of Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, Alaska, and Guam; contact the retailers in your area and ask them to voluntarily remove these toxic chemicals from their shelves. Click here to read a press release from the Office of Massachusetts Attorney General Tom Reilly.

This sales flyer is taken from a Scotty's Hardware Store in Florida.

This sales flyer is taken from a Scotty's Hardware Store in Florida.