
Maryland—Local Organizations

Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Phillip Merril Environmental Center
6 Herndon Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21403
Phone: (410) 268-8816
Email: [email protected]
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) is the largest conservation organization dedicated solely to saving the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Our motto, Save the Bay, defines the organization's mission and commitment to reducing pollution, improving fisheries, and protecting and restoring natural resources such as wetlands, forests, and underwater grasses.

Maryland Pesticide Network
544 Epping Forest Road
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: (410) 849-3909
E-mail: [email protected]
MPN is a grassroots coalition of twenty-eight organizations in the State of Maryland concerned about the impact of pesticides on human health (particularly children) and the environment. MPN is a member of the School Pesticide Reform Coalition.

Environment Maryland
3121 St. Paul Street, Suite 26
Baltimore, MD 21218
Phone: (410) 467-0439
Email: [email protected]

Rachel Carson Council, Inc.
8600 Irvington Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: (301) 593-7507
Email: [email protected]
The Rachel Carson Council seeks to inform and advise the public about the effects of pesticides that threaten the health, welfare, and survival of living organisms and biological systems. The Council promotes alternative, environmentally benign pest management strategies to encourage healthier, sustainable living.

Safe Grow Montgomery
Email: [email protected]
Safe Grow Montgomery is "seeking legislation in Montgomery County, MD to protect against exposure to lawn & yard pesticides where we live, work and play." Safe Grow Montgomery has started a petition asking county council lawmakers to protect Montgomery County from toxic cosmetic lawn pesticides.

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