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EPA Asks for Public Comment on Petition to Ban Pesticide Deadly to Bees, Senators Urge Expedited Action

(Beyond Pesticides, July 30, 2012) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has opened a 60-day public comment period on the agency’s decision to deny the request by beekeepers to immediately suspend the use of clothianidin, a pesticide that poses harm to pollinators. The legal petition was filed earlier this year by 25 beekeepers and environmental organizations, and cites significant acute and chronic bee kills across the United States linked to neonicotinoid pesticides, particularly clothianidin. On Thursday, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, called for an expedited review of pesticides that could be inadvertently decimating honey bee populations. The letter is also signed by Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). EPA is not expected to complete its review until 2018, and any implementation plans could take years beyond that to complete. Given that Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has decreased the U.S. bee population by 30 percent since 2006, Senator Gillibrand is urging a quicker timeframe, asking that it be completed by the end of next year.

“Our agriculture industry is vital to the upstate New York’s economy,” Senator Gillibrand said. “Our farmers need honey bees to pollinate our crops and produce. However, certain pesticides may be unintentionally killing off the honey bee population. By expediting this review, we can help save our honey bee population and grow our agricultural economies.” Honey bees are vital to the health of agricultural industries in New York as one in three bites of food is reliant on honey bee pollination.

In her letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, Senator Gillibrand wrote, “Protecting honey bees and other pollinators is vital to American agriculture. In fact, one in three bites of food is reliant on honey bee pollination, and threats to pollinators concern the entire food system and could drive up the cost of food in this country. Highlighting the economic importance of pollinators, a recent study by Cornell University found that insect pollination results in a value of more than $15 billion annually.”

This spring and summer, beekeepers from New York to Ohio and Minnesota are reporting extraordinarily large bee die-offs, due, in part, to exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides. The die-offs are similar to what beekeepers have reported in the past few weeks in Canada (where EPA has admitted there are 120 bee kill reports, a huge number). On average, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that beekeepers have been losing over 30% of their honey bee colonies each year since 2006 —but some are losing many more times that number.

Neonicotinoids, including imidacloprid and thiamethoxam in addition to clothianidin, are highly toxic to a range of insects, including honey bees and other pollinators. They are particularly dangerous because, in addition to being acutely toxic in high doses, they also result in serious sublethal effects when insects are exposed to chronic low doses, as they are through pollen and water droplets laced with the chemical as well as dust that is released into the air when treated seeds that have been coated with the chemicals are planted. Previous research has shown that these effects cause significant problems for the health of individual honey bees as well as the overall health of honey bee colonies, including disruptions in mobility, navigation, feeding behavior, foraging activity, memory and learning, and overall hive activity.

The emergency legal petition to EPA was filed on March 21, 2012 and asked the agency to suspend all registrations for pesticides containing clothianidin. The petition, which is supported by over one million citizen petition signatures worldwide, targets the pesticide for its harmful impacts on honey bees. The legal petition establishes that EPA failed to follow its own regulations when it granted a conditional, or temporary, registration to clothianidin in 2003 without a required field study establishing that the pesticide would have no “unreasonable adverse effects” on pollinators. The granting of the conditional registration was contingent upon the subsequent submission of an acceptable field study, but this requirement has not been met. EPA continues to allow the use of clothianidin nine years after acknowledging that it had an insufficient legal basis for initially allowing its use. Additionally, the product labels on pesticides containing clothianidin are inadequate to prevent excessive damage to non-target organisms, which is a second violation of the requirements for using a pesticide and further warrants removing all such mislabeled pesticides from use.

TAKE ACTION: Tell EPA to suspend clothianidin. Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID number EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0334-0015 at www.regulations.gov, or by clicking on this link. Follow the online instructions for submitting comments (please note that only the fields with asterisks are required).

The original petition can be found here. Additionally, the agency has published an electronic docket with the petition, the partial response, and other supporting material available for viewing.

For more information on how pesticides affect pollinators and what you can do to help, see Beyond Pesticides’ Pollinator Program page.

All unattributed positions and opinions in this piece are those of Beyond Pesticides.


72 Responses to “EPA Asks for Public Comment on Petition to Ban Pesticide Deadly to Bees, Senators Urge Expedited Action”

  1. 1
    Karen Says:

    We need our bees! Please don’t allow this pesticide that will kill them! And if it kills the bees, what do you think will happen to humans after years of ingesting?

  2. 2
    Linda Williams Says:

    Please do not allow our primary pollinator to be killed by something within our power to stop. Bees are a necessary part of our foodchain. Our lives depend on them.

  3. 3
    Lee Hutchings Says:

    Killing off the bees is supposed to help mankind? In what way? End the use of neonicotinoids in all it’s forms.

  4. 4
    Catherine T Kerrigan Says:

    Please stop the usage of this pesticide! We need bees! And we do not want to die like bees are: by the thousands!

  5. 5
    A.Morrison Says:

    We don’t need pesticides and we do need bee’s. Please stop pandering to corporate interests and do your job protecting your constituents and the safety of the people.

    If we lose the bee’s, we lose our food supply and the human race is soon to follow.

  6. 6
    Dane Coyle Says:

    We need our bees! Please don’t allow this pesticide that will kill them! Why are doing things against the wishes of the people to please Corporations?

  7. 7
    tyais terry Says:

    Why wouldn’t you protect the bee’s. Oddly enough super giant Monsanto bought the research firm charged with investigating bee deaths. Many Government officials and scientists use Beelogics in an effort to seek truth. How is that possible now? Please PROTECT OUR BEES!! People over Profit!!! This is within our power!

  8. 8
    Elizabeth Says:

    Why is this even a question? We cannot survive on this planet if we don’t protect our fragile ecosystem. Stop allowing these awful chemicals to disrupt our natural processes! I want the best for future generations, and this is one easy step towards that!

  9. 9
    Jeffrey Wright Says:

    Please put a stop to this!
    Don’t put nature at risk like this! Don’t put the worlds food at risk! Don’t risk putting your kids and mine in a position where they have no food to eat! This sounds cliche but think of your children.
    Just don’t.
    Instead, do the right thing.

  10. 10
    Crystal Says:

    Stop this NOW!

  11. 11
    dan steinbrenner Says:

    please put an end to the total destruction of what is still a salvageable agrarian environment in north america

  12. 12
    Randy Munro Says:

    How can anyone think this is a good idea.

  13. 13
    J Says:

    Without bees there will be little or no pollination and our food supply will be greatly compromised. Any chemical that presents a threat to bee population is a threat to human welfare. This association is not at all difficult to comprehend!

    All (or nearly all) pesticides and herbicides should be banned. The dangers pesticides and herbicides pose to the environmental and humanity have been known for over a half century.

    Washington–as usual–has failed the American people.

  14. 14
    Talia Says:

    Save the bees. If the pesticides we use kill such a critical part of our ecosystem, they will kill us as well. No amount of profit can bring us back from DEAD.

  15. 15
    Diane Lukich Says:

    Releasing these powerful toxins into the environment will cause suffering to so many innocent creatures.

  16. 16
    Sam Says:

    Kill Monsanto.

  17. 17
    joanna spinoza Says:

    There is substantial evidence that Clothianidin is mortally killing the very essence of food pollination. This is a CRISIS that must be stopped immediately. Colony Collapse Disorder, or whatever name you put to it, is an enormous calamity. Clothianidin is causing environmental damage and devastation to crops and Nature. Eventually, if not already, causing death to animals, humans, and the planet we call HOME.

  18. 18
    Danielle Says:

    Please temporarily ban clothianidin while properly carrying out a field study regarding its affect on pollinators.

  19. 19
    Joseph Says:

    Has everyone gone insane?
    When did it become ok to destroy so many things in the name of ‘progress’!?
    We have lost our connection to the natural world for the sake of convenience, and we create divisive technologies that, instead of enhancing our life and society, undermine it at every turn.
    We don’t need to poison ourselves any more, we need to stop the madness and tell these ‘agro-chemical’ companies to stop destroying our planet, our nature, and us, for the sake of money, because we all know that the bottom line is the bottom line, and it’s all a disgusting corporatized mess.
    Please send a message to these entities that we don’t want their poison on our ground, in our food, in our air, or anywhere any more!!

  20. 20
    Linda Haven Says:

    This pesticide should never have been approved in the first place. Get rid of it now, before the damage is irrepairable. Get rid of Monsanto and GMO’s also, please!

  21. 21
    Linda Haven Says:

    This pesticide should never have been approved in the first place. Get rid of it before the damage is irrepairable. Get rid of Monsanto and GMO’s, please!

  22. 22
    Suzanne McDonald Says:

    I want our beekeepers to have what they asked for ..simple no harmful pesticides that endanger the bees. If we harm the ecosystem it will harm us. Why is that so hard to comprehend. I want us to all act responsibly and harm non. We should not be a Country of for profit only. We should be a Country that is biased on strong work ethics as I once believed we all shared. Let us preserve our health…ban harmful pesticides that inhibit our health and prosperity. Without our health we have nothing. Look at those who contract cancers and no amount of money can save them. Sad very devastating. Let not an illness be cause by what man has created in the environment in which we live our life’s for there is a huge penalty that can not be reversed. Signed BeeKeepers Advocate, Suzanne McDonald

  23. 23
    Robin Says:

    PLEASE stop this insanity! We are being killed in a slow painful manor just for these companies to make money! Really what do you think is going to happen to humans ingesting this stuff??????

  24. 24
    M. Strader Says:

    Bees!!!Busy as a Bee !! Why do you think it is “Busy as a Bee?”. Because without their tireless “Busyness” we would have no food and neither would they ! Think on it and please ban Pesticide deadly to bees and, in the final analysis, US ! BBBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!! Thank you for your consideration. My granddaughter thanks you too. So will yours.

  25. 25
    Karen Nardella Says:

    Dear EPA
    Please stop all of the pesticide, herbacide and chem trail spraying. Our earth is failing quickly due to all these un-natural attacks upon her. Regarding this Petition, Please STOP all of the following: Neonicotinoids, including imidacloprid and thiamethoxam in addition to clothianidin, are highly toxic to a range of insects, including honey bees and other pollinators. They are particularly dangerous because, in addition to being acutely toxic in high doses, they also result in serious sublethal effects when insects are exposed to chronic low doses, as they are through pollen and water droplets laced with the chemical as well as dust that is released into the air when treated seeds that have been coated with the chemicals are planted. Previous research has shown that these effects cause significant problems for the health of individual honey bees as well as the overall health of honey bee colonies, including disruptions in mobility, navigation, feeding behavior, foraging activity, memory and learning, and overall hive activity. Please step up and do the right thing and stop all this at once. Thank you. Karen Nardella

  26. 26
    John Says:

    Well, seeing as how we need bees to survive, and we don’t need pesticides to survive, the choice should be pretty clear. If anything is even remotely doing harm to wildlife of any kind, it should be stopped and banned immediately. It shouldn’t take until after 2018. I mean technically if you use a product you know could harm bees and the power in controll of stopping that act doesn’t do their job, every one involved should be held criminally accountable. 30% of the bee population? Seriously? Come on guys. This is not a game. This is the place where we all live, and this impact is and will be global.

  27. 27
    Anna Bell Says:

    I am very concerned about the use of these pesticides and their impact on bees. Please suspend the use of neonicotinoids, specifically clothianidin.

  28. 28
    Mary Ann Hoeg Says:

    Regarding this Petition, Please STOP all of the following: Neonicotinoids, including imidacloprid and thiamethoxam in addition to clothianidin, are highly toxic to a range of insects, including honey bees and other pollinators.

  29. 29
    Callie Says:

    Dear Epa, It’s imperative for the survival of our species to do whatever it takes to protect bees. If suspending clothianidin is what it takes then by all means, do so. 1 million years from now will it matter? Maybe not. But we must live our lives with respect for others so that we may respect ourselves. We would not appreciate the bees pouring poison into our homes so we should not poison theirs.

  30. 30
    Jeremy D Says:

    We know that bees pollinate our food. And we know that this chemical kills the bees. What I want to know is, how did this make it so far?! This chemical HAS to be denied for use. Allowing it’s use will lead to a severe decline in the bee population and food farms everywhere. This would be the beginning of the end for whole foods. Please, do not approve this. It will go down in the books as you, who approved the use of the chemical. Not us, the public. Thank you.

  31. 31
    chris Says:

    Do the right thing we ALL NEED THE BEE’S

  32. 32
    Mikal timothy earl woods Says:

    it will astound me until the day I die that we have the knowledge in front of us that we require to change problems, and yet we debate over it. your solution is to not use these pesticides. do the right thing

  33. 33
    AJ Says:

    Killing off the bee population will greatly devastate our ecosystems and if this isn’t understood by our so called “leaders” then we are in far more trouble than we thought. If they don’t know this basic piece of common sense, imagine what else they don’t know? Scary. Why on earth do we continue to let these people have rule over us? It’s time our government and it’s corporations were all replaced. This is just utter nonsense. The EPA needs feedback to fight something that shouldn’t even be an issue. “Will this kill off species?” Yes. “Then we can’t use it for every species serves a purpose in maintaining our ecosystems. Wanna maintain agriculture? Get rid of Monsanto and KEEP THE BEES!

  34. 34
    tam collier Says:

    Dear EPA
    Please stop all of the pesticide, herbicide and chem trail spraying. Our earth is failing quickly due to all these un-natural attacks upon her. Regarding this Petition, Please STOP all of the following: Neonicotinoids, including imidacloprid and thiamethoxam in addition to clothianidin, are highly toxic to a range of insects, including honey bees and other pollinators. They are particularly dangerous because, in addition to being acutely toxic in high doses, they also result in serious sublethal effects when insects are exposed to chronic low doses, as they are through pollen and water droplets laced with the chemical as well as dust that is released into the air when treated seeds that have been coated with the chemicals are planted. Previous research has shown that these effects cause significant problems for the health of individual honey bees as well as the overall health of honey bee colonies, including disruptions in mobility, navigation, feeding behavior, foraging activity, memory and learning, and overall hive activity. Please step up and do the right thing and stop all this at once.
    Thank you.

  35. 35
    Ken Hunt Says:

    Dear EPA
    Please stop all of the pesticide, herbicide and chem trail spraying. Our earth is failing quickly due to all these un-natural attacks upon her. Regarding this Petition, Please STOP all of the following: Neonicotinoids, including imidacloprid and thiamethoxam in addition to clothianidin, are highly toxic to a range of insects, including honey bees and other pollinators. They are particularly dangerous because, in addition to being acutely toxic in high doses, they also result in serious sublethal effects when insects are exposed to chronic low doses, as they are through pollen and water droplets laced with the chemical as well as dust that is released into the air when treated seeds that have been coated with the chemicals are planted. Previous research has shown that these effects cause significant problems for the health of individual honey bees as well as the overall health of honey bee colonies, including disruptions in mobility, navigation, feeding behavior, foraging activity, memory and learning, and overall hive activity. Please step up and do the right thing and stop all this at once.
    Thank you.

  36. 36
    nicole Says:

    no BEES no fruit no flowers no life… it s just a matter of time and I don´t want that for my children nor my grand children!

    PLS STOP this pesticide

  37. 37
    Heike Reagan Says:

    Ban these pesticides and save the bees! We need them for pollination of every food we eat!

  38. 38
    Julie Brakebill Says:

    We, as beings on this planet, have yet to fully understand exactly how everything works together. To use a pesticide to change the natural order of something that has been so thoughtfully and perfectly synchronized is to irrevocably change that natural order.

    We must find answers that exist within the natural world to solve problems. We must not use poisons that have been statistically proven over and over again to cause irreparable harm. The use of this pesticide will change the course of things in negative ways that we cannot yet fathom.

    We have a responsibility to the future generations and to the planet upon which we depend upon for our very lives to live harmoniously and harm none.

  39. 39
    Irene Tejara Says:

    While greed will may you some momentary monetary happiness, it doesn’t last. You have children, do you not? Grandchildren perhaps? Consider the future. Corporations and Monsanto out of our government…

  40. 40
    Pat Philips Says:

    Bees are a necessary part of the circle of life. We need to stop their demise and this is one way to help with the problem.

  41. 41
    R Andrew Ohge Says:

    Let me break it down for you:

    No Bees-VASTLY diminished food sources.
    And then, guess WHO will control the Global Food Supply?
    Not you. Not me.

  42. 42
    Laurie Cattivera Says:

    Study: EPA-approved GMO insecticide responsible for killing off bees, contaminating entire food chain

    Please stop the insanity!

  43. 43
    Melinda Burd Says:

    Clothianidin is highly toxic to honey bees on both a contact and oral basis. Please suspend the use of clothianidin immediately.

  44. 44
    mike mittenberg Says:

    this is a dangerous product. please don’t allow its use. it is banned everywhere why should we allow it. we need bees. how will crops be pollinated without them?

  45. 45
    Alekx Aneiros Says:

    Please stop poisoning our bees and our food supply. This will not be good for our future or our health.

  46. 46
    Angela Stone Says:

    The EPA was created to protect our environment, not to cater to the greed of big business. Please DO YOUR JOBS and ban pesticides that are deadly to bees.

  47. 47
    Colleen Fay Says:

    Improperly tested and untested chemicals are wiping out honeybees and other pollinators. Commercial and hobby beekeepers can not continue to absorb the costs of replenishing bee colonies year after year. The package beekeeping industry cannot continue to supply replacement colonies for those colonies which are dying off. If our pollinators are destroyed, what will we eat…corn? Look to China as an example of what the reckless use of pesticides has done to parts of their country. We don’t have the man power or money to hand pollinate fruits and vegetables. Do the right thing.

  48. 48
    J. Christine Says:

    It has been proven that these Pesticides are destroying Bee populations. It is imperative that it be discontinued.

    Thankyou for your Action to Stop this use.

    J. Chritine Tegler-Del Campo

  49. 49
    Marcella Makuck Says:

    Dear EPA
    Please stop all of the pesticide, herbicide and chem trail spraying. Our earth is failing quickly due to all these un-natural attacks upon her. Regarding this Petition, Please STOP all of the following: Neonicotinoids, including imidacloprid and thiamethoxam in addition to clothianidin, are highly toxic to a range of insects, including honey bees and other pollinators. They are particularly dangerous because, in addition to being acutely toxic in high doses, they also result in serious sublethal effects when insects are exposed to chronic low doses, as they are through pollen and water droplets laced with the chemical as well as dust that is released into the air when treated seeds that have been coated with the chemicals are planted. Previous research has shown that these effects cause significant problems for the health of individual honey bees as well as the overall health of honey bee colonies, including disruptions in mobility, navigation, feeding behavior, foraging activity, memory and learning, and overall hive activity. Please step up and do the right thing and stop all this at once.
    Thank you.

  50. 50
    Elizabeth Fresolone Says:

    Please protect our bees and other creatures. EPA stands for protection of our environment and if the EPA cannot stop this then why do we need an EPA.

  51. 51
    Jack Jones Says:

    Doesn’t anybody learn anything from the past? Vietnam ring any bells? who is really running the country? in order of ptiority i would say Monsanto,Dow, Glaxosmithklein, Money, money, money then i suppose the Government would fit in near the rear somewhere? get some balls you ELECTED government officials! you are supposed to serve us not silently kill us for the sake of money.

  52. 52
    Carol Heyen Says:

    Please use common sense and ban this pesticide! We need our bees!

  53. 53
    Suki Says:

    The bees, our pollinators, cannot be duplicated. Surely there is no greater insect on earth? And I’m not just speaking of honey! I’m with the bees, please, EPA, do anything you can to save them.

  54. 54
    Sarah Hefner Says:

    Bees are a critical part of our food chain whose die off and extinction would have catrostrophic effects on the world’s food supply. I am asking the EPA not to allow the insecticides that kill or otherwise harm honey bees.
    Please see the following studies also;
    “Pollen contaminated with levels of neonicotinoids similar to those shown in our results has been known to impair pollinator health” http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0029268?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+plosone%2FPlantBiology+%28PLoS+ONE+Alerts%3A+Plant+Biology%29#s3

    Learning performances of honeybees (Apis mellifera L) are differentially affected by imidacloprid according to the season. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12639043

    The sublethal effects of pesticides on beneficial arthopods. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16842032

    Risk assessment for side-effects of neonicotinoids against bumblebees with and without impairing foraging behavior.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19757031

    Sub-lethal effects of pesticide residues in brood comb on worker honey bee (Apis mellifera) development and longevity.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21373182

    Translocation of neonicotinoid insecticides from coated seeds to seedling guttation drops: a novel way of intoxication for bees.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19886445

    Field trial for evaluating the effects on honey bees of corn sown using Cruiser and Celest xl treated seeds.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20658226

    Toxicity of neonicotinoid insecticides to honey bees: laboratory tests.http://www.bulletinofinsectology.org/pdfarticles/vol64-2011-107-113laurino.pdf

    “Acute toxicity studies to honey bees shows that clothianidin is highly toxic on both a contact and oral basis.” http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/chem_search/cleared_reviews/csr_PC-044309_2-Nov-10_b.pdf

  55. 55
    Madeline Martinez Says:

    Please, please, please save our bees. No bees, no food! It’s time to ban the pesticides that are killing our most important pollinators. We have no future without bees!

  56. 56
    Edward Zingraff Says:

    If the EPA cannot afford to follow up on “conditional registrations” and pressure recipients to do the required field testing of ENVIRONMENTAL POISONS then, perhaps EPA can suspend granting such registrations until the applicants self-fund the required studies through designated, neutral university and organizational research facilities.

    Please remember that EPA is an acronym for Environmental PROTECTION Agency not Business Environment Protection Agency…you are not BEPA!

  57. 57
    Renee Brinck Says:

    Please do not allow this pesticide that will kill our bees. It willin time kill us.

  58. 58
    Laura J Hoffman Says:

    Our honey bees are one of the most precious workers in the life of our planet. Please stop all pesticides that have been introduced without thorough reviews. Without the facts and reviews, none of these should have been allowed into the environment.

  59. 59
    Lyana Votey Says:

    Dear EPA
    Please stop all of the pesticide, herbicide and chem trail spraying. Our earth is failing quickly due to all these un-natural attacks upon her. Regarding this Petition, Please STOP all of the following: Neonicotinoids, including imidacloprid and thiamethoxam in addition to clothianidin, are highly toxic to a range of insects, including honey bees and other pollinators. They are particularly dangerous because, in addition to being acutely toxic in high doses, they also result in serious sublethal effects when insects are exposed to chronic low doses, as they are through pollen and water droplets laced with the chemical as well as dust that is released into the air when treated seeds that have been coated with the chemicals are planted. Previous research has shown that these effects cause significant problems for the health of individual honey bees as well as the overall health of honey bee colonies, including disruptions in mobility, navigation, feeding behavior, foraging activity, memory and learning, and overall hive activity. Please step up and do the right thing and stop all this at once.
    Thank you.

  60. 60
    Christina Broadus Says:

    Please suspend use of clothianidin, we all need the bees to survive, humans might be able to hand pollinate but not at the same rate as the bees. Our survival depends on them. To insure our survival it is not just prudent to protect them, but it is one of the most important responsibilities that we have. This affects us all even you!

  61. 61
    A. Delgado Says:

    Please do not allow our primary pollinator to be killed by something within our power to stop. Bees are a necessary part of our foodchain. Our lives depend on them.

  62. 62
    sally Says:

    Please effect a ban on this pesticide immediately. Human beings rely on bees and this pesticide has been proven to kill them. Surely that is reason enough!

  63. 63
    Shirley Hopkins Says:

    The pesticides need to be banned.It kills bees and we need them to protect our food supply.We need to ban all deadly pesticides

  64. 64
    Heather Creaser Says:

    It seems that there is one issue after the other with our food supply today. If we subject crops to clothianidin and other bee-killing agents, it would be devastating to the survival of bees and the way our crops, among countless other plants, have been pollinated for thousands of years. Perhaps scientists would be able to then rig the plants to pollinate themselves. And the list for altering our natural food supply continues to grow. Then, not only would you be killing the bees and slowly poisoning the human population with pesticides, but then we are dealing with androgenous issues. Sounds crazy right? WE ARE WHAT WE EAT, PEOPLE! PLEASE STOP ABUSING YOUR POWER AND DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF LIVING BREATHING REPRODUCING HUMANS AND THE CIRCLE OF LIFE THAT SUPPORTS US.

  65. 65
    Deana Says:

    Please banned the products that are destoying our bees and enviroment!

  66. 66
    frankie d merrill Says:

    No pesticides

  67. 67
    Cassie Powell Says:

    Please stop using these pesticides!!!!

  68. 68
    Kristina Mazeikiene Says:

    It isn’t killing the bees only. It’s causing imbalance in the surrounding enviroment. It is making our children sick! IS THERE ANYTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN THAT?

  69. 69
    Chris Fleeman Says:

    Without bees, a huge chunk of the food producing plants that grow on this planet will cease to exist. Without those plants, humans will suffer the same fate. There are alternatives to pesticides, there are very few alternatives to bees. Ban these pesticides before its too late.

  70. 70
    charlie Van Riper Says:

    Without bees, a huge chunk of the food producing plants that grow on this planet will cease to exist. Without those plants, humans will suffer the same fate. There are alternatives to pesticides, there are very few alternatives to bees. Ban these pesticides before its too late.

  71. 71
    Dana Slabaugh Says:

    These pesticides are not necessary and cause harm to our Bees, environment ourselves and children. Please think of the importance of our collective future over the special monied interests that are willing to destroy us for profit.

  72. 72
    J. Sullivan Says:

    About 40 percent of the corn produced in America is used to make ethanol. Besides replacing food with fuel, application of harmful pesticides is just another reason why corn derived ethanol should be discontinued.

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