Join Together for Food Security and the Future of Local Organic Farmers

(Beyond Pesticides, January 4, 2021) As we begin the new year, one of the most pervasive problems that our country faces, which has been particularly painful especially during the holiday season, is food insecurity—now affecting 54 million people. Food insecurity in the U.S. is real. As we continue through the dark winter months with the threat of even greater surges in COVID-19, it is important to strengthen those connections that support food security and those who produce our food.
Worldwide, the threats of impending famine have been met by extraordinary responses from countries and private donors. These events are evidence that food shortages are caused by inequities in distribution rather than underproduction, consistent with continuing population growth and contrary to claims by the pesticide industry. Peasant activists Jeongyeol Kim and Pramesh Pokharel argue that the solution to food insecurity is food sovereignty—that a food system depending on big agribusiness and corporations does not support local food production. That food system contributes to food insecurity for both the countries depending on food imports that may not be present is a pandemic and for countries exporting food—whose food supplies may be exported and whose farmers are dependent on income from exports.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our nation’s food supply,” said Senator Corey Booker, who sponsored the Local FARM Act. “Food banks are grappling with greater demand while subsequently facing steep reductions in donations. Farmers have been forced to dump products due to supply-chain disruptions and a resulting lack of access to traditional markets. And corporate agribusiness is proving incapable of maintaining operations in a way that is safe for both workers and our food supply.”
“In response, this legislation strengthens local and regional food systems in order to avoid the harmful supply-chain disruptions stemming from a consolidated market and provides greater choice to those purchasing food to feed their families during this difficult time,” said Senator Booker. “Billions of dollars in farm aid have been made available in response to the current health crisis, but current programs fail to not only fairly compensate farmers from across the economic spectrum, they fail to invest in resilient food systems that could protect the nation’s food supply both now and in a future pandemic. It’s time for that to change.”
“The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has left many small, beginning, and historically underserved producers, including Black, Indigenous, and farmers of color; in a precarious financial situation – especially farmers who have traditionally relied on selling into local and regional markets such schools, institutions, restaurants and farmers markets,” said Wes King, Senior Policy Specialist of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC).
We need to make permanent support for small and medium sized local farmers, building on the Emergency Coronavirus Relief Package. Elements of Local Food Assistance and Resilient Markets Act (the Local FARM Act) must become permanent:
(i) Create specialty crop block grants; (ii) Expand online supplemental nutrition assistance program; (iii) Expand the Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP); and (iv) Expand farm microloans.
According to Eric Deeble, NSAC policy director, “[The Emergency Coronavirus Relief Package] does not do enough to target aid to those producers and families who have been most impacted, and sunsets too soon: all but ensuring advocates will have to return to fight for families again in January.” Mr. Deeble continued, “Even still, it is an important starting point as the new Administration and Congress begin to look beyond emergency response to the longer term work of rebuilding our food and farm system to be more sustainable, must, and equitable for every family.”
In addition to the need for policy reform and in accordance with “Think globally and act locally,” we can help ourselves, our local farmers, and the resilience of the global food system by buying locally-grown organic food directly from the farmer—or with as few intervening steps as possible. Below are some resources that can help.
LocalHarvest provides a connection to community supported agriculture (subscription services), farms, farmers markets, and other local food sources. Eatwild provides a clearinghouse for information about pasture-based farming, with a directory of local farmers in the U.S. and Canada who sell their pastured farm and ranch products directly to consumers. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) maintains a database of local farmers markets. Another step away, there is a listing of cooperative grocery stores at the Cooperative Grocers Network. Winter may not be a good time to grow vegetables in most states, but sprouts and microgreens can be grown anywhere.
Letter to Congress
As we begin the new year, one of the most pervasive problems that our country faces, which has been particularly painful especially during the holiday season, is food insecurity—now affecting 54 million people. Food insecurity in the U.S. is real. As we continue through the dark winter months with the threat of even greater surges in COVID-19, it is important to strengthen those connections that support food security and those who produce our food.
I am writing to ask you to make permanent support for small and medium sized local farmers, building on the Coronavirus Relief Package. Elements of Local Food Assistance and Resilient Markets Act (the Local FARM Act) must become permanent:
(i) Create specialty crop block grants;
(ii) Expand online supplemental nutrition assistance program;
(iii) Expand the Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP); and
(iv) Expand farm microloans.
Worldwide, the threats of impending famine have been met by extraordinary responses from countries and private donors. These events are evidence that food shortages are caused by inequities in distribution rather than underproduction, consistent with continuing population growth and contrary to claims by the pesticide industry. Peasant activists Jeongyeol Kim and Pramesh Pokharel argue that the solution to food insecurity is food sovereignty—that a food system depending on big agribusiness and corporations does not support local food production. That food system contributes to food insecurity for both the countries depending on food imports that may not be present is a pandemic and for countries exporting food—whose food supplies may be exported and whose farmers are dependent on income from exports.
“The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has left many small, beginning, and historically underserved producers, including Black, Indigenous, and farmers of color; in a precarious financial situation – especially farmers who have traditionally relied on selling into local and regional markets such schools, institutions, restaurants and farmers markets,” said Wes King, Senior Policy Specialist of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition.
Please help our local farmers to ensure the availability of food in our communities.
Thank you.