Take More Effective Action! Share Your Challenges & Successes. Hear from Top Cutting-Edge Scientists & Advocates. Sign-Up for the Forum.

(Beyond Pesticides, April 12, 2021) Are you a regular National Pesticide Forum attendee? Have you always wanted to attend, but couldn’t afford the time and money? Are you new to the pesticide issue and want the best introduction, from Pesticides 101 to deep science? Do you want to meet with others who are taking their communities to natural organic land management? Do you want to meet with people doing amazing work across the country who are fighting the climate crisis, biodiversity collapse, and environmental injustice. This is your chance!
This year’s Forum is taking place virtually and will be held over four weeks, one day a week, May 25, June 1, 8, and 15. Plus, there’s a special pre-conference session Pesticide Literacy 101: Truth & Advertising on May 24. What’s more, we have registration options for all budgets.
What’s it all about? Scientific understanding. Collective action. Systemic change. A toxic-free future. Organic transition. The serious and existential environmental and health challenges that we face bring an urgency to the focus of this Forum and the work that is going on in communities around the U.S. and the world. Central to the solution is the elimination of petroleum-based pesticides and fertilizers in exchange for regenerative organic land management and nontoxic materials that stop the harm from toxic chemical production, use, and disposal. We recognize that this is the only way to protect our children and families, those in workplaces, pets, pollinators, and the rich diversity of organisms essential to life.
Who attends? The Forum brings together scientists, policymakers, practitioners, advocates, and activists to elevate with greater clarity the threats associated with environmental decline and collapse and the urgency with which we need to adopt solutions that are within our grasp. We hope you will participate!
While we are celebrating Beyond Pesticides’ 40th anniversary this year, we still have much work to do and you are critical to the successful transition to organic solutions. That’s why we hope you will join us for this important conference! Please take a look at the Forum website, including the stellar list of confirmed speakers (more being added), for more details.
Thanks for being part of the network and for your continued support. We hope to “see” you in May.
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES! Showcase what you’re doing (as a nonprofit, volunteer, or business organization) through our “poster” or “exhibitor” opportunities. Take a look at our sponsorship packages, there’s a cost-effective option for all budgets. If you’d like to discuss a sponsorship, please call 202-543-5450 or send us an email.