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Daily News Blog


Take Action: Help Prevent Species Extinction

(Beyond Pesticides, September 23, 2019)  Your voice is making a difference! Last month, thousands of individuals took action through Beyond Pesticides and other environmental groups to express concern to their federal lawmakers about the Trump Administration’s assault on the Endangered Species Act (ESA). In response, U.S. Representatives Grijalva, Beyer, and Dingell in the House, and Senator Udall in the Senate have introduced the PAW and FIN Conservation Act of 2019. This law will roll back Interior Department regulations that would weaken this landmark law protecting species from extinction.

Tell your member of Congress to co-sponsor the PAW and FIN Conservation Act of 2019!

The PAW and FIN Act reverses rules which will: (i) weaken the consultation process designed to prevent harm to endangered animals and their habitats from federal agency activities; (ii) curtail the designation of critical habitat and weakens the listing process for imperiled species; and (iii) eliminate all protections for wildlife newly designated as “threatened” under the Act.

Biodiversity is under threat in the US and throughout the world. Pollinator declines are well known, and now scientists are indicating we are in the midst of an insect apocalypse.  Declines at the bottom of the food chain are even more concerning given reports of “biological annihilation” and a 6th mass extinction among mammals and other vertebrate species.

Every species very species is like a book in the library of life, and losing a species is like burning that book. It means we will forever miss out, and never truly understand how its story connects with the chronicles of life on Earth. Even obscure or uncharismatic species may hold the key to curing diseases and other medical breakthroughs.

Tell your federal lawmakers to join the fight to protect the Endangered Species Act!

The ESA has helped prevent the extinction of 291 species since it was first passed in 1973; a 99% success rate. It’s critically important that we take action today to keep this effective legislation working.

Please consider following up with a phone call urging your elected official to cosponsor the PAW and FIN Conservation Act.

Letter to Congress

Please help stop the Interior Department’s attacks on the endangered species act by cosponsoring the PAW and FIN Conservation Act of 2019. This legislation, introduced by Representatives Grijalva, Beyer, and Dingell in the House, and Senator Udall in the Senate, will undo regulations intended to gut the letter, spirit, and intent of the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

The new rules announced by the administration this week: (i) weaken the consultation process designed to prevent harm to endangered animals and their habitats from federal agency activities; (ii) curtail the designation of critical habitat and weakens the listing process for imperiled species; and (iii) eliminate all protections for wildlife newly designated as “threatened” under the Act.

Biodiversity is under threat in the US and throughout the world. Pollinator declines are well known, and now scientists are indicating we are in the midst of an insect apocalypse.  Declines at the bottom of the food chain are even more concerning given reports of “biological annihilation” and a 6th mass extinction among mammals and other vertebrate species.

In the face of these declines, it is critical that we protect those already at heightened risk. Every species is like a book in the library of life, and losing a species is like burning that book. It means we will forever miss out, and never truly understand how its story connects with the chronicles of life on Earth. Even obscure or uncharismatic species may hold the key to curing diseases and other medical breakthroughs.

The ESA has helped prevent the extinction of 291 species since it was first passed in 1973; a 99% success rate. It’s critically important that we take action today to keep this effective legislation working. Please become a cosponsor of the PAW and FIN Conservation Act.

Thank you.



3 Responses to “Take Action: Help Prevent Species Extinction”

  1. 1
    Denise Hosta Says:

    We need to protect our endangered species. This should be a top priority along with our climate change. We are here to protect our Mother Earth. These animals are a part of it. God trusted us to keep his Earth and animals alive. Let’s do this!!!

  2. 2
    Blaine Malquist Says:

    Please protect endangered species from all the poisons being used and protect all the people who are getting sick and dying from exposure to toxic chemicals (pesticides and herbicides and cloud seeding chemicals)

  3. 3
    Beryl Ludwig Says:

    Please stop using pesticides that kill off bees and other pollinators and harm animals and humans.0

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