Archive for the 'Imidacloprid' Category
(Beyond Pesticides, February 25, 2025) A literature review of over 90 scientific articles in Agriculture documents microplasticsâ (MPs) increase in the bioavailability, persistence, and toxicity of pesticides used in agriculture. The interactions between MPs and pesticides enhance the threat of pesticide exposure to nontarget organisms, perpetuates the cycle of toxic chemical use, and decreases soil health that is vital for productivity. âThe increasing presence of MPs in agricultural ecosystems has raised concerns about their impact on pesticide bioavailability, efficacy, and environmental behavior,â says study author Kuok Ho Daniel Tang, PhD, a global professor in the Department of Environmental Science at the University of Arizona. He continues, âThese synthetic particles interact with pesticides through adsorption and desorption processes, altering their distribution, persistence, toxicity, and uptake by plants and other organisms.â Microplastics in the Environment As Beyond Pesticides has previously reported, microplastics are ubiquitous and threaten not only human health but all wildlife in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The universal distribution of plastics means that they cannot be avoided. Humans and other organisms take up plastics in the form of microparticles and nanoparticles by inhalation, ingestion, and skin contact every day. Microplastics are about the width of a human hair; nanoplastics […]
Posted in Agriculture, Alternatives/Organics, Atrazine, Azoxystrobin, Biosolids, Carbendazim, Chlorpyrifos, Imidacloprid, Metolachlor, Myclobutanil, National Organic Standards Board/National Organic Program, neonicotinoids, Oxidative Stress, Persistence, Pesticide Efficacy, Plastic, pyraclostrobin, simazine, soil health, synergistic effects, tebuconazole | 1 Comment »
(Beyond Pesticides, February 11, 2025) In a Science of The Total Environment study, scientists test over 100 blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) and great tit (Parus major) birdsâ nests for pesticide residues in comparison with the number of dead offspring and unhatched eggs within the nest. Fur-lined nests, from animals treated with ectoparasitic chemicals, expose birds to compounds that can impact reproductive success. The authors found fipronil, a phenyl pyrazole insecticide, in all nests, with the majority also containing the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid and synthetic pyrethroid insecticide permethrin. The data shows higher insecticide levels are linked to increased offspring mortality and threaten biodiversity. This study highlights an important exposure route that is overlooked. âAlthough not all bird species use fur for nest building, a substantial number do, especially cavity-nesting species,â the researchers share. âPrevious research found that 74% of studied woodland bird species in central Europe incorporated fur into their nests.â Many bird species in the U.S. also line their nests with fur, such as black-capped chickadees, tufted titmice, and chipping sparrows. While there is a wide body of science showing reproductive effects from pesticides, the researchers highlight the studyâs novel design, saying, âTo the best of our knowledge, no previous […]
Posted in Birds, cypermethrin, Death, dinotefuron, Ecosystem Services, Fipronil, Imidacloprid, neonicotinoids, Permethrin, Pesticide Residues, Pets, pyrethroids, Reproductive Health, Synthetic Pyrethroid, Wildlife/Endangered Sp. | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, February 5, 2025) A study in PLOS One finds acute and chronic impacts of nontarget toxicity on the American burying beetle, Nicrophorus americanus, with neonicotinoid insecticide exposure. In assessing environmentally relevant concentrations of the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid with N. americanus, the researchers note both mortality and behavioral effects that leave the species at high risk of predation. These effects mean the American burying beetle âmay be at greater risk to insecticide exposure than previously thought and vulnerable to episodic, low-dose neonicotinoid exposure,â the authors say. This data sheds important light on a species that has been listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as threatened. Burying beetles provide important ecosystem services within the environment such as âburying carrion, increasing available nutrients in soil, and expediting carrion decomposition, while acting as a food source for secondary consumers,â the researchers state. (See more on ecosystem services and beneficial insects here, here, and here.) The N. americanus species are habitat generalists and can be found in grasslands, wet meadows, and forested areas that neighbor agricultural lands and introduce the beetles to pesticide drift and soil residues. While acute and chronic effects vary in duration and severity, pesticide exposure resulting […]
Posted in behavioral and cognitive effects, Beneficials, Death, Ecosystem Services, Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), Imidacloprid, Pesticide Drift, Pesticide Residues, Wildlife/Endangered Sp. | 1 Comment »
(Beyond Pesticides, January 31, 2025) A recent cross-sectional study in Heliyon highlights the link between sleep disorders in Thai farmers and pesticide exposure. The authors find pesticide exposure as an important risk factor for sleep disorders after surveying 27,334 farmers over the age of 20 who had work experience for at least five years. The importance of sleep health is reflected both physically and mentally, as studies find âsleep deficiency increase[s] mortality and various health complications, including hypertension, obesity and type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, mood disorders, and neurodegenerative disorder.â Additional studies find that these issues are compounded when sleep health is affected by environmental factors such as pesticide exposure. (See previous Beyond Pesticidesâ coverage here and here.) The researchers report: âThe study found a positive association of 19 individual pesticides (twelve insecticides, two herbicides, and five fungicides). Some associations demonstrated a dose-response pattern. Additionally, the study revealed that women are at a higher risk of sleep-related issues with pesticide exposure compared to males. These results not only substantiate existing literature but also unveil several new individual pesticides that may impact sleep health.â Focusing on study participants in Thailand, which is âcharacterized by heavy pesticide use and minimal protective measures, […]
Posted in Benomyl, Brain Effects, Carbaryl, Carbendazim, Carbofuran, Chlordane, Chlorpyrifos, copper sulfate, DDT, Diuron, Endosulfan, Farmworkers, Imidacloprid, Metalaxyl, Methamidophos, Methomyl, Mevinphos, Occupational Health, Paraquat, Sleep Disorders | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, January 30, 2025) A research article in Biology Letters, published by The Royal Society, finds that the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid disrupts survival and reproductive patterns in Bombus impatiens bumblebees. The study adds to the wide body of science highlighting how exposure to pesticides âcan result in immediate mortality or cause long-term detrimental effects on pollinators‘ health, lifespan and reproductive success,â the authors state. The researchers performed two experiments to assess the effects of various concentrations of imidacloprid, one of which focuses on bees during diapause, a period of dormancy. âWild bees, which provide the majority of pollination services worldwide, undergo an annual life cycle that includes a winter diapause, that can span over 75% of their life cycle and during which their metabolism, growth and development are halted,â the authors note. They continue: âThe time spent in diapause can have lasting effects on pollinator fitness and their ability to establish nests or colonies in the following spring. This period is especially critical for social bee colonies, which are founded by a single queen after diapause and play a vital role in large-scale pollination.â Exposure to pesticides during diapause can occur while bee species overwinter in contaminated soils. In […]
Posted in Beneficials, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Imidacloprid, neonicotinoids, Pollinators, Reproductive Health | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, January 16, 2025) In Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, researchers highlight a multitude of studies on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and endocrine disrupting pesticides (EDPs) showing epigenetic effects from exposure. These EDCs imitate the action of endocrine hormones and lead to gene damage and multigenerational adverse effects to health. âThese chemicals can interfere with the normal functioning of target tissues by altering their response to hormonal signals, thereby affecting various physiological processes including reproduction, development, the nervous system, the immune system, and even the process of carcinogenesis [causing cancer],â according to the authors from Hebei Agricultural University and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Â In causing epigenetic modifications, the authors describe that EDCs can create changes âat the nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (nDNA and mtDNA) or RNA levels, without changing the underlying DNA sequence. These alterations modify the structure or conformation of DNA, influencing gene expression and, consequently, cellular function.â They continue, âThe mechanisms of epigenetics include changes in DNA methylation, chromatin modifications and the involvement of certain noncoding RNAs.â In reviewing over 80 studies on EDCs, predominantly fluorinated compounds such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), the researchers provide a summary of linkages between pesticide exposure and the […]
Posted in Body Burden, Cyfluthrin, DDT, Endocrine Disruption, Endosulfan, Epigenetic, Fipronil, Glyphosate, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), Imidacloprid, Metolachlor, PFAS, Sulfoxaflor, Trifluralin | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, December 19, 2024) As The New York Times reported last month, the government in South Africa declared a national emergencyâ23 children died and nearly 900 people were sickened from pesticide poisoning in Johannesburgâs Soweto township. The illnesses and fatalities have been traced to small amounts of highly neurotoxic pesticides, including the insecticides terbufos and aldicarb, found in local food items. These chemicals, described by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa as âstreet pesticides,â are being increasingly used (legally and illegally) for pest infestations in the townships and informal settlements of South Africaâs poorest communities, where poverty and inadequate waste collection exacerbates the pest management challenges. Without formal electricity, running water, or municipal garbage collection, many residents rely on highly toxic pesticides for pest infestations in their homes and makeshift markets, resulting in food inadvertently being contaminated with pesticides. The announcement highlights the dangers of allowing these highly toxic agricultural chemicals to be used in farming, with tragic consequences for vulnerable communities when they are diverted for use in urban settings. This tragic situation also draws attention to the elevated threat that pesticides pose when stringent enforcement mechanisms are not in place to ensure compliance with pesticide restrictions, even with […]
Posted in Agriculture, Aldicarb, Bayer, Children, contamination, Death, Environmental Justice, Farmworkers, Food Borne Illness, Imidacloprid, Monsanto, organophosphate, Paraquat, Pesticide Regulation, Pests, Poisoning, Rodenticide, Rodents, terbufos, thiacloprid, Uncategorized, United Nations | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, December 18, 2024) A bombshell investigation conducted by Canadaâs National Observer finds that Bayer, which acquired the Monsanto chemical company in 2018, colluded with environmental and public health regulators in Canada to obstruct a proposed neonicotinoid insecticide ban originally introduced in 2018. Advocates were stunned back in 2021 when Canadaâs Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA)âthe Canadian counterpart to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)âreversed its decision to phase out imidacloprid, clothianidin, and thiamethoxam by 2023. The weaponization of scientific institutions and regulatory processes is commonplace in the U.S. context, with U.S. Right to Know publishing a report earlier this year on the corrupting impact of pesticide manufacturers at the Entomological Society of America 2023 annual meeting. (See Daily News here.) There are numerous Office of Inspector General (OIG) reports signaling EPA corruption and failures, including persisting industry influence in the cancer risk assessment process, inadequate leadership in addressing community harms of a former creosote-treated wood preservative plant turned Superfund site in Pensacola, Florida, and failure to protect the public from endocrine-disrupting chemicals, to name several examples. In a recent press release, the David Suzuki Foundation, alongside numerous medical, legal, and civil society organizations, is calling on Health Canada […]
Posted in acetamiprid, Bayer, Canada, Clothianidin, Health Canada, Imidacloprid, Monsanto, neonicotinoids, Pesticide Regulation, thiacloprid, Thiamethoxam, Uncategorized | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, December 17, 2024) A systematic review of studies on pesticides as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on body weight, published in Biomedicines, evaluates 36 clinical and preclinical studies and links their agricultural use to obesity. The authors, with the lead researchers from the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at Catholic University of Valencia San Vincente, Valencia, Spain, assess studies on a range of pesticides, including organophosphates, pyrethroids, neonicotinoids, and others. In addition to concluding that the EDCs promote obesity, they report that the chemicals cause âother anthropometric changes by altering lipid and glucose metabolism, modifying genes, or altering hormone levels such as leptin.â Endocrine disruption and obesity are public health concerns, and there is a wide body of science linking pesticide exposure to these effects (see more here). âObesity is considered to be a worldwide pandemic that leads to an increase in medical costs and thus becomes a public health problem,â the researchers share. They continue, â[Obesity] is also associated with the increased production of environmental chemicals, also called environmental obesogens, used mainly in agriculture, as disease vector control, helping to prevent harmful effects caused by fungi, bacteria, or even pests, using pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides, or endocrine disruptors […]
Posted in 2,4-D, acetamiprid, Benomyl, Bifenthrin, Carbamates, Carbendazim, Chlorpyrifos, Clothianidin, cypermethrin, Dicamba, Diuron, Endocrine Disruption, Fenoxycarb, Fipronil, Fungicides, Glyphosate, Imidacloprid, Isoxafutole, Malathion, mancozeb, Maneb, neonicotinoids, Obesity, organophosphate, Permethrin, Synthetic Pyrethroid, Thiamethoxam | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, December 12, 2024) A literature review of 161 articles in Discover Toxicology finds that pesticides with different mechanisms of action cause memory and learning impairments. These effects are noted in nontarget species including humans. Pesticide â[e]xposure during development, as well as chronic environmental and occupational exposure, can contribute to decreased cognitive performance,â the researchers say. With a focus on organophosphate pesticides, synthetic pyrethroids, and neonicotinoid insecticides, the authors highlight neurological impacts. Both learning and memory are crucial for the survival of many species. “Considering the importance of learning and memory for human and non-human animal behavior and the growing association between pesticide exposure and cognitive impairment, the aim of this review was to describe the studies showing the impact of pesticide exposure on memory and learning abilities in nontarget species, providing evidence of the impact of pesticides in central nervous system function,â the researchers state. The 161 articles included in the review were identified through database searches in PubMed/Medline and Scielo. The authors note, âInclusion criteria for article selection included all articles published in English between 2015 and 2024 containing original studies in animals or humans with single or multiple pesticides exposure.â The articles consist of 132 preclinical […]
Posted in behavioral and cognitive effects, Bifenthrin, Brain Effects, Carbamates, Children, Chlorpyrifos, Clothianidin, Cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Diazinon, Farmworkers, Flumethrin, Glyphosate, Imidacloprid, Learning Disabilities, Malathion, mancozeb, neonicotinoids, organophosphate, Oxidative Stress, Permethrin, Pollinators, pyrethroids, Synthetic Pyrethroid, thiacloprid, Thiamethoxam | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, December 10, 2024) Scientists from the Engineering Research Center of Protection and Utilization of Plant Resources at Shenyang Agricultural University in China reveal adverse effects of imidacloprid on soil communities in a study published in Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. The researchers highlight risks to nematodes from imidacloprid exposure in maize soil, as well as potential resistance mechanisms that impact not only nematode populations but also overall soil health. Maize, or corn, a productive crop grown worldwide, is a source of food and biofuel. In assessing the soil and species in maize fields after exposure to imidacloprid at various concentrations, the study researchers assess the impact of neonicotinoid insecticides on nontarget organisms and the health of soil communities. The assessment includes an evaluation of nematodesâ survival, growth, reproduction, and chemotaxis/locomotion behavior. With a statistical analysis of lipid and lipofuscin accumulation, acetylcholinesterase (an enzyme necessary for neurotransmission) activity, and gene expression levels, the study results show that imidacloprid induces: significantly reduced abundance and diversity of nematode species. negative effects on body length, reproduction, locomotion, lipid accumulation, lipofuscin accumulation, and acetylcholinesterase activity in Caenorhabditis elegans ( elegans). the upregulation of gpa-1, cyp-35a2, fat-2, fat-6, hsp-16.41, and hsp-16.2, along with the downregulation […]
Posted in Beneficials, Biodiversity, Biological Control, Ecosystem Services, Epigenetic, Imidacloprid, Metabolites, Microbiata, Microbiome, Nematodes, Pesticide Residues, Resistance, soil health, Soil microbiome | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, November 5, 2024) Published in the journal Frontiers in Toxicology, a recent study uncovers serious flaws in the pesticide registration process at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with an in-depth evaluation of the agencyâs failure to protect the public from the harmful effects of five neonicotinoid (neonic) insecticidesâas mandated by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and amendments, including Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996. This coincides with EPA’s ongoing review to renew their approval for the next 15 years (set to be announced in 2025). The report is based on the first comprehensive assessment of unpublished rodent-based Developmental Neurotoxicity (DNT) studies, conducted between 2000-2003 and submitted by pesticide manufacturers as part of the registration process. All five neonicotinoids evaluatedâacetamiprid, clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiacloprid, and thiamethoxamâare associated with significant shrinkage of brain tissue at the highest dosage, according to EPA data reports (see acetamiprid, clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiacloprid, and thiamethoxam). However, with little or no data regarding the chemicalsâ impacts at low and mid-level dosages, EPA has either failed to find a âNo Observed Adverse Effect Levelâ (NOAEL) or, seemingly at random, set the NOAEL at the mid-level dosage. The evaluation suggests that perinatal exposure to […]
Posted in acetamiprid, behavioral and cognitive effects, Brain Effects, Children, Clothianidin, Developmental Disorders, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Epigenetic, Imidacloprid, Learning Disabilities, Pesticide Regulation, Reproductive Health, thiacloprid, Thiamethoxam, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
(Beyond Pesticides, September 18, 2024) A literature review in Trends in Analytical Chemistry analyzes scientific articles from the last ten years from around the globe that identify more than 300 pesticides in bee pollen. Bee pollen, often used as an edible dietary supplement, is not regulated for pesticide residues, which sparks concern for human exposure due to contamination with pesticides, heavy metals, metalloids, and mycotoxins. âBee pollen is a food supplement that is receiving increasing attention for its nutraceutical and therapeutic properties. However, several uncertainties on the safety of this beekeeping product still exist. The present work addressed this issue through the critical evaluation of 61 studies, published over the 2014â2024 period,â the Spanish authors state. Bee pollen is produced by honey bees. After they forage on flowers and gather pollen on their hind legs (in pollen baskets or corbiculae) to transport back to the hive, it is moistened with nectar and salivary secretions to create bee pollen in the form of pellets. While the composition of bee pollen can vary between geographical locations with different flowers, the studies reviewed all utilize mass spectrometry to pinpoint pesticides, as well as mycotoxins (created by naturally occurring mold spores), that threaten human […]
Posted in amitraz, Beneficials, Carbendazim, Chlorpyrifos, Clothianidin, contamination, Coumaphos, Dimethoate, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), fluvalinate, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Imidacloprid, Metabolites, Methomyl, Pesticide Regulation, Pesticide Residues, Pollinators, Propargite, Thiamethoxam, US Department of Agriculture (USDA) | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, June 21, 2024) A recent review of the scientific literature, published in Science of The Total Environment, analyzes multiple species of bees on a molecular level to better understand the poisoning mechanisms that could, as the authors see it, inform chemical risk assessments with more precision. The mechanisms âimplicated in the tolerance of bees to specific pesticides, and thus as determinants of insecticide sensitivity, … include metabolic detoxification, insecticide target proteins, the insect cuticle and bee gut microbiota,â the authors write. This review references more than 90 studies performed over the last 30+ years, with most being published in the last 5-10 years, as the understanding and importance of molecular determinants of bee sensitivity has emerged. Pollinators, such as bees, provide crucial ecosystem services by pollinating both wild plants and essential crops. The exposure these insects are subjected to threatens their existence, which occurs through pesticide contamination that can lead to impacts on growth and development or even colony collapse. Â Â âWhile bees have only been exposed to human-made pesticides over the recent past (last 80 years) they have co-evolved with plants and fungi which produce a range of xenobiotics, including plant allelochemicals and mycotoxins,â the authors state. […]
Posted in acetamiprid, chemical sensitivity, Ecosystem Services, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), fluvalinate, Imidacloprid, Pollinators, thiacloprid | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, June 12, 2024) A study of pesticide contaminated algae finds that the disruption of algal communities has a devastating effect on the health of the aquatic food web. The study findings show that contact with pesticides can result in changes to âalgal physiology, causing tissue injury, developmental delay, genotoxicity, procreative disruption, and tissue biomagnificationâ that alters the dominance of algae species in the environment. This in turn âcan impact higher trophic levels and have a domino effect on the aquatic food web. It is possible for biodiversity to disappear, reducing ecosystem stability and resistance to environmental alterations,â the authors state. The study, a worldwide literature review conducted by researchers from India, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia, appears in Aquatic Toxicology. The health of aquatic ecosystems is at risk with indirect effects on nontarget species from pesticides in the environment. This includes impacts on species of fish, invertebrates, microbial communities, and marine mammals. In explaining the importance of extensively studying effects of pesticides, the researchers note, âDifferent pesticide classes have different chemical structures, which define their modes of action and affect how they interact with both target and nontarget organisms.â Because of this, the range of effects seen from […]
Posted in Aquatic Organisms, Atrazine, Bifenthrin, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, fish, Glyphosate, Herbicides, Imidacloprid, Oceans, Water, Wildlife/Endangered Sp. | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, May 16, 2024) In a recent study at the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Ulm University in Germany, published in Current Research in Toxicology, scientists exposed embryos of South African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) to three neonicotinoids (NEOs), which led to developmental effects down to a molecular level. These frogs are a well-established model species often used in ecotoxicology studies as bioindicators for overall environmental and ecosystem health. When amphibian species like Xenopus laevis are exposed to contaminants in the water, it leads to negative impacts in the food chain and harms biodiversity. The study concludes that exposure to NEOs directly or through contaminated water leaves entire ecosystems vulnerable. Â Â The NEOs that the embryos were subjected to include imidacloprid (IMD), thiamethoxam (TMX), and its metabolite clothianidin (CLO). NEOs are a class of insecticides that target the central nervous system of insects and lead to death. These insecticides pose a potential hazard to nontarget organisms, such as animals and humans, since they are persistent in the environment and âare found in natural waters as well as in tap water and human urine in regions where NEOs are widely used,â this study states. The authors continue by […]
Posted in Aquatic Organisms, Biodiversity, Clothianidin, Imidacloprid, Thiamethoxam, Water | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, April 11, 2024) Scientists are moving forward in testing an agroecological method of âpush-pullâ pest management (reducing the attractiveness of the target organism and luring pest insects towards a trap) to fight the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) in Florida orange groves, as it spreads a plant disease known as the pathogenic bacteria huanglongbing (HLB), also known as citrus greening, which is deadly to citrus trees. The disease is spread by the pathogenic bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas). Â The chemical-intensive, or conventional, citrus industry is under intense pressure to find alternatives, as synthetic antibiotic use for this purpose has been successfully challenged in court. ACP is the carrier, or vector, for HLB, spreading it through the citrus groves and killing the trees. The chemical-intensive industry has focused on using antibiotics, which the environmental and public health community has rejected because of serious medical concerns associated with life-threatening bacterial resistance to antibiotics used to protect humans. A federal district court decision in December 2023 found illegal the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencyâs (EPA) decision to register the antibiotic streptomycin in Florida citrus without adequate review of its impact on endangered species. The streptomycin lawsuit, filed in 2021 by a coalition of […]
Posted in Agriculture, Aldicarb, Alternatives/Organics, Antibiotic, Antibiotic Resistance, Aphids, Biological Control, California, Chlorpyrifos, citrus greening--Huanglongbing (HLB), Ecosystem Services, Endocrine Disruption, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Florida, Herbicides, Imidacloprid, Integrated and Organic Pest Management, IQ Loss, Learning Disabilities, Liver Damage, National Organic Standards Board/National Organic Program, neonicotinoids, NOSB National Organic Standards Board, Organic Foods Production Act OFPA, Pests, Reproductive Health, streptomycin, Thyroid Disease, Uncategorized, Uncle Matt's Organic, US Department of Agriculture (USDA) | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, March 15, 2024) Toxic pesticides harm all beings and ecosystems, including coral reefs. Large benthic foraminifera (LBF) are single-celled organisms found on reefs that face adverse metabolic impacts after exposure to the weed killer glyphosate and insecticide imidacloprid, according to a study published in Marine Pollution Bulletin. The study found that âeven the lowest doses of the fungicide and herbicide caused irreparable damage to the foraminifera and their symbionts.â Beyond Pesticides reiterates our mission of banning toxic petrochemical pesticides by 2032 and that this goal applies to land and water exposure to pesticides. LBFs are typically used as bioindicators for coral health because they are found in substantial quantities and gathering data is not intrusive or damaging to reef health. Researchers in this study screened three different herbicides (one insecticide, one fungicide, and one herbicide) at three different concentration levels. The experiments were performed in six well-samples, each with 10mL of filtered artificial seawater and a singular LBF. The control plates are artificial seawater and the experimental plates include artificial seawater with the addition of three pesticides (imidacloprid, glyphosate, and tebuconazole). Each pesticide was applied at low, medium, and high doses to measure the direct impacts of each […]
Posted in Aquatic Organisms, Glyphosate, Imidacloprid, Oceans, tebuconazole, Uncategorized, Water | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, March 11, 2024) Inside a recent disagreement between the Office of the Inspector (OIG) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencyâs (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) on the agencyâs review of pet flea and tick collarsâleading to thousands of deaths and poisoningsâis a basic question of the adequacy of pesticide regulation. The disagreement is over the cause of 105,354 incident reports, including 3,000 pet deaths and nearly 900 reports of human injury, and the February 2025 OIG reportâs conclusion that â[EPA] has not provided assurance that they can be used without posing unreasonable adverse effects to the environment, including pets.” While the disagreement focuses on a number of EPA process failures, Beyond Pesticides urges that the findings advance the need for the agency to address a key element of chemical mixtures in pesticide products not currently evaluated, potential synergistic effectsâthe increased toxic potency created by pesticide and chemical combinations not captured by assessing product ingredients individually. Key to the dispute is what many see as a foundational failure of EPA to evaluate the effect of pesticide mixtures and full formulations of pesticide end products, a longstanding criticism of the agencyâs pesticide registration process, which focuses on pesticide productsâ active […]
Posted in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Flumethrin, Imidacloprid, synergistic effects, Synthetic Pyrethroids, Uncategorized | 11 Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, March 6, 2024) With over 2,500 pet deaths and 900 reports of adverse effects to people, an Office of Inspector General (OIG) report, published on February 29, 2024, reveals multiple systemic failures by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencyâs (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), citing inadequate safety reviews of Seresto pet collars. The report, The EPA Needs to Determine Whether Seresto Pet Collars Pose an Unreasonable Risk to Pet Health, concludes, âThe EPAâs response to reported pesticide incidents involving Seresto pet collars has not provided assurance that they can be used without posing unreasonable adverse effects to the environment, including pets.â At the time the animal effects made headlines in 2021, the agency defended the productâs registration, telling the media that, despite these incidents, EPA deemed Seresto collars ââeligible for continued registrationâ based on best available science, including incident data… No pesticide is completely without harm, but EPA ensures that there are measures on the product label that reduce risk.ââŻDespite the scathing criticism, EPA maintains the position that it conducted an adequate review of the two active insecticide ingredients in the pet collarsâthe neurotoxic insecticideâŻflumethrin, and the notorious neonicotinoidâŻimidaclopridâproven to have adverse effects on the endocrine system as […]
Posted in Bayer, behavioral and cognitive effects, Children, Elanco, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Fleas, Flumethrin, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Groundwater, Imidacloprid, Mosquitoes, Pesticide Regulation, Pets, Repellent, Seresto, synergistic effects, Synthetic Pyrethroids, Ticks, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, January 25, 2024) Legislative efforts to curtail some life-threatening pesticides associated with birds and bees (and other pollinators) decline were weakened in New York State at the end of December 2023 as the governor negotiated and stripped elements of a bill relating to agriculture that had passed the legislatureâagain illustrating the grip of the agrichemical industry on public policy intended to begin to address the crisis in ecosystem collapse. (See âStudy Cites Insect Extinction and Ecological Collapse.â) In passing the Birds and Bees Protection Act, New York joined New Jersey, Nevada, and Maine in banning most nonagricultural uses of neonicotinoid (neonic) insecticides, but, in last-minute changes to avoid the governorâs veto, failed to phase out corn, soybean, and wheat seeds coated with these chemicals. [Pointing to an exemption in federal law that has been challenged by advocates, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not regulate treated or coated seeds as pesticides despite their toxic pesticidal properties.] In New York State, the governor can, in consultation with the leadership of the legislative branch, negotiate language changes (called Chapter Amendments)Â in legislature-passed legislation (originally enacted) before deciding to sign it into law or can simply choose to veto the legislation. […]
Posted in acetamiprid, Agriculture, Alternatives/Organics, Birds, Clothianidin, dinotefuron, Disease/Health Effects, Drinking Water, Ecosystem Services, Emergency Exemption, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Imidacloprid, Integrated and Organic Pest Management, Lawns/Landscapes, Maine, Minnesota, neonicotinoids, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Pesticide Efficacy, Pesticide Regulation, Pollinators, Seeds, Thiamethoxam, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, December 8, 2023) Nine pesticides have been found in nearly 40% of nonorganic conventional baby foods tested, according to a study conducted by Environmental Working Group (EWG). The study found no residues of the pesticides studied in a sample of certified organic baby food. While the study finds no traces of the highly neurotoxic insecticide chlorpyrifos, associated with brain damage in children, the chemical has been allowed back on the agricultural market after being removed in 2021âraising an alarm for parents who purchase baby food with ingredients grown in chemical-intensive (âconventionalâ) agriculture. In November 2023, a three-judge panel of the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a 2021 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decision to ban chlorpyrifosâ agricultural uses, which came after a 2021 Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision found that the agencyâs inaction violated federal pesticide law. Because of its neurotoxic effects on children, EPA had in 2000 negotiated Dow Chemicalâs voluntary cancellation of most residential uses of the chemical, but left virtually all of the chemicalâs agricultural uses in place. While the EWG study focuses on pesticide residues in food and the hazards associated with ingestion of dangerous chemicals, raising alarms, purchasing baby food processed with nonorganic […]
Posted in acetamiprid, Agriculture, Alternatives/Organics, Chemicals, fludioxonil, Imidacloprid, Methoxyfenozide, National Organic Standards Board/National Organic Program, Propiconazole, pyrimethanil, Uncategorized | No Comments »
(Beyond Pesticides, October 17, 2023) In the past month, Paris, France has witnessed a surge in bed bug populations. From public transportation to hotels, hostels, and movie theatres, bed bugs are posing a threat to the cityâs two million residents and potentially a broader global population as the infestation spreads.  This resurgence of bed bugs in Paris is not unique. For centuries, these pests have been both adaptable and persistent, presenting an enduring challenge to pest control. However, the current surge in bed bug infestations is not merely a revival of a longstanding problem; it is a complex issue intertwined with the development of resistance to insecticides, mainly through a mechanism known as knockdown resistance. This mechanism, along with three other main resistance mechanisms, has enabled these insects to defy chemical-intensive control methods Knockdown resistance is a significant factor contributing to the resistance exhibited by bed bugs to insecticides, especially pyrethroids. The mechanism plays a central role in countering the action of these insecticides, which target the nervous system of bed bugs, causing paralysis and eventual death. Knockdown resistance provides the genetic adaptation that provides bed bug populations with resistance to insecticides. It inhibits the effectiveness of certain insecticides. Bed […]
Posted in acetamiprid, Bedbugs, Imidacloprid, Integrated and Organic Pest Management, Synthetic Pyrethroids, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »