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Celebrate National Healthy Schools Day, Stop Hazardous Pesticide Use at Schools

(Beyond Pesticides, April 27, 2009) Spurred by widespread concerns about children’s environmental health in schools, an array of government entities and child health advocates are celebrating National Healthy Schools Day today with nearly forty activities planned in twenty-one states and Canada. National Healthy Schools Day, coordinated by the Healthy Schools Network, is a day to promote and celebrate healthy school environments that are conducive to learning and protect occupant health. Beyond Pesticides, a co-sponsor of National Healthy Schools Day, asks schools to immediately stop using hazardous pesticides in school buildings and on school grounds and use alternative, non-toxic methods for preventing and managing pests.

“We’re proud to join so many dedicated partners in sponsoring National Healthy Schools Day,†said Lisa Jackson, U.S. EPA Administrator. “EPA’s mission is to protect the American public where they live, work and play — and that certainly includes protecting children where they learn. Our nation’s children, parents, and educators deserve to know that their schools provide a safe and healthy environment. We encourage everyone concerned about healthy schools to use National Healthy Schools Day as a spring board to improve our school environment both indoors and out.”

The vulnerability of infants and children to the harmful effects of pesticides has attracted national attention over the last decade. Schools from across the country document a growing trend to adopt safer pest management strategies that dramatically reduce pesticides in the schools, providing children with a healthier learning environment. Schools that have chosen to adopt such strategies, such as an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, use alternatives to the prevailing chemical-intensive practices because of the health risk such practices pose to children and other school users. A comprehensive IPM program is proven to be cost effective and yield better pest control results.

“There is no reason to expose our children to hazardous pesticides,†said Jay Feldman, executive director of Beyond Pesticides, in the Safer Schools report. “The tools and experience are available to ensure a safe school environment for children.â€

In absence of a federal law, such as the proposed School Environment Protection Act (SEPA), some states and local school districts have attempted to provide children the protection they need from hazardous chemical exposure while at school, yet the level of protection is uneven and inadequate across the country, with the majority of children left unprotected. SEPA would provide basic levels of protection for children and school staff from the use of pesticides in public school buildings and on school grounds by requiring schools implement an IPM program, establishing a list of least-toxic pesticides to be used as a last resort, and requiring notification provisions when pesticides are used.

According to Beyond Pesticides research on state pesticide laws:
* 21 states recommend or require schools to use IPM;
* 15 states restrict when or what pesticide may be applied in schools;
* 17 states require posting of signs for indoor school pesticide applications;
* 26 states require posting of signs for pesticide application made on school grounds;
* 23 states require prior written notification to students, parents, or staff before a pesticide application is made to schools; and
* 7 states recognize the importance of controlling drift by restricting pesticide applications in areas neighboring a school.

Although these laws are instrumental in improving protections, for a state to truly protect children from pests and toxic pesticide exposure, schools must adopt a comprehensive IPM program that includes organic land management, bans the use of toxic pesticides for aesthetic purposes, and prohibits the use of hazardous pesticides, such as probable, possible or known carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, reproductive toxins, developmental toxins, neurotoxins, and toxicity category I and II pesticides. The least toxic pesticide should only be used as a last resort after non-chemical strategies have been tried.

In the U.S., there are approximately 54 million children and seven million adults in the nation’s 120,000 public and private schools. Recent peer-reviewed, published reports have found that healthy environments can reduce asthma and upper respiratory infections among school children, as well as promote personnel health, safety and productivity, and improve achievement. Asthma is the leading cause of school absenteeism due to chronic illness and a leading occupational disease of custodians and teachers. Healthy indoor environments are also associated with improvements in children’s learning and behavior, and therefore can yield even greater benefits and savings than energy efficiencies alone. EPA has estimated that up to half of all schools may have problems with indoor air quality.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2005, “Acute Illnesses Associated with Pesticide Exposure at Schools,†finds that students and school employees are being poisoned by pesticide use at schools and from drift off of neighboring farmlands. The study, which analyzes 2593 poisonings from 1998 to 2002, finds incident rates overall of 7.4 cases per million children and 27.3 cases per million employees, while the authors conclude, “[T]hese results should be considered low estimates of the magnitude of the problem because many cases of pesticide poisoning are likely not reported to surveillance systems or poisoning control centers.†The authors recommend that strategies be adopted to reduce the use of pesticides at school and reduce drift.

TAKE ACTION: Be a part of National Healthy Schools Day, encourage your school to adopt safer pest management practices. Start by finding out about your school’s pest management/pesticide policy. Where a policy already exists, make sure that it is being enforced. If your school doesn’t have a policy in place, Beyond Pesticides can work with you and your school to ensure children are protected. School administrators will be more conscious of their pest management program if they know parents are concerned and tracking their program. For more information see Beyond Pesticides Children and Schools program page or contact Beyond Pesticides at [email protected].



California Allows More Emissions From Fumigants

(Beyond Pesticides, April 24, 2009) The California Department of Pesticide Regulation this week finalized looser pesticide rules that will allow more emissions from soil fumigant pesticides. Environmental activists are alarmed that this new ruling will only serve to slow efforts to clean the smoggy air in California’s Central Valley.

This regulatory action revises the total pesticide emission benchmarks in the Sacramento Metro, San Joaquin Valley, South Coast, Southeast Desert, and Ventura areas. The ruling is a victory for chemical-intensive farmers, who fear that stricter limits would force some growers to stop using pesticides. Pesticides, especially soil fumigants, which are injected into soil to kill pests by releasing toxic gases, contribute to about 6% of the smog problem in the Valley, according to state figures. According to the state’s Department of Pesticides Regulation, the looser limit will still “meet our obligation to reduce pesticide emissions, but do so in a way that avoids placing an unreasonable or disproportionate burden on fumigant pesticide users.” For the San Joaquin Valley for example, the rule sets the emissions limit at 18.1 tons per day, 2.1 tons higher than what activists wanted. The regulations cover the prime growing season of May 1 though October 31 and cover smog-making gases, called volatile organic compounds, emitted by many pesticides, especially fumigants.

However, Alegría De La Cruz, an attorney with the Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment said that the department “claims that this is not a big deal because it’s such a small amount, but this, from our perspective, is not making good on a promise that they made to Valley residents to protect [their] health.” The center is considering filing a lawsuit to change the rules.

In 2006, a federal judge ruled that the pesticide department ignored clean-air laws and ordered regulations that would cut pesticide emissions in the valley by 20% from 1991 levels. But in August, the department won an appeal to overturn the ruling. The new regulations call for a smaller decrease — a 12% cut from 1990 levels. Other regions still face a 20% cutback, the department said. The rules became an issue during state budget negotiations earlier this year when Republican lawmakers sought to write the looser rules into law, which would have made it harder for environmentalists to pursue a change. However, these lawmakers backed off. The department is now turning its attention to nonfumigant pesticides. Those regulations must be in place by 2014, according to law.

According to state reports, pesticide use declined in California for the period 2006-2007. The use of fumigants decreased by 0.8 percent, but acres treated increased by 1,235 acres, or 0.3 percent. Researchers have found that fumigants, such as sulfuryl fluoride, stay in the atmosphere at least 30-40 years and perhaps as long as 100 years and is about 4,000 times more efficient than carbon dioxide at trapping heat. Others like methyl bromide, deplete ozone and is under an international phase-out under the Montreal Protocol, which the U.S. continues to ignore. Last July, EPA proposed new rules for soil fumigants which fell short of protecting people, workers and the environment.

Source: Fresno Bee



British Coalition Pledges Funding to Bee Decline Research

(Beyond Pesticides, April 23, 2009) Pollinators, including honey and bumble bees, butterflies and moths, play an essential role in putting food on our tables through the pollination of many crops and other flowering plants. These insects are susceptible to a variety of disease and environmental threats, including a variety of common pesticides, some of which have increased significantly over the last five to ten years. As a result, the numbers of pollinators have been declining steadily in recent years, with the number of bees in the United Kingdom alone falling by between 10 and 15 per cent over the last two years. This decline has led some to request a ban on certain pesticides suspected of contributing to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

To gain a better understanding of why this is happening, some of the UK’s major research funders have joined together to launch an important new research program. The biggest challenge will be to develop a better understanding of the complex relationships between biological and environmental factors which affect the health and lifespan of pollinators.

The funding will be made available to research teams across the UK under the Living With Environmental Change (LWEC) partnership, the major initiative by UK funders to help the UK respond effectively to changes to our environment. This is a joint initiative from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the Wellcome Trust and the Scottish Government.

Environment Secretary Hilary Benn said, “Aristotle identified bees as the most hard working of insects, and with one in three mouthfuls coming from insect-pollinated crops, we need to support bees and other pollinators. I announced in January that Defra would put an extra £2M into research funding, and I am delighted our partners have agreed to boost this to up to £10M. This funding will give some of Britain’s world-class researchers the chance to identify the causes of the decline we’re seeing in bee numbers, and that will help us to take the right action to help.”

Professor Douglas Kell, BBSRC Chief Executive said, “We are facing a fundamental problem with the decline of bees and other pollinators. They have an absolutely crucial role in pollinating many of our important crops. Without effective pollination we will face higher food costs and potential shortages. This program will help us to understand why numbers have decreased and the steps we could take to reverse this. Complex problems such as this require a modern systems biology approach, a strategy at the core of BBSRC’s vision. This will also feed into BBSRC’s wider food security research program which aims to deliver the science necessary to provide the nutritious and affordable food we need for the future.”

Professor Alan Thorpe, Chief Executive of NERC, “Through the Pollinator Initiative, the LWEC partners will address what is a complex multidisciplinary problem. We need to conduct research that will help us to understand the links between bees and other pollinators and the range of environmental factors that affect them in various ways. This research will provide vital insights into why there has been a steep decline in these insect populations in recent years and help us to find solutions to the problem.”

Sir Mark Walport, Director of the Wellcome Trust said, “It is extremely important that we move swiftly to understand and try to reverse the decline in the populations of bees and other pollinating insects. The devastating effect that this decline may have on our environment would almost certainly have a serious impact on our health and well being. Without pollinating insects, many important crops and native plants would be severely harmed.”

Richard Lochhead, Cabinet Secretary of the Scottish Government said, “It is vital that we increase our understanding of the issues affecting populations of bees and other pollinators such as wasps, butterflies and beetles and in particular whether these are due to climate change. The impact these insects have on our rural industries, such as the soft fruit sector, and on plant biodiversity across Scotland cannot be under-estimated. Any reduction in numbers could have catastrophic consequences not just for our environment but also for our economy. I welcome this initiative and am confident the results of the program will enhance our knowledge and help prevent further declines in bee numbers.”

Elin Jones, Minister for Rural Affairs of the Welsh Assembly Government said, “Honeybees and other pollinators are vital for local food production, which is the key to environmentally sustainable farming. By working with the other partners in this initiative Defra have shown their commitment to safeguarding the population of the honeybee in the UK.”

The funding program will be administered through BBSRC. The NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology will provide post-award coordination for the program and contribute special expertise in long-term and large-scale ecology that will strengthen the research effort.

The European Union (EU) and its member states have passed a number of protective measures for bees and other pollinators in recent years. The European Parliament approved designated “recovery zones” across Europe: pesticide-free areas where bees can forage. Germany banned eight pesticides linked to bee declines. In the US, the Department of Agriculture has developed an action plan for managing CCD, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been sued for withholding information on how pesticides impact honey bees. For more information on CCD and pesticides, please read our article, “Pollinators and Pesticides: Escalating crisis demands action.”

Sources: CNN, Defra



California’s “Top Pesticide Blunders” Report Highlights Hazards

(Beyond Pesticides, April 22, 2009) The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) released its “Top Pesticide Blunders” report to remind the public to avoid illness and injury by using household cleaning and gardening products that pose the least risk to their health and the environment. The blunders also include situations in which users of toxic products fail to comply with product labels.

“Disinfectants, mold and mildew cleaners, weed killers and pool chemicals are just a few of the many over-the-counter pesticide products available for home use,” DPR Director Mary-Ann Warmerdam said. “As people begin their spring cleaning and gardening, they should select products that best target the problem and then follow the label instructions carefully to prevent accidents.” Beyond Pesticides adds that people should consider non-chemical approaches that manage unwanted insects and plants with prevention-oriented practices.

Ms. Warmerdam suggests the following precautions to prevent pesticide exposure in and around the home:

*Select products that pose the least risk to your health and the environment — do you really need a pesticide for the task?
*Never put pesticides in food or drink containers. Keep pesticides in their original containers so they are not mistaken for food or drink.
*Store pesticides properly to keep them away from children and adults who are unable to recognize pesticide containers.
*Do not mix bleach with ammonia or other cleansers because a toxic gas may be formed.

The Butte County incident and blunders below were drawn from 2007 illnesses and injuries reported to DPR. State privacy law protects their identities.

In San Diego County, a resident attempting to fix his home pool filter forgot which hose had the check-valve. He blew into one hose thinking he could tell which one had the valve and inhaled chlorine gas. He sought medical care after coughing and vomiting.

In Sacramento County, a teenage girl saw a mouse in her home and decided to use gopher bait to control the problem because she had seen her parents use it effectively against gophers in the yard. She said she read the label, but did not understand it. She poured about a handful of pellets into a corner of two bedrooms and waited in another room. Within two hours, she experienced a sharp pain behind her eyes, and tightness in her chest when she breathed in. She was taken to an emergency room for evaluation.

A Butte County man used a salt shaker to apply insecticidal dust on his dog for flea control. Later, he thought the salt shaker contained garlic salt and sprinkled the insecticidal dust on a bowl of chili. The man realized his mistake because the chili tasted strange and the beans were a gray color. He experienced some stomach discomfort and went to a hospital for treatment.

In Los Angeles County, an elderly woman spilled insecticidal powder on herself as she tried to open the container to use for roach control in her house. She apparently held the container over her head. She experienced “burning” and was taken to her doctor.

In Sacramento County, pest control company employees returned to air a house that had been fumigated three days earlier. They found a man asleep on the couch who had broken into and ransacked the house. He was taken to the hospital by paramedics and admitted in serious condition.

In Riverside County, a homeowner found a small plastic bottle of malathion leaking in his garage. He threw the bottle into his dumpster, where it spilled. A resident across the street experienced chest tightness and lightheadedness after smelling the pesticide and went for medical care. Two other neighbors reported symptoms, but declined care. The homeowner was found in violation for improperly disposing of a pesticide.

Incidents like these humanize recent data from DPR, which shows an increase in pesticide-related injuries and illness. In light of these dangerous side effects of pesticide use, DPR’s first tip, to use less- or non-toxic pest control methods, can protect you and your neighbors from possible harm. To learn more about how to control pests and maintain your garden without hazardous chemicals, visit our Alternatives Factsheets.



New Study Finds “Single Visit” IPM Successful in NYC Public Housing

(Beyond Pesticides, April 21, 2009) According to a new study by the New York City (NYC) Department of Health, Columbia University and the NYC Housing Authority published in the online edition of Environmental Health Perspectives on April 15, 2009, “single visit†integrated pest management (IPM) at the building level (rather than individual rental units) is more successful than regular pesticide applications in managing public housing pests and allergens. The study, “Effectiveness of an Integrated Pest Management Intervention in Controlling Cockroaches, Mice and Allergens in New York City Public Housing,” is available online.

The NYC Housing Authority is the largest public housing owner in North America with more than 405,000 low-income residents. The successful implementation of IPM in an institution of this size was thought to offer many potential benefits; pesticide use reduction, improved pest management and reduced pest and allergen burdens in housing populated by largely African American and Latino families with a disproportionately high prevalence of asthma. Following a successful pilot program in public housing, the NYC Department of Health and Housing Authority developed an IPM intervention designed to be simple, low-cost and relatively easily scaled.

In buildings participating in the study, Housing Authority IPM teams spent 8-12 person-hours in each apartment unit. The teams employed mechanical and steam cleaning using soap in kitchens and bathrooms, used caulk to seal cracks and crevices, and applied boric acid and cockroach baits (gels or containerized solids containing fipronil or hydramethylnon) to kill remaining cockroaches. The IPM supervisor instructed apartment residents to store open food in sealed containers, cover garbage containers with a tight-fitting lid, and dispose of garbage frequently. Residents were provided with a covered garbage container, food storage containers and cleaning supplies, and were specifically asked not to use pesticides. The control buildings received usual care from the Housing Authority’s licensed pesticide applicators. Usual care consists of the offer of conventional, calendar-based extermination visits every three to six months.

Previous studies have shown that IPM is more successful and economical than traditional pesticide applications. The researchers from the city government believe that two features of the earlier studies limit their instructiveness for significant institutional replication and expansion. First, they have typically recruited from, and analyzed impact of IPM on individual rental apartments without building level interventions. Second, the studies, some of which involved goals beyond just pest control, have involved repeated visits by pest control professionals, cleaning services, or educators. The new study, in contrast, involves a single visit by pest control professionals with the intervention at the building level.

Compared to controls, apartments receiving IPM had significantly lower counts of cockroaches at three months, and greater success in reducing or sustaining low counts of cockroaches at three and six months. IPM was associated with lower cockroach allergen levels in kitchens at three months, and in beds and kitchens at six months. Pesticide use was reduced in IPM relative to control, apartments. Residents of IPM apartments also rated building services more positively.

For more information on IPM, see Beyond Pesticides children and schools, healthy hospitals, and state IPM webpages.



New Report Finds Genetic Engineering Fails to Boost U.S. Crop Yields

(Beyond Pesticides, April 20, 2009) For years, the biotechnology industry has trumpeted that it will feed the world, promising that its genetically engineered crops will produce higher yields. That promise has proven to be empty, according to a new report by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). Despite 20 years of research and 13 years of commercialization, genetic engineering has failed to significantly increase U.S. crop yields. Increases over the last decade are largely due to traditional breeding and agricultural improvements.

“The biotech industry has spent billions on research and public relations hype, but genetically engineered food and feed crops haven’t enabled American farmers to grow significantly more crops per acre of land,” said Doug Gurian-Sherman, a biologist in the UCS Food and Environment Program and author of the report. “In comparison, traditional breeding continues to deliver better results.”

The report, “Failure to Yield: Evaluating the Performance of Genetically Engineered Crops,” is the first to closely evaluate the overall effect genetic engineering has had on crop yields in relation to other agricultural technologies. It reviewed two dozen academic studies of corn and soybeans, the two primary genetically engineered food and feed crops grown in the United States. Based on those studies, the UCS report concludes that genetically engineering herbicide-tolerant soybeans and herbicide-tolerant corn have not increased yields. Insect-resistant corn, meanwhile, has improved yields only marginally. The increase in yields for these crops over the last 13 years, the report found, is largely due to traditional breeding or improvements in agricultural practices.

The UCS report comes at a time when food price spikes and localized shortages worldwide have prompted calls to boost agricultural productivity, or yieldâ€â€the amount of a crop produced per unit of land over a specified amount of time. Biotechnology companies maintain that genetic engineering is essential to meeting this goal. Monsanto, for example, is currently running an advertising campaign warning of an exploding world population and claiming that its “advanced seeds â€Â¦ significantly increase crop yieldsâ€Â¦.†The UCS report debunks that claim, concluding that genetic engineering is unlikely to play a significant role in increasing food production in the foreseeable future.

The biotechnology industry has been promising better yields since the mid-1990s, but “Failure to Yield” documents that the industry has been carrying out gene field trials to increase yields for 20 years without significant results.

“After more than 3,000 field trials, only two types of engineered genes are in widespread use, and they haven’t helped raise the ceiling on potential yields,” said Margaret Mellon, a microbiologist and director of UCS’s Food and Environment Program. “This record does not inspire confidence in the future of the technology.”

“Failure to Yield” makes a critical distinction between potentialâ€â€or intrinsicâ€â€yield and operational yield, concepts that are often conflated by the industry and misunderstood by others. Intrinsic yield refers to a crop’s ultimate production potential under the best possible conditions. Operational yield refers to production levels after losses due to pests, drought and other environmental factors. The study reviews the intrinsic and operational yield achievements of the three most common genetically altered food and feed crops in the United States: herbicide-tolerant soybeans, herbicide-tolerant corn and insect-resistant corn (known as Bt corn, after the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, whose genes enable the corn to resist several kinds of insects). Herbicide-tolerant soybeans, herbicide-tolerant corn and Bt corn have failed to increase intrinsic yields, the report found. Herbicide-tolerant soybeans and herbicide-tolerant corn also have failed to increase operational yields, compared with conventional methods.

Meanwhile, the report finds that Bt corn likely provides a marginal operational yield advantage of three to four percent over typical conventional practices. Since Bt corn became commercially available in 1996, its yield advantage averages out to a 0.2 to 0.3 percent yield increase per year. To put that figure in context, overall U.S. corn yields over the last several decades have annually averaged an increase of approximately one percent, which is considerably more than what Bt traits have provided.

In addition, recent studies have shown that organic and similar farming methods that minimize the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers can more than double crop yields at little cost to poor farmers in such developing regions as Sub-Saharan Africa.

The report recommends that the U.S. Department of Agriculture, state agricultural agencies, and universities increase research and development for proven approaches to boost crop yields. Those approaches should include modern conventional plant breeding methods, sustainable and organic farming, and other sophisticated farming practices that do not require farmers to pay significant upfront costs. The report also recommends that U.S. food aid organizations make these more promising and affordable alternatives available to farmers in developing countries.

Organic agriculture does not permit GE crops or the use of synthetic herbicides, and focuses on building the soil—minimizing its effect on climate change. For more information, see Beyond Pesticides’ GE program page.

Source: Union of Concerned Scientists



EPA Identifies Pesticides To Be Sceened for Endocrine Disruption

(Beyond Pesticides, April 17, 2009) Thirteen years after the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) ordered EPA to develop a screening process for endocrine disrupting chemicals, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a final list of chemicals to be included in Tier 1 testing for endocrine disrupting effects of pesticides in use. While the list has been reduced from the 73 chemicals announced two years ago, trials will begin this summer to determine human risk from some of the chemicals to which we are most commonly exposed.

“Endocrine disruptors can cause lifelong health problems, especially for children,” stated EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. “Gathering this information will help us work with communities and industry to protect Americans from harmful exposure.”

EPA’s recent announcement of these chemicals can be found on EPA’s Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP) page. According to EPA, “The Agency deleted 6 chemicals from the draft list of 73 based upon recent information showing that the chemicals are no longer expected to be found in 3 exposure pathways.” To be included on the initial list, EPA established that chemicals need to be found in three of EPA’s four exposure pathways: food, drinking water, residential use, and occupational exposure. Azinphos-methyl and fenvalerate were removed from the draft list because all uses will have ended by 2012, when Tier 2 begins. Aldicarb, allethrin, dichlorvos, and methiocarb were removed because by that year, they will be found in fewer than three exposure pathways. Once EPA has tested the first 67, any remaining registered chemicals should be entered in the same review.

According to the EDSP manager, Linda Phillips, it will take about two years for EPA to generate full data for these chemicals, and then take another year to determine the effect each has on the endocrine system.

The pesticide industry, led by CropLife America, submitted a petition to EPA last summer that called EDSP “unnecessary and redundant,” given the current data requirements for pesticide toxicity. Of the result, CropLife’s president and CEO, Jay Vroom, said, “In arriving at this formal response, we worry EPA have not taken into account the unique aspects of pesticide regulatory requirements as they intersect with the overarching, new endocrine screening process.” Since then, however, Mr. Vroom has stated that he is “very confident our products will come through with flying colors,” and “If we do learn something about our products that raises a cause for concern, our industry will be at the table, ready and willing to step forward and take action to mitigate risk.”

A wide variety of pesticides, however, have been found to affect both human and animal hormone systems at low levels. For an overview of endocrine disruptors, view Beyond Pesticides’ article, “Pesticides that Disrupt Endocrine System Still Unregulated by EPA.”

Sources: Washington Post, New York Times



Call For Action Against Bed Bug Resurgence

(Beyond Pesticides, April 16, 2009) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) convened the first ever National Bed Bug Summit (April 14-15, 2009) to solicit recommendations from scientists, state and local officials, pest control operators and the general public on how to tackle the resurgence of the blood sucking insects. Bed bugs have rebounded in significant numbers for the first time since World War II, partly due to increased global travel and their increasing resistance to commonly used pesticides.

Bed bug outbreaks have tripled since 2005, according to a survey of 800 pest control firms across the country, infesting apartment buildings, college dormitories, hospital wings, homeless shelters and top-rated hotels. Bedbugs outbreaks have been reported in at least 27 states, including Honolulu, San Francisco, Cincinnati, Chicago, Houston and Miami. In 2006, a Chicago woman sued a New York hotel for $20 million after suffering more than 500 bed bug bites.

Persistent outbreaks are normally concentrated in low-income neighborhoods, where people cannot afford to replace or professionally clean bedding and soft furnishing. Both New York and San Francisco have passed city legislation to help control the spread of the bugs. In San Francisco, the legislation centers on landlord and tenant rights while in New York, it involves controlling the sale and transport of used mattresses.

Bed bugs are reddish brown and range in size between 1/8 — ¼ of an inch. They live in the crevices and folds of mattresses, sofas and sheets, cracks in walls, behind picture frames or other wall hangings, or inside the bindings of books or even on stuffed animals. While they do not transmit disease, bites can become infected, which occurs in about 30% of those bitten, leaving behind red raised welts. Signs of a bed bug infestation include a pungent odor, and blood or fecal spots on pillow casings and sheets. A bed bug can live up to one year on a single blood meal.

“The problem seems to be increasing and it could definitely be worse in densely populated areas like cities, although it can be a problem for anyone,” said Lois Rossi, director of the registration division in the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs. In 2002, EPA classified bedbugs as a public health pest.

The use of broad spectrum insecticides, which kills common household insects, such as cockroaches, ants and other insects including bed bugs, exposed these organisms to a range of chemicals and allowed them to gradually build up resistance to these chemicals. Many of the chemicals used against bed bugs, such as esfenvalerate and various pyrethroids (permethrin, deltamethrin, cyfluthrin, etc) are also associated with adverse human effects including skin irritation (important if applied to mattresses) endocrine disruption, cancer and neurotoxicity.

“Generally I can guarantee that they will be tolerant to at least one or more of the things that are being used against them,” said Harold Harlan, the leading bug expert for the U.S. military. “They’ve been exposed to chemicals so they are more resistant to chemicals.”

Saul Hernandez, an aide to the Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-N.C who introduced H.R. 6068 -The Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite Act of 2008, says he plans to reintroduce the legislation next week, which establishes grant programs to assist States with inspection programs for bed bugs. Federal funding for research into alternative solutions, such as heating, freezing or steaming the bugs out of bedrooms will also be sought by other stakeholders.

There are several habitat modifications and least-toxic alternatives available to prevent, control and treat bed bugs which are all be part of a sound integrated pest management (IPM) strategy. These include sealing cracks and crevices where bed bugs can hide, regular laundering of bed linens and clothing in hot water (120oF), as well as regular vacuuming and steam cleaning of carpets and other soft furnishings which can destroy bed bugs and their eggs. There are also several least-toxic chemical alternatives on the market, including diatomaceous earth. For more information on detecting and preventing a bed bug infestation in your home, read our factsheet “Bed Bugs- Back with a Vengeance†or contact Beyond Pesticides.

Source: Associated Press



Germany Bans Monsanto’s GE Corn

(Beyond Pesticides, April 15, 2009) Stating that it represents a danger to the environment, Germany’s Federal Minister for Nourishment, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Ilse Aigner, announced an immediate ban on Monsanto’s MON810 genetically engineered (GE) maize yesterday. Claiming the decision is based on science and is an individual case, not a broad banning of all GE crops, Ms. Aigner stated, “Genetic engineering must include a complete guarantee of the security for person, animal, plant and environment.â€

Environmentalists, scientists and farmers opposed to GE crops have argued that the corn, which confers resistance to pests, could pollute other crops and pose a threat to the environment and human health. The debate over the use of GE crops in Europe has been ongoing for at least a decade.

MON810 maize, brand name YieldGard, is the only GE crop currently cultivated in the European Union (EU). Under EU laws, countries are allowed to ban individual GE crops for environmental and health reasons. Currently, Hungary, France, Austria, Greece and Luxembourg ban MON810 maize. In March, EU environment ministers overwhelmingly rejected a European Commission proposal to force Austria and Hungary to lift their bans on the controversial cultivation of varieties of genetically modified (GM) corn. Over 20 member states voted against the Commission proposal. Hungary can maintain its ban on Monsanto’s GM maize MON810, and Austria on MON810 and Bayer’s T25.

The effects of Monsanto’s genetically modified maize MON 810, which is engineered to produce a toxin to kill the corn borer, are uncertain and controversial. European Environment Ministers concluded last December that GE risk assessment in the EU is not fulfilling legal requirements, that long term impacts have not been assessed. MON810 is currently being re-assessed at EU level as required under EU law. On November 10, 2008, the Austrian government released a report of long term research showing GE corn fed to mice significantly reduced their fertility over three to four breeding cycles within one generation. Similar effects were found in mice fed GE corn and bred over four generations.

According to a recent report by the by the Center for Food Safety and Friends of the Earth International, GE seeds cost from two to over four times as much as conventional, non-GM seeds, and the price disparity is increasing. From 80% to over 90% of the soybean, corn and cotton seeds planted in the U.S. are GE varieties. Thanks to GE trait fee increases, average U.S. seed prices for these crops have risen by over 50% in just the past two to three years. Exploitation of the food crisis has been extremely profitable for Monsanto, by far the dominant player in GE seeds. Goldman Sachs recently projected that Monsanto’s net income (after taxes) would triple from $984 million to $2.96 billion from 2007 to 2010.

The exorbitant cost of GM seeds is not the only problem. The vast majority of GE crops are not grown by or destined for the world’s poor, but instead are soybeans and corn used to feed animals, generate biofuels, or produce highly processed food products consumed mostly in rich countries. The report documents that nearly 90% of the global area planted GE crops in 2008 was found in just 6 countries with highly industrialized, export-oriented agricultural sectors in North and South America, with the U.S., Argentina and Brazil responsible for 80% of GE crops. The United States alone produced 50% of the world’s GE crops in 2008.

Despite more than a decade of hype, the biotechnology industry has not introduced a single GE crop with increased yield, enhanced nutrition, drought-tolerance or salt-tolerance. In fact, the biotechnology industry’s own figures show that 85% of all GE crop acreage worldwide in 2008 was planted with herbicide-tolerant crops. Roundup Ready crops, which are genetically engineered to be resistant to Monsanto’s best selling herbicide Roundup (active ingredient glyphosate) have been a boon to Monsanto’s profits, but not without environmental costs.

Environmental and public health groups believe that, at a very minimum, labeling as a means of identifying products that contain GE ingredients are critical and complete regulatory review of all GE crops, which is currently not the case. Organic agriculture does not permit GE crops or the use of synthetic herbicides, and focuses on building the soil—minimizing its effect on climate change. For more information, see Beyond Pesticides’ GE program page.



Take Action: End U.S. Support for Colombian Coca Spraying

G(Beyond Pesticides, April 14, 2009) Groups are seeking an end to a failed U.S.-supported herbicide spray program that between 2000 and 2008 cost U.S. taxpayers more than half a billion dollars to apply the toxic herbicide glyphosate on approximately three million acres of land in Colombiaâ€â€the world’s second most biodiverse country. The herbicide spraying, targeted at coca — the raw ingredient used to make cocaine, is toxic to people and wildlife, wreaks havoc on native ecosystems and has proven to be an ineffective tactic in the “War on Drugs.†Beyond Pesticides encourages you to join with EarthJustice and send a letter to the Obama Administration asking the government to stop supporting this destructive policy.

Colombian glyphosate spraying

Colombian glyphosate spraying

Colombia is the only country in the world that allows this kind of herbicide sprayingâ€â€known as fumigationâ€â€as an anti-drug practice. Yet the spraying has been a complete failure. According to U.S. government studies, the area subject to coca cultivation has actually increased by 23 percent since the U.S.-backed fumigation began in earnest, and Colombia remains the leading supplier of cocaine for U.S. markets. Coca farmers simply spread out and relocate the crops, moving deeper into the forest and clearing new areas. The environmental impacts have been disastrous.

Further, the chemical mixture of glyphosate and surfactants used in Colombia has not been fully tested for environmental or human health impacts under these conditions. People on the ground in affected regions say that the spraying significantly harms both. The concentrations applied are much greater than those commonly used for aerial spraying, and the spray drift lands on food crops, water sources, and even humans. At least 10,000 farmers have reported food crops killed by fumigations, and the UN Special Rapporteur on Health said there is “credible and trustworthy evidence” that fumigations are harmful to human health.

In 2007, scientists from Pontificia Catholic University in Quito, Ecuador, completed a study of 24 residents living within three kilometers of the Colombian border — an area targeted by the coca spraying – and have found a wide variety of ailments. The study’s subjects suffer from symptoms that include intestinal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, numbness, blurred vision, skin irritation, rashes, and difficulty breathing. In addition, the damage to their chromosomes was 600 to 800 percent greater than that of people living 80 km away, which can signal possible conditions like cancer and reproductive effects like miscarriages.

Now is the time to cut U.S. support and funding for this inhumane, ineffective and environmentally destructive program. Send your letter to President Obama today.

Talking Points
â€Â¢ At the start of the program, Colombia promised a 50% reduction in coca production in two years. Instead, eight years later, production has increased.
â€Â¢ As a result of the spraying in Colombia, coca cultivation has increased in other countries in the region.
â€Â¢ Lasting solutions can only be designed by helping those whose subsistence is tied to coca farming find alternatives.
â€Â¢ The environmental and health analyses of the program incorrectly assume that the spray planes are able to avoid spraying water bodies or people.
â€Â¢ The plants usually grow back, so no end to this spraying is in sight.



EPA Upholds Clean Water Act to Protect Waterways From Pesticides

(Beyond Pesticides, April 13, 2009) Rebuffing the Department of Agriculture, the Justice Department announced that it will not seek rehearing of a recent significant environmental decision that enables improved protection from pesticides under the Clean Water Act. In a letter dated March 6, 2009, Agriculture Secretary Vilsack had asked EPA Administrator Jackson to request reversal of the 6th Circuit’s decision (The National Cotton Council et al. v. EPA) in January that invalidated a Bush EPA rule exempting pesticide spraying around waterways from the Clean Water Act regulations.

“This decision means that EPA recognizes its responsibility to move forward with implementing the Clean Water Act, instead of trying to circumvent this bedrock public protection statute as was attempted by the Bush EPA,” stated Charlie Tebbutt of the Western Environmental Law Center, who argued the case for the environmental plaintiffs. “We now look forward to working with EPA and the states to bring about meaningful changes in site specific uses of pesticides to protect our nation’s waters,” continued Mr. Tebbutt.

In this same announcement, EPA stated that it will seek to continue the Bush rule for two years, despite the court ruling it illegal. “This part of the EPA’s decision is troubling,” said Mr. Tebbutt, but he added, “I expect that the 6th Circuit will deny the request to keep an illegal rule in place.” The court decision simply reinstates the law as it was before Bush’s intervention in 2006 and numerous states had permits in place prior to the rule change. “It will not be the great hardship that the pesticide industry has concocted. It is time to reinstate the full protections to our nation’s rivers, lakes and streams envisioned by the Clean Water when it was passed in 1972,” Mr. Tebbutt concluded.

In January, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a Bush EPA decision that the spraying of pesticides into the nation’s waters should no longer be regulated by the Clean Water Act. The Court held that pesticide residuals and biological pesticides constitute pollutants under federal law and therefore must be regulated under the Clean Water Act in order to minimize the impact to human health and the environment.

With this decision, virtually all commercial pesticide application to, over and around waterways will now require National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. The NPDES permits will allow for local citizen input, and provide for accountability and oversight. The permits will also require the regulatory agencies to evaluate effects on fish and wildlife from individual applications, to monitor exactly how much of a pesticide application goes into in our nation’s waters, and to evaluate the cumulative impact this residual effect has on aquatic organisms.

Source: National Environmental Law Center



Groups Call for International Ban of Lindane

(Beyond Pesticides, April 10, 2009) In the U.S., lindane is a pesticide approved for use in children’s lice shampoo, but not on pets or plants. In much of the rest of the world, including Mexico, all uses of lindane have been banned for years. Parents, health professionals, and Arctic communities — whose food and breast milk are contaminated with a chemical they do not use — are urging US officials to close this loophole.

Government delegates will gather in Geneva early next month to decide whether lindane will be added to a list of chemicals targeted for a global phase out under the international Stockholm Convention.

In a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Acting Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration Joshua Sharfstein, a coalition of groups are calling on the agency leaders to support listing of lindane under the international treaty without exemption for lotions and shampoos (“pharmaceutical usesâ€). The letter also urges FDA to “take definitive action in ending pharmaceutical use of lindane domestically, as has already been accomplished in California.â€

“These lindane shampoos and lotions have already been banned in California and in many countries around the world,†says Kristin Schafer, Associate Director for Advocacy with Pesticide Action Network North America. “U.S. agencies must do their job, and take action now to protect children in the US and around the world from this persistent pesticide.†Lindane has also been restricted in Michigan for use on head lice and scabies.

In addition to the letter, the groups submitted a scientific study from the journal Environmental Health Perspectives documenting the success of the 2001 California ban, as well as a compilation of personal stories from parents around the country who have used less hazardous methods to control lice.

“The California experience shows that a ban on lindane products leads to cleaner water and healthier children,” says Dr. Sarah Janssen, co-author of the EHP article. “We have seen no lice or scabies outbreaks after more than seven years. There is simply no reason to keep these products on the market.”

Exposure to lindane, a neurotoxic organochlorine pesticide, has been linked to seizures, developmental disabilities and hormone disruption. It is known to be particularly hazardous to children. Lindane and associated isomers are among the most ubiquitous chemicals in the Arctic environment, contaminating traditional foods of Indigenous communities in the region.

“Our traditional foods are polluted by chemicals that aren’t even used here in the Arctic,†says Shawna Larson, Environmental Justice Program Director for Alaska Community Action on Toxics. “The U.S. has been one of the few countries pressing to allow continued use of these products — it makes no sense, and it has to change.â€

The groups also submitted several statements and resolutions from Indigenous organizations in the Arctic region calling for an immediate phaseout of all uses of the pesticide lindane.

Source: The New York Times



Take Action: Support Chemical Security Reform

(Beyond Pesticides, April 9, 2009) On April 2, 2009, Greenpeace USA, joined by Beyond Pesticides and others, sent a letter (Senate, House) urging Congress to pass comprehensive chemical security reform. Beyond Pesticides believes chemical security is an important step, but only one piece of larger chemical reform, which would ban toxic chemical production when safer products and practices exist.

According to the coalition, U.S. pesticide and other chemical plants remain one of the sectors of America’s infrastructure most vulnerable to accidents and terrorist attacks. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has identified approximately 7,000 high-risk U.S. chemical facilities. However, unless Congress replaces a flawed temporary law with a comprehensive chemical security program, millions of Americans will remain at risk.

Watch Greenpeaces Chemical Catastrophe video

Watch Greenpeace's Chemical Security video

The statute Congress passed in 2006 temporarily authorized “interim†regulations that are wholly inadequate to protect communities. Furthermore these rules expire on October 4, 2009 leaving the 111th Congress only six months to enact truly protective legislation. Congress must pass comprehensive legislation before the temporary law expires.

Among the fatal flaws in the “interim†statute:

— It prohibits the DHS from requiring the most ironclad security measures. DHS cannot require any specific “security measure,†including the use of safer and more secure chemical processes that can eliminate catastrophic hazards posed by poison gas, even when cost-effective alternatives are readily available.

— It explicitly exempts thousands of chemical facilities, including approximately 2,650 water treatment facilities, some of which put major cities at risk.

— It fails to involve plant employees in the development of vulnerability assessments and security plans or protect employees from excessive background checks.

In March 2008 the House Homeland Security Committee adopted the “Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act of 2008†(H.R. 5577) in a bipartisan vote. H.R. 5577 addresses many of the flaws in the interim law. However, the chemical manufacturers lobby opposed it and favors making the interim law permanent.

Just last summer, a pesticide tank exploded at a Bayer chemical plant in West Virginia, drawing comparisons between the site’s potential risk and the 1984 Bhopal disaster, in which an explosion and leak at the Bayer site’s sister plant killed thousands. Read more. Chemical plant tragedies, as well as the slow poisoning of our environment through everyday pesticide and other toxic chemical use, raises the issue of whether these toxic chemicals should be manufactured at all, when safer practices and products exist.

Take Action: EPA has identified nearly 7,000 high-risk chemical facilities throughout the country that could kill or injure anywhere from 1,000 to more than a million people in the case of an accident or terrorist attack. Congress has the power to prevent this kind of tragedy. Sign Greenpeace’s “Do Not Kill List.†Tell Congress how important your life and loved ones are to you.



Take Action: Demand that EPA Requires Inert Ingredient Disclosure

(Beyond Pesticides, April 8, 2009) The Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP) and Beyond Pesticides are asking that you take action to help secure everyone’s right to know about “secret†hazardous ingredients found in commonly used farm and household pesticide products. Please e-mail Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Lisa Jackson at [email protected], no later than May 1, urging EPA to respond to NCAP’s petition and mandate that pesticide manufacturers list hazardous “inert†ingredients on pesticide labels.

“Inert†refers to ingredients in a pesticide formulation that have been added to the active ingredient to serve a variety of functions, such as acting as solvents, surfactants, or preservatives. However, the common misconception is that “inert†ingredients are physically, chemically, or biologically inactive substances. EPA allows pesticide manufacturers to put harmful chemicals into pesticide products without telling the public — chemicals linked with cancer, genetic damage, and reduced fertility, despite admitting the policy is misleading. EPA has stated that “many consumers have a misleading impression of the term â€Ëœinert ingredient,’ believing it to mean water or other harmless ingredients.â€

A December 2006 commentary in the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences’ journal Environmental Health Perspectives calls for improvements in pesticide regulation and “inert†ingredient disclosure, citing an extensive body of literature illustrating the concern over related human and environmental health effects. The authors, Caroline Cox, then with NCAP and now research director at the Center for Environmental Health, and Michael Surgan, Ph.D., chief scientist in the Office of the Attorney General of New York State, highlight the regulatory weaknesses that allow the “inert†ingredients in pesticide formulations to go largely untested. The commentary provides evidence that inerts are often far from harmless and need to be examined closely for environmental, wildlife and public health effects. Further, they present an urgent need for “inert†regulation and disclosure due to the ubiquitous nature of pesticides in the environment. Read a summary or the full article.

EPA must be told that these ingredients can no longer be kept secret. That is why in 2006 the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, along with Beyond Pesticides and other allies filed a legal petition challenging the EPA’s policy of secrecy on these ingredients. Fifteen Attorneys General submitted a companion petition to EPA. Please e-mail Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Lisa Jackson at [email protected], no later than May 1, urging EPA to respond to NCAP’s petition and mandate that pesticide manufacturers list hazardous “inert†ingredients on pesticide labels.

For more information on inert ingredients and other components of pesticide products, read Beyond Pesticides factsheet, “What’s in a pesticide?†To learn more about NCAP’s work to ensure our right to know about hidden poisons in pesticides, go to: http://www.pesticide.org/inertspetition06nr.html. More information about the petition is available on the NCAP website.



McDonald’s Initiates Review to Reduce Pesticides in Potato Production

(Beyond Pesticides, April 7, 2009) McDonald’s Corp., the largest purchaser of potatoes in the United States, has agreed to take steps towards adopting a program that might reduce the amount of pesticides used in producing potatoes for its U.S. restaurants. As the largest buyer of potatoes in the nation, McDonald’s also said it would share information regarding the use of pesticides in the production of its products.

At the same time, the market for organic potatoes is growing. A bulletin by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Service states, “Organic potatoes in Maine are an industry that is increasing in scope and in value. Organic potatoes may bring a premium price in the marketplace, because many consumers understand that organic practices not only produce safe, high-quality food; they preserve topsoil and reduce pollution. Organically grown foods are flavorful and nutritious, which is why gourmet restaurants are increasingly seeking organic suppliers. Potatoes and Maine have a long tradition together, perhaps because potatoes can be stored for use during the long Maine winter. Organic potatoes and Maine may have a long tradition together as well.”

This new development is the result of an agreement with a shareholder group concerning the company’s pesticides use. Following the agreement, the Bard College Endowment, Newground Social Investment and the AFL-CIO Reserve Fund, withdrew a shareholder proposal they were going to present at the company’s annual meeting which would have required the company to publish a report on options for cutting pesticide use in its supply. The shareholders said the company’s commitment will support progress on the pesticide issues that affect the environment, public health, and farm employees.

The three investor groups teamed with Investor Environmental Health Network to engage McDonald’s in talks about pesticide reduction. Through the agreement, McDonald’s has committed to:

â€Â¢ survey its current U.S. potato suppliers;
â€Â¢ compile a list of best practices in pesticide reduction that will be recommended to the company’s global suppliers (through the company’s Global Potato Board); and
â€Â¢ communicate findings related to best practices to shareholders, as well as in the company’s annual corporate social responsibility report.

The details of the agreement were developed by shareholders and McDonald’s, with support Investor Environmental Health Network, which is a collaborative partnership of investment managers advised by nongovernmental organizations concerned about the financial and public health risks associated with corporate toxic chemicals policies.

“Because McDonald’s has such a commanding presence in the marketplace, this commitment offers the promise of significant reductions of pesticide use — which will benefit consumer health, as well as farm workers, local agricultural communities, and the environment,” said Newground Social Investment Chief Executive Bruce Herbert, who is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Children’s Environmental Health.

“Consumers, workers and our environment all suffer from over-use of pesticides,” said John Sweeney, President of the AFL-CIO. “As investors, we knew McDonald’s could take an important first step and we’re ready to work with the company to change and grow.”

Potatoes are a heavy user of pesticides and use more pounds of pesticides per acre than most crops. Farmers often spray on a weekly basis, or even more frequently to try to prevent blight. They also spray herbicides to kill the tops of the plants at the end of the growing season to make the underground tubers easier to harvest. Over 40 toxic pesticides are used on potatoes including ethoprop, mancozeb, chlorothalonil, EPTC and metribuzin. Most of these pesticides are linked to serious chronic effects such as cancer, endocrine disruption and reproductive/developmental effects. Many leach to groundwater and contaminate surface waters. Intensive potato cultivation and pesticides usage have been implicated in the high rates of rare cancers in young children in rural western Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada. The island farming community of about 14,000 has experienced occurrences of osteosarcoma, several lymphomas, Ewing’s sarcoma, and a number of myeloid leukemia cases, all among children.

For more information on potatoes and pesticides read the factsheet entitled “Sustainable Potato Production†by the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP).

Source: Reuters



New California Pesticide Poisoning Data Shows Increase

(Beyond Pesticides, April 6, 2009) Despite an earlier report showing a decrease in pesticide use in the state, pesticide-related illnesses and injuries in California have doubled in 2007 from 2006, according to new data from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR). The 2007 pesticide exposure data also shows that twice as many illnesses investigated are associated with non-agricultural pesticide use than are reported for agricultural purposes. A total of 45 percent of the illnesses investigated are associated with pesticide exposure to structural, sanitation and home garden pesticide use, while 22 percent are associated with agricultural pesticide use. The 2007 illness and incident data show that 1,479 illnesses were investigated and 66 percent, or 982 cases, were linked to pesticide exposure. For 157 cases, information was unavailable for investigation follow-up, yet, should not necessarily be discounted.

The major findings of the data show that:
 The majority of pesticide illnesses are associated with chlorpyrifos, malathion, chlorine, and cypermethrin;
 The largest number of pesticide illnesses were from pesticide drift;
 For occupational cases, the most common activity during pesticide exposure were for applicators and fieldworkers;
 For non-occupational cases, the most common activity during exposure were being in an indoor environment and for applicators;
 For incident setting, the largest number of cases were for single-family homes;
 For agricultural cases, the majority were for individuals between the ages of 20 and 40 years;
 For non-agricultural cases, the majority were for individuals between the ages of 20 to 60 years and 0 to 9 years; and,
 For reported school pesticide cases, 68 percent were related to antimicrobial pesticide exposure.

The data comes from several sources and includes both occupational, such as agricultural and structural use, and home-use incidents of pesticide-related illnesses and injuries. DPR works with other state and local entities in hopes to capture the majority of significant illness and injury incidents associated with pesticide use. For example, in 2007, 538 of the cases were reported through the California Poison Control System (CPCS), which previously offered this service through a federally funded pilot program that expired in 2002. CPCS resumed its reporting of pesticide illnesses in October 2006 under a new contract funded by DPR.

DPR reports that in 2007, the number of illnesses and injuries investigated returned to a level typical of recent years after a dip in 2006. In 2006, only 680 illnesses were identified, the lowest number since pesticide illness records were computerized in 1982. In 2005 and 2004, more than 1,300 and 1,200 cases were identified, respectively. Based on information available at the time of evaluation, DPR concludes that 407, or 41 percent, of the 982 pesticide-associated cases might have been avoided if pesticide users had strictly followed safety procedures on the pesticide labels and California regulations. Interestingly, in a report released three months ago, DPR data shows that pesticide use in the state declined in 2007 to 172 million pounds statewide.

The counties with the greatest number of pesticide exposure cases were Monterey, Los Angeles, Tulare, San Diego, Kern and Frenso, respectively. Nonetheless, the largest quantity of pesticides in the state are applied in Fresno County. Agricultural Commissioners in Tulare and Kern Counties, also in the top five counties that apply the greatest amount of pesticides, have adopted pesticide buffer zone rules that prohibits aerial applications of restricted use pesticides within one-quarter mile of schools in session or due to be in session within 24 hours, occupied farm labor camps and residential areas.

DPR’s Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program, run by the Worker Health and Safety Branch, does not produce a “census” of pesticide injuries, since there is no way to document illnesses that go unreported. Worker Health and Safety Branch studies have shown that pesticide-related injuries at work, or cases related to agricultural activities, are more likely to be reported than pesticide illnesses at home. Pesticide illness studies, supported by hospital records, also show that DPR’s program is effective at detecting any incident involving multiple victims. Although physicians are required by law to report any suspected pesticide illness, compliance is low. DPR has developed other sources of illness data, and County Agricultural Commissioners investigate every report they receive from physicians, DPR or other sources. DPR’s Worker Health and Safety Branch then reviews county investigations and determine whether cases are pesticide-related.

For the first time, the complete California Pesticide Illness Query, or CalPIQ, with data from 1992 to 2007 is available on-line. CalPIQ enables users to analyze the data with individual, user-defined queries based on several variables, including year of incident; agricultural or non-agricultural use; county of occurrence; and pesticide by category, active ingredient or intended use.

Using previous data collected from California and other state surveillance programs, a 2008 study by a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) researcher finds the pesticide poisoning incidence rate among U.S. agricultural workers is thirty-nine times higher than the incidence rate found in all other industries combined.

Contact Beyond Pesticides to find out what to do in a pesticide emergency and how to file reports to the organization’s Pesticide Incident Reporting system.



Chicago Parks Limit Pesticides, Homeowners Urged To Do the Same

(Beyond Pesticides, April 3, 2009) A few dandelions in city parks is a good thing, says the Chicago Park District, they signify a healthy lawn and a chemical-free park. After the success of limiting the use of pesticides throughout the district last year, the Chicago Park District is again partnering with Safer Pest Control Project and Illinois Department of Environment to provide Chicagoans natural lawn and landscape care in their parks. In order to minimize the impact of chemicals on the environment, nearly 90 percent of Chicago parks are now pesticide-free.

“The Park District is keeping our Chicago parks a healthy place for everyone to enjoy,†said Tim Mitchell, Chicago Park District Superintendent and CEO. “We are encouraging all Chicago residents to follow the Park District’s example and use more natural lawn care techniques that keep your lawn safe and healthy.â€

“Residents can control weeds and get a naturally beautiful lawn without pesticides, which carry potential risks to human health and water quality,†said Rachel Rosenberg, Executive Director of Safer Pest Control Project. “A natural lawn will help reduce disease and pest problems safely, which can save time and money as an extra added benefit to your family.â€

The Chicago Park District mows turf grass to keep weeds down. Following natural lawn care basics, the Park District keeps the grass three inches high. This allows the roots to grow strong and access water deep in the ground. As a result, the taller grass naturally shades out some weeds. With the reduction in use of chemical weed killers, dandelion flowers grow back quickly, oftentimes overnight. Therefore, the sight of dandelions indicates grass that is healthy and safe for all park patrons to play on.

The Park District has put together a factsheet for homeowners to learn more about simple, natural lawn care tips, which include:

â€Â¢ Water Deeply and Infrequently: This encourages deep root growth. One inch per week is ideal. You can easily measure that amount by placing a cup in your yard while watering. When your sprinkler fills it one inch deep, your watering for the week is done. Water early in the morning to minimize disease problems.

â€Â¢ Mow High: Keep your lawn mowed at three inches or higher. This will increase the root strength and naturally shade out weeds. Don’t mow your lawn unless it needs it. This creates healthy grass that can withstand drought and stay green longer.

â€Â¢ Use Organic Fertilizer: Commercial fertilizers easily wash away, polluting nearby lakes and streams. Many contain toxic weed killers. Choose an organic fertilizer to capture and deliver nutrients in the lawn throughout the growing season. Keep grass clippings on the lawn as they are an excellent natural fertilizer.

â€Â¢ Weed Naturally: Proper lawn care maintenance naturally eliminates most weeds. Annual reseeding gives grass an advantage over weeds. Avoid using pesticides, as they can harm other beneficial living things such as soil microorganisms, bees, birds and fish. The right tool makes quick work of weeding. After pulling weeds, use grass seed and soil to fill in the hole. Your lawn will be strong and healthy as a result.

Eliminating toxic pesticides is important in lawn and landscape management, considering that of the 30 most commonly used lawn pesticides: 14 are probable or possible carcinogens, 13 are linked with birth defects, 21 with reproductive effects, 15 with neurotoxicity, 26 with liver or kidney damage, and 27 are sensitizers and/or irritants. The most popular and widely used lawn chemical 2,4-D, which kills broad leaf weeds like dandelions, is an endocrine disruptor with predicted human health risks ranging from changes in estrogen and testosterone levels, thyroid problems, prostate cancer and reproductive abnormalities. 2,4-D has also been linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Other lawn chemicals like glyphosate (RoundUp) have also been linked to serious adverse chronic effects in humans. Imidacloprid, another pesticide growing in popularity, has been implicated in bee toxicity and the recent Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) phenomena.

The easiest and safest solution is to avoid chemical use and exposure by using alternative, non-toxic management methods for species that can cause economic and health problems, being more tolerant of species that are solely a nuisance or aesthetically displeasing, and using organic products.

Throughout the country there has been a growth in the pesticide-free movement. The passage of pesticide-free public land policies are very promising. Community activism is the best way to get your town to adopt such a policy. For assistance in proposing a policy to your city council (or its equivalent), contact Beyond Pesticides at [email protected]. Let your neighbors know your lawn and garden are organic by displaying a Pesticide Free Zone sign. For more information on being a part of the growing organic lawn care movement, see Beyond Pesticides Lawns and Landscapes program page.



Bayer Suppresses Details and Hazards of Plant Explosion

(Beyond Pesticides, April 2, 2009) Last summer, when a pesticide tank exploded at a Bayer chemical plant in West Virginia, comparisons between the site’s potential risk and the 1984 Bhopal disaster, in which an explosion and leak at the Bayer site’s sister plant killed thousands, were drawn. The investigation into the West Virginia incident is ongoing, but recent reports show that Bayer is using every means to prevent full disclosure of the potential for a similar disaster to occur in the United States.

Like Union Carbide’s Bhopal plant, Bayer stores stockpiles of the highly toxic chemical methyl isocyanate (MIC) in Institute, West Virginia. The U.S. plant has the capacity to store more than twice the amount of MIC that was leaked in Bhopal. The Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, a nonregulatory agency, is conducting an investigation into the cause of last year’s explosion, emergency response coordination, and future prevention measures. However, Bayer has invoked the 2002 federal Maritime Transportation Security Act because its campus is attached to a dock on the Kanawha River, claiming the Act exempts it from sharing “sensitive security information” due to potential terrorism.

The board has already canceled one public meeting on the investigation, the first in its 49 investigations conducted to be canceled due to company pressure. “I don’t like the idea that if we went to a meeting in West Virginia and someone asked a question, we’d have to say, ‘Sorry, we can’t talk about it,'” said John Bresland, board chairman. “We don’t think any other agency should have the right to tell us what we can put in our reports.” A new meeting has been scheduled for April 21, pending the Coast Guard’s decision on Bayer’s security claim.

Congress may get involved in the dispute as well, as Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, said, “We are concerned about the way that Bayer may be misusing terrorism laws to suppress information relating to the incident.”

Another issue raised by Bayer’s case is that threats, whether terrorist or environmental, are caused by the storage of such dangerous chemicals. Daniel Crowl, Herbert H. Dow Professor for Chemical Process Safety at Michigan Technical University, said, “If companies didn’t have this inventory, they wouldn’t have the terrorism concern.” Gerald E. Butler, chairman of West Virginia State University’s political science department, noted that “One of the ironies is that in the late 1980s, one of the demands we [in the local group People Concerned About MIC] had was that Carbide should act mor elike Bayer did in Germany and not store the MIC at the plant and just make it when it needed to use it.”

The Chemical Safety and Hazardous Investigation Board’s full report is expected this summer. For more information, visit their Bayer investigation page.

Images from Bhopal:

Bhopal plant control room

Bhopal plant control room. (Photo by Jay Feldman, Beyond Pesticides)

Bhopal procedures for an emergency

Bhopal procedures for an emergency. (Photo by Jay Feldman, Beyond Pesticides)

Sources: The New York Times, Chemical & Engineering News, The Charleston Gazette, CBG Network



Birth Defects Linked to Pesticide Exposure at Time of Conception

(Beyond Pesticides, April 1, 2009) A study published in the April 2009 issue of the medical journal Acta Paediatrica reports that the highest rates of birth defects for U.S. babies arise when conception occurs during the spring and summer months, when pesticide use increases and high concentrations of pesticides are found in surface waters.

The study entitled, “Agrichemicals in surface water and birth defects in the United States†is the first study to link increased seasonal concentration of pesticides in surface water with the peak in birth defects in infants conceived in the same months. Researchers analyzed all 30.1 million births in the U.S. between 1996 and 2002. A strong association between higher rates of birth defects among women whose last menstrual period was in April, May, June or July and elevated levels of nitrates, atrazine and other pesticides in surface water during those same months was found.

The correlation between the month of last menstrual period and higher rates of birth defects is statistically significant for half of the 22 categories of birth defects reported in the Centers for Disease Control database from 1996 to 2002, including spina bifida, cleft lip, clubfoot and Down’s syndrome.

“Elevated concentrations of pesticides and other agrochemicals in surface water during April through July coincided with significantly higher risk of birth defects in live births conceived by women whose last menstrual period began in the same months. While our study didn’t prove a cause and effect link, the fact that birth defects and pesticides in surface water peak during the same four months makes us suspect that the two are related,” said Paul Winchester, M.D., Indiana University School of Medicine professor of clinical pediatrics, the first author of the study.

The study relies on findings by the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies on the seasonal variations in nitrates, atrazine and other pesticides in the surface water. Pesticides, such as atrazine, even at low levels, have been associated with reproductive and developmental effects as well as endocrine disruption. Atrazine is the second most commonly used agricultural pesticide in the U.S. and the most commonly detected pesticide in rivers, streams and wells. An estimated 76.4 million pounds of atrazine are applied in the U.S. annually. Atrazine has a tendency to persist in soils and move with water, making it a common water contaminant.

Birth defects are known to be associated with risk factors such as alcohol, smoking, diabetes or advanced age. However, the researchers found that even mothers who didn’t report these risk factors had higher overall birth defect rates for babies conceived from April to July. “Birth defects, which affect about 3 out of 100 newborns in the U.S., are one of the leading causes of infant death. What we are most excited about is that if our suspicions are right and pesticides are contributing to birth defect risk, we can reverse or modify the factors that are causing these lifelong and often very serious medical problems,” said Dr. Winchester.

This is not the first documentation of birth defects resulting from pesticide exposure during pregnancy. In 2004, three female farmworkers gave birth to babies with severe birth defects after being exposed to pesticides. One baby was born without arms or legs and with spinal and lung deformities. See previous Daily News stories.

Source: U.S. News and World Report



USGS Survey Finds Pesticides, Fertilizers in Well Water

(Beyond Pesticides, March 31, 2009) More than 20 percent of private domestic wells sampled nationwide contain at least one contaminant at levels of potential health concern, according to a study by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

About 43 million people – or 15 percent of the Nation’s population – use drinking water from private wells, which are not regulated by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.

USGS scientists sampled about 2,100 private wells in 48 states and found that the contaminants most frequently measured at concentrations of potential health concern were inorganic contaminants, including radon and arsenic. These contaminants are mostly derived from the natural geologic materials that make up the aquifers from which well water is drawn.

Nitrate was the most common inorganic contaminant derived from man-made sourcesâ€â€such as from fertilizer applications and septic-tanksâ€â€that was found at concentrations greater than the federal drinking-water standard for public-water supplies (10 parts per million). Nitrate was greater than the standard in about four percent of sampled wells. Other contaminants found in the private wells were man-made organics, including herbicides, insecticides, solvents, disinfection by-products, and gasoline chemicals.

The study shows that the occurrence of selected contaminants varies across the country, often following distinct geographic patterns related to geology, geochemical conditions, and land use. For example, elevated concentrations of nitrate were largely associated with intensively farmed land, such as in parts of the midwest corn belt and the Central Valley of California. Radon was found at relatively high concentrations in crystalline-rock aquifers in the Northeast, in the central and southern Appalachians, and in central Colorado.

“The results of this study are important because they show that a large number of people may be unknowingly affected,†said Matt Larsen, USGS Associate Director for Water. “Greater attention to the quality of drinking water from private wells and continued public education are important steps toward the goal of protecting public health.â€

USGS sampled private wells from 1991 to 2004 in 30 of the nation’s principal aquifers used for water supply. As many as 219 properties and contaminants, including pH, major ions, nutrients, radionuclides, trace elements, pesticides, volatile organic compounds, and microbial contaminants, were measured. Sampled water was taken from private wells before any home treatment.

Few organic contaminants (7 out of 168) exceeded health benchmarks, and were found above health benchmarks in less than one percent of sampled wells. Organic contaminants were detected at lower concentrations in more than half (60 percent) of sampled wells, indicating that a variety of contaminant sourcesâ€â€including agricultural, residential, and industrialâ€â€can affect the quality of water from private wells. The study measured organic chemicals at very low concentrationsâ€â€often well below human-health benchmarksâ€â€in order to assess occurrence and sources. Pesticides can, however, be dangerous at low levels; view “Facing Scientific Realities: Debunking the â€ËœDose Makes the Poison’ Myth” for more information.

Contaminants found in private wells usually co-occurred with other contaminants as mixtures rather than alone, which can be a concern because the total combined toxicity of contaminant mixtures can be greater than that of any single contaminant. Mixtures of contaminants at relatively low concentrations were found in the majority of wells, but mixtures with multiple contaminants above health benchmarks were uncommon (about four percent). The USGS report identifies the need for continued research because relatively little is known about the potential health effects of most mixtures of contaminants, and the additive or synergistic effects on human health of mixtures of man-made chemicals at low levels are not well understood.

Bacteria, including total coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli, were found in as many as one third of a subset of 400 wells. These bacteria are typically not harmful but can be an indicator of fecal contamination. About half of the 2,100 sampled wells had at least one property or contaminant outside recommended ranges for cosmetic or aesthetic purposes, such as total dissolved solids, pH, iron, and manganese.

Human-health benchmarks used in the study include drinking-water standards for contaminants regulated under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and non-enforceable USGS Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs) for unregulated contaminants, developed by USGS in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. About half of the wells deemed to have potential health concerns had concentrations greater than Maximum Contaminant Levels specified by the Safe Drinking Water Act for public-water supplies. In relating measured concentrations to health benchmarks, this study offers a preliminary assessment of potential health concerns that identifies conditions that may require further investigation. The research is not a substitute for comprehensive risk and toxicity assessments.

Private well owners, who generally are responsible for testing the quality of their well water and treating, if necessary, can contact local and state health agencies for guidance and information about well maintenance and siting, water quality and testing options, and in-home water treatment devices. Access USGS for related links to sources of information and recommendations for private well owners.

Last fall, a similar USGS survey found low-level pesticides and fertilizers in drinking water around the country. For more, click here.



Report Finds Toxic Pesticide Combustion in Grass Seed Production

(Beyond Pesticides, march 30, 2009) The burning of grass seed fields on more than 38,000 acres in Oregon has been a threat to public health for decades. Pesticide Use in Grass Seed Production: Dispelling the Field Burning Myth, a new report by Oregon Toxics Alliance, finds that grass seed fields are often sprayed with pesticides before and after field burning, which exacerbates the effects of the pesticides, creating toxics such as dioxins, cyanide, and hydrogen chloride.

The report identifies 56 different pesticides that are routinely used on Oregon grass seed fields, including 2,4D, captan, carbaryl, chlorothalonil, clopyralid, cyfluthrin, dicamba, dimethoate, diquat dibromide, glyphosate, MCPA, paraquat, thiram, and triclopyr, among others. These pesticides, many of which are linked to cancer, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption and are irritants and sensitizers, are applied over several seasons and are then burned, multiplying the health risks of the pesticides. Their combustion produces thousands of tons of air pollution spreading dioxin, phosphorus pentoxide, hydrogen chloride, cyanide, sulfur dioxide, tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (tcdd-dioxin) and polynuclear aeromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS), which attach to the surface of the fine particles in the smoke.

According to the report, combustion of pesticides and their by-products result in significant chemical transformations. The report cites research showing previously deposited semi-volatile organic compounds, such as pesticides, re-volatilize to the atmosphere and/or degrade from soils and vegetation during the burning process. It also cites studies showing that pesticides transformed into small particulate and airborne compounds can be carried though the atmosphere far distances.

“These toxic substances are carried with the fine particles deep into the lung and directly into the blood stream where there are few defense mechanisms,†states Lisa Arkin, author of the report and executive director of the Alliance. “So it turns out that burning agricultural waste that has been sprayed with pesticides can cause a more serious health risk to anyone downwind from these operations than has been previously considered.â€

“Inhalation of smoke from burning fields presents a serious threat to many patients with both lung and heart disease,†notes Robert Carolan, M.D., a Eugene-based pulmonologist. “It also presents a real risk to many others, including children and the elderly.â€

The report rejects the argument that a ban on field burning will result in an increase in pesticide use. Field burning was banned in the state of Washington over a decade ago and their industry has continued to thrive. “With the tax credits and development of alternatives that have long been provided to the grass seed industry, it is now time to stop this dangerous practice,†declares Eugene Mayor Kitty Piercy.

According to the Alliance, there are a variety of practices and strategies that farmers can use to lessen their dependence on fertilizers and herbicides and avoid the need for fire including converting to organic agriculture, using different rotation crops such as Meadowfoam, using later flowering grass seed strains, mulching leftover grass stalks, composting leftover grass stalks for future soil amendments, and selling bailed leftover grass stalks as livestock feed.

The report has been submitted to the Oregon legislature in support of SB 528, which calls for the immediate cessation of the majority of field burning and is sponsored by legislators from the Willamette Valley.

The campaign to ban agricultural field burning, spearheaded by the Alliance and the Western Environmental Law Center, is supported by state and county elected officials as well as over 100 businesses and associations, including those in the outdoor recreation industry, farming, food products and distribution, financial services, restaurants, and the Lane County Medical Society representing over 700 physicians.



Federal Court Stops GE Crop Planting on Wildlife Refuges

(Beyond Pesticides, March 27, 2009) A federal court has ordered the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to stop planting genetically engineered (GE) crops on its Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Delaware. While the ruling is limited to Prime Hook, the lawsuit may serve as a model for similar litigation at more than 80 other national wildlife refuges now growing GE crops across the country.

Filed in April 2006 by the Widener Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic on behalf of Delaware Audubon Society, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) and the Center for Food Safety, the federal suit charges that the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) illegally entered into Cooperative Farming Agreements with private parties, allowing hundreds of acres to be plowed over without required environmental review and contrary to FWS’ own policy prohibiting GE crops.

“It is unfortunate that we had to file suit against the Service to get it to comply with its own policies,†commented Nicholas DiPasquale, Conservation Chair for Delaware Audubon. “It is clear that this Refuge Manager had abdicated control over farming operations at Prime Hook just as it is also clear that farming practices have been extremely destructive to the forested uplands at the refuge.â€

The groups filed suit after discovering that a top Bush administration political appointee overruled the wildlife refuge manager in allowing the gene altered crops. Three months after the groups filed suit in the U.S. District Court for Delaware, the Fish & Wildlife Service loosened its policies to facilitate greater use of GM crops on all refuges.

“These farming programs chew up the habitat that is supposed to provide refuge for wildlife,†stated Grady Hocutt, a former long-time refuge manager who directs the PEER refuge program. “Genetically modified crops serve no legitimate refuge purpose and have no business being grown there.â€

Farming within wildlife refuges often interferes with the protection of the wildlife and the native grasses that the national refuge system is designed to protect. Scientists also warn the use of genetically engineered crops can lead to increased pesticide use on refuges and can have additional negative effects on birds, aquatic animals, and other wildlife. In this case, Federal District Court Chief Judge Gregory Sleet concluded that “it is undisputed that farming with genetically modified crops at Prime Hook poses significant environmental risks.â€

“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service should not be planting genetically engineered crops on National Wildlife Refuges,†said Kevin Golden, Staff Attorney for the Center for Food Safety. “Prime Hook is the tip of the iceberg of a nation-wide problem which needs to be addressed at refuges around the country.†The groups plan to pursue further action. According to Jeff Ruch, executive director of PEER, “If we don’t see movement, our litigation plan is to select a refuge in each region of the country and file similar suits.”

The court ruling blocks future agricultural operations on Prime Hook until compatibility determinations required by the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act and environmental assessments required by the National Environmental Policy Act have been completed.

For more information on genetic engineering, visit our program page.

Sources: Delaware Online, St. Louis Post Dispatch



Potential Impacts of Food Safety Legislation on Organic and Small Farms

(Beyond Pesticides, March 26, 2009) Following safety concerns and recalls of peanut butter products and spinach, new food safety legislation has been introduced by the U.S. Congress. They have stirred fears that the future of food safety regulations will be designed for Big Agriculture, and will harm organic and small farmers, and even home gardeners. H.R. 875, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, and H.R. 759, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Globalization Act of 2009, are responsible for many of those fears.

Due to growing concerns and rumors regarding these, and other, bills, Food & Water Watch (FWW) has summarized some of the chief points of each bill.

FWW explains that H.R. 875 would turn FDA into two agencies: one that regulates food, and another for drugs and medical devices. It increases processing plant inspections, as the latest peanut butter recalls were traced to one terribly mismanaged plant. It requires farms to write a “food safety plan,†and extends FDA authority to include farms. It also requires imported food to meet the same safety standards as domestic products.

It does not, however, establish mandatory animal identification, like the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), nor does it regulate backyard gardens, seed, or require electronic food tracing. Perhaps most importantly for small farmers, it does not increase regulations on farmers markets and does not apply at all to food that does not cross state lines.

According to FWW and others, H.R. 759 is more likely to pass through Congress than H.R. 875. Potentially problematic components of this bill include: requiring electronic recordkeeping by farms and restaurants, in addition to food processors; requires food processors to pay a registration fee to fund FDA’s increased inspections; and directs FDA to develop production standards and “good agricultural practices†for produce.

The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) has developed a position statement on food safety that elucidates some of the concerns these bills raise. “MOFGA’s concerns have really been around making sure we don’t require extra systems at the same time as farmers around the country are having a hard time maintaining viable businesses,†said Russell Libby, the group’s executive director. MOFGA’s four-pointed working principles to guide food safety are:

1) Focus on the big problems. Current food safety discussions “tend to ignore anything but biological food safety issues; FDA’s food monitoring data continue to show pesticide residues from DDT and organophosphates at low levels, but it is generally ignored as an enforcement priority.†2) Fairness and flexibility. “Enacting laws or regulations that work for large farms but can’t be met by small farmers is fundamentally wrong.†3) “Mandating only one solution (e.g. USDA’s Good Agricultural Practices) limits possibilities for small farmers. 4) Enforce existing food safety laws first before considering reorganization.

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) has also come out against H.R. 875. It states, “OCA does not support H.R. 875 in its present form, given the fact that, if the bill’s regulations were applied in a one-size-fits-all manner to certified organic and farm-to-consumer operations, it could have a devastating impact on small farmers, especially raw milk producers.â€

Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA), who has supported organic agriculture for decades, supports new food safety legislation, and tried to allay such fears. Small farmers need not worry, he said, “because I think the smallest are not a target. It’s not farmers’ markets; I’s not organic growers shipping to local areas. It’s big commercialization, essentially the supermarket-type foods that are processed in big quantities and distributed all over the United States.†H.R. 875 was introduced by Rep. Rosa DeLauro, who has a long history of supporting progressive legislation.

For more information on the National Organic Program’s existing regulatory requirements for food safety, view a summary by Beyond Pesticides board member Jim Riddle, of the University of Minnesota.

TAKE ACTION: H.R. 875 and H.R. 759 are still under discussion and may be amended. Track them at www.thomas.loc.gov. Clearly, questions about their effect on small and organic farmers remain. Contact your representative today to demand clarity and explanation of how they might unintentionally negatively impact sustainable agriculture.

Sources: Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, Food & Water Watch, Kennebec Journal, New York Times

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