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School Districts Awarded for Combating Pests and Pesticides

(Beyond Pesticides, October 22, 2007) Twelve North Carolina public school districts received recognition from North Carolina State University’s school IPM program for their work in reducing pest problems while cutting down on the use of chemical pesticides. State and university officials, members of the nonprofit community, and industry representatives attended the third annual School IPM Recognition Awards ceremony Oct. 10 at North Carolina State University to honor school districts who have been able to protect children from the hazards of pests and pesticides.

The awarded schools demonstrate that administrators do not have to choose between two ills, rather they can prevent students and teachers from exposure to both pests and toxic chemicals. The schools’ integrated pest management (IPM) programs emphasize cultural practices and structural repairs, including routine building inspections and maintenance, sanitation efforts and prompt repairs when slight leaks or cracks make an inviting home for unwanted guests. “The whole IPM effort is about striking while the bug is close,†State School Superintendent June Atkinson said in her keynote speech. “It’s going to take people like you to make sure our schools are safe.â€

Beyond Pesticides advocates IPM for school buildings with a clear definition containing eight essential program components: education/training, monitoring, action thresholds, prevention, least-toxic tactics criteria, notification, recordkeeping, and evaluation. Proper IPM is discussed in detail in a Beyond Pesticides report, Ending Toxic Dependency: The State of IPM. Soon North Carolina public schools will have to transition from a scheduled monthly pesticide application program to an approach that involves less risky practices, as required by the passage of the Schoolchildren’s Health Act (HB 1502) last summer.

Dr. Godfrey Nalyanya, coordinator of the school IPM program at NC State University, refereed the ceremony. Nalyanya and Superintendent Atkinson presented the awards. “School districts have to apply and fill out an eight-page application,†Nalyanya said. “So they’re really serious about the program.†Three categories of awards recognize different levels of achievement for the school districts. Leadership awards go to school district representatives that not only have successful integrated pest management programs but also have assisted other schools with beginning similar programs; program awards go to schools that have transitioned to an IPM program; and initiative awards go to schools that have recently begun an IPM program.

North Carolina is one of 12 states to require school IPM programs and indicative of the increased national attention to the hazards that pesticides pose to children. Connecticut banned the application of pesticides on school grounds this summer. Studies consistently link many pesticides to adverse health effects that affect children’s respiratory system and their ability to learn. A study in Canada found that an overwhelming number of pesticide poisonings occur in children under the age of six, the World Health Organization highlights children’s increased vulnerability to chemical exposures at different periods of their growth and development, and a recent study from Drs. Theo Colborn and Lynn Carroll describes the multigenerational effects of pesticides. The body of evidence in scientific literature shows that pesticide exposure can adversely affect a child’s neurological, respiratory, immune, and endocrine system, even at low levels.

Ben Matthews, director of the School Support Division at the state Department of Public Instruction, said that about 54 percent of North Carolina’s school districts have transitioned away from monthly pesticide use to Integrated Pest Management. “We have some work to do, but we’re going to be here for a long time, and I think that’s great,†he said. So far, IPM has found its way onto schools’ agendas in North Carolina, but no laws have been passed governing pesticide use on public property or state-managed land.

Source: WNCT



With Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria on the Rise, Study Confirms Risks of Antibacterial Soaps

(Beyond Pesticides, October 18, 2007) Antibacterial soaps show no health benefits over plain soaps and, in fact, may render some common antibiotics less effective, says University of Michigan public health professor Allison Aiello, Ph.D. The study, “Consumer Antibacterial Soaps: Effective or Just Risky?” appears in the August edition of Clinical Infectious Diseases.

In the first known comprehensive analysis of whether antibacterial soaps containing triclosan work better than plain soaps, Dr. Aiello of the University of Michigan School of Public Health and her team found that washing hands with an antibacterial soap was no more effective in preventing infectious illness than plain soap. Moreover, antibacterial soaps at formulations sold to the public do not remove any more bacteria from the hands during washing than plain soaps.

Because of the way triclosan, the main active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps, reacts in the cells, it may cause some bacteria to become resistant to commonly used drugs such as amoxicillin, the researchers say. These changes have not been detected at the population level, but e-coli bacteria bugs adapted in lab experiments showed resistance when exposed to as much as 0.1 percent weight/volume triclosan soap.

“What we are saying is that these e-coli could survive in the concentrations that we use in our (consumer formulated) antibacterial soaps,” Dr. Aiello said. “What it means for consumers is that we need to be aware of what’s in the products. The soaps containing triclosan used in the community setting are no more effective than plain soap at preventing infectious illness symptoms, as well as reducing bacteria on the hands.”

The University of Michigan team looked at 27 studies conducted between 1980 and 2006, and found that soaps containing triclosan within the range of concentrations commonly used in the community setting (0.1 to 0.45 percent wt/vol) were no more effective than plain soaps. Triclosan is used in higher concentrations in hospitals and other clinical settings, and may be more effective at reducing illness and bacteria in the hospital setting, according to the researchers.

With the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria responsible for an increasing number of hospitalizations, deaths and school closures, public health advocates are concerned over the rampant overuse of antimicrobial products and antibiotics. Triclosan is found in hundreds of common everyday products, including nearly half of all commercial soaps. In addition to soaps, triclosan is found in deodorants, toothpastes, cosmetics, fabrics and plastics.

Triclosan works by targeting a biochemical pathway in the bacteria that allows the bacteria to keep its cell wall intact. Because of the way triclosan kills the bacteria, mutations can happen at the targeted site. Dr. Aiello says a mutation could mean that the triclosan can no longer get to the target site to kill the bacteria because the bacteria and the pathway have changed form.

The analysis concludes that government regulators should evaluate antibacterial product claims and advertising, and further studies are encouraged. The FDA does not formally regulate the levels of triclosan used in consumer products. Other antiseptic products on the market contain different active ingredients, such as the alcohol in hand sanitizers or the bleach in some antibacterial household cleaners. Dr. Aiello’s team did not study those products and those ingredients are not at issue.

Additionally, researchers at Virginia Tech have found that triclosan reacts with chlorine in tap water to form significant quantities of chloroform. Chloroform is classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a probable human carcinogen. The research also suggests that the reaction of triclosan with chlorine could produce highly chlorinated, and thus dangerous, dioxins in the presence of sunlight.

TAKE ACTION: When used in hospitals and other health care settings, or for persons with weakened immune systems, triclosan represents an important health care and sanitary tool. Outside of these settings, it is totally unnecessary, and the constant exposure to triclosan becomes a health and environmental hazard. The best solution to preventing infections is good old soap and water. Make sure you read all labels when buying soaps and other toiletry products to ensure that triclosan is not included. Also be on the lookout for Microban and Irgasan, which are other names for triclosan. Consult our Triclosan factsheet for a list of products containing triclosan (some, like Teva sandals and kitchen knives, may surprise you) and for more detailed information on alternatives to triclosan.



Scientists Cite Pesticides’ Multigeneration Effects, Call for Regulation

(Beyond Pesticides, October 18, 2007) In a scholarly review written by Theo Colborn, Ph.D. and Lynn Carroll, Ph.D., the authors point to the multigenerational effects of some pesticides that they say demand improved regulation to protect human and environmental health. The review, “Pesticides, Sexual Development, Reproduction, and Fertility: Current Perspective and Future Direction,” appears in the international journal Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (13:5, 1078 — 1110), September, 2007. The study points out a major deficiency in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s regulation of pesticides under current health reviews and risk assessments. The authors call EPA’s pesticide registration system “outmoded†and one that has “almost completely missed the low-dose and endocrine system-mediated effects of pesticides.†The study reviews both epidemiological and laboratory data. In the abstract, the authors state the following:

Improvements in chemical analytical technology and non-invasive sampling protocols have made it easier to detect pesticides and their metabolites at very low concentrations in human tissues. Monitoring has revealed that pesticides penetrate both maternal and paternal reproductive tissues and organs, thus providing a pathway for initiating harm to their offspring starting before fertilization throughout gestation and lactation. This article explores the literature that addresses the parental pathway of exposure to pesticides. We use DDT/DDE as a model for chemicals that oftentimes upon exposure have no apparent, immediate health impacts, or cause no obvious birth defects, and are seldom linked with cancer. Their health effects are overlooked because they are invisible and not life threateningâ€â€but might have significant health, social, and economic impacts at the individual and population levels. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the necessity to develop new approaches for determining the safety of pesticides and the need for innovative regulatory policy to protect human and environmental health.

The authors cite an article, “DDT and DDE exposure in mothers and time to pregnancy in daughters”, Cohn BA, Cirillo PM, Wolff MS, et al. 2003, Lancet 361:2205—06) a pesticide effect in the third generation, saying,

This study exposed heretofore occult activity of DDT and DDE where their effects are manifested in the second generationâ€â€and not until adulthoodâ€â€and with an ultimate effect at the population level in the third generation. These cryptic and confusing findings provide insight into the complexity and insidious nature of a pesticide that is not acutely toxic and has been considered safe by some (Attaran et al. 2000) for more than 60 years. This study points out the need for multigenerational testing of pesticides, especially those that are persistent and may have degradation products that have different health impacts than the parent compound.

The authors conclude that:

The lesson learned from DDT and the other studies cited earlier is that developmental, transgenerational testing is critical to protect public health and future generations from widely dispersed chemicals. Certainly we cannot wait for prospective studies that could resolve the uncertainties. . . It is apparent that although there are adequate scientific data available to make sound public health decisions about certain pesticides, neither the political will nor the correct vehicle are available to translate that knowledge into policy to protect human health.

The authors can be reached at The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX), PO Box 1407, Paonia, CO 81428.



Satellite Images to Assist in European Pesticide Registration

(Beyond Pesticides, October 17, 2007) The European Space Agency (ESA) has announced its support for a new initiative that would utilize satellite images to develop data that will be used in the registration process for agricultural pesticides across Europe. Currently “efficiency data†from field trials is required for pesticide registration in the European Union (EU). Data in the same climatic zones across the EU can be used for registration. The new service, Site Similarity Certification, has been developed in the framework of an ESA-supported project aimed at strengthening the European capacity to provide geo-information services based on Earth observation data. It is expected that the system will reduce the number of pesticide field trials across the EU.ESA map

The national members of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO), which currently registers all pesticides to be used within the EU, also collects “pesticide efficiency†data from field trails across defined zones of comparable climates across Europe. This system allows data generated in one country to support the registration of pesticides in another country within the same climatic zone. Site Similarity Certification (SSC) merges satellite imagery with conventional physical and biological data such as temperature, precipitation, soil characteristics and recurring natural phenomena. In doing so, the scientific approach to defining and transferring field trial results achieved in one EU member state to another can be improved.

“In view of the needs for testing and regulating Plant Protection Products within EPPO member countries, the continuation of the already successfully started efforts to integrate the use of satellite images into the process of pesticide registration seems to be a promising tool,” EPPO Working Party member Udo Heimbach, Ph.D., said. “Satellite images are intended to be used to prove the similarity of trial sites and herewith to improve the procedure of mutual recognition of trial results throughout Europe, which is one of the aims of EPPO.”

Proving the comparability of crop sites also saves the pesticide industry from carrying out expensive perennial trials, allows field trials to be planned more efficiently and creates the possibility of substituting missing field trials. The SSC is part of an ESA Earth Observation Market Development (EOMD) project that provides geo-information services.

Source: Science Daily



Bt Corn Could Hurt Aquatic Ecosystems

(Beyond Pesticides, October 16, 2007) Corn, genetically engineered (GE) to tolerate the pesticide Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), has been found to harm non-target aquatic insects and disrupt the connected food web. A new study by researchers at Indiana University, funded by the National Science Foundation and published in Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, suggests that the crop, which has been licensed for use since 1996, poses an unforseen risk to aquatic ecosystems.

According to the study, roughly 35 percent of American corn acreage is Bt corn. Pollen and other parts of the plants are travelling much farther than the fields in which they are planted, carrying Bt toxins through watersheds and being consumed by close relatives of the corn’s targeted pests. Caddisflies experience high mortality and stunted growth as a result of exposure. As researcher Todd V. Royer observed, they “are a food resource for higher organisms like amphibians and fish. And, if our goal is to have healthy, functioning ecosystems, we need to protect all the parts. Water resources are something we depend on greatly.”

This effect went unnoticed for ten years because the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in its registration trials, tested Bt on a crustacean, rather than the aquatic insects that are being affected. “Every new technology comes with some benefits and some risks,” said Royer. “I think probably the risks associated with widespread planting of Bt corn were not fully assessed.”

This risk to aquatic life increases as the demand for corn grows. James Raich, a National Science Foundation program director, warned that “increased use of corn for ethanol is leading to increased demand for corn and increased acreage in corn production. Previous concerns about the nutrient enrichment in streams that accompany mechanized row-crop agriculture are now compounded by toxic corn byproducts that enter our streams and fisheries, and do additional harm.”

Bt corn, along with other genetically GE crops like soybeans and rice, has been controversial in some states and studies, whether over its environmental impact or economic value. In addition to this study’s findings among non-target species, it raises fears of pesticide resistance in target species, contamination of non-GE crops, and corporate monopolies on seed. For more on genetic engineering, click here.

Sources: Science Daily, The Student Operated Press, Brownfield (including audio interview with researcher Todd Royer)



Pesticide Registration Improvement Renewal Act Stamped

(Beyond Pesticides, October 15, 2007) President Bush signed the Pesticide Registration Improvement Renewal Act (PRIA II) into effect last Tuesday, renewing and amending the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA). Environmentalists, government officials and industry representatives hailed the passage of the law, marking a rare consensus among the groups.

The Senate passed the bill (S. 1983) without opposition on August 2, and the House of Representatives gave its unanimous approval on September 24. The renewal legislation will extend funding through 2012 for EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), which originally received $200 million in registration fees in 2003. Environmental groups and trade organizations called Congressional passage of the act a victory for cooperative public policy development, led by the Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA), CropLife America and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

“This is a win-win-win proposition,†said Phil Klein, CSPA’s senior vice president of legislative and public affairs. “The EPA Office of Pesticide Programs gets long-term stable funding. The environmental and farm worker communities get increased funding for worker protection, shorter timelines for reduced risk pesticides, a comprehensive review of pesticides every 15 years, and additional grant money for farm worker certification. And industry benefits from predictable timelines for bringing newer and more innovative products to market.â€

“Renewal of PRIA is a huge win for both public health and the environment,†said Heather Taylor, deputy legislative director, NRDC. “The law has kept harmful pesticides in check since 2003 and will continue to safeguard the public in immeasurable ways for years to come. It’s clear that the more environment and industry work together, the more we all win.â€

PRIA II builds upon the tradition of the first PRIA legislation, which is set to expire in 2008, amending the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). It increases in and clarifies categories covered, uses maintenance fees for registration review, protects funds for grant programs, increases funding levels, and prevents free-riding. “PRIA II reauthorizes the solid legislation created four years ago by a broad coalition of pesticide manufacturers, public interest groups, and pesticide user groups. Predictable timelines have allowed industry to provide the American farmer with better and more innovative methods to produce the safe, affordable and abundant food supply Americans enjoy,†said Jay Vroom, president and CEO of CropLife. “We are enthusiastic about the reauthorization of the legislation and applaud Congress for swiftly passing it.â€

“The reauthorization of PRIA by the 110th Congress represents a significant legislative victory in a most challenging time and demonstrates the benefits of collaboration among all stakeholders in the process,†said Beau Greenwood, executive vice president government relations and public affairs of CropLife.

Along with CSPA, CropLife and NRDC, the coalition supporting PRIA reauthorization included American Chemistry Council Biocides Panel, Biotechnology Industry Organization, Biopesticide Industry Alliance, Chemical Producers & Distributors Association, International Sanitary Supply Association, Protected Harvest and Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment. CSPA represents the manufacturers of consumer household pest management and antimicrobial (disinfecting) products, and CropLife represents the producers of agricultural pesticides. NRDC is a leading national environmental organization.

Sources: NRDC, CropLife America, ThomasNet Industrial Newsroom



National Mall Tests Organic Lawn Care

(Beyond Pesticides, October 12, 2007) One of the nation’s most visible and heavily used plots of turf will be a demonstration site for organic lawn care over the next two years. Over four acres of Washington, DC’s National Mall will be maintained organically in order to determine “whether environmentally friendly treatments . . . can improve the viability of the soil enough to make grass more viable under the extreme compaction conditions of the National Mall,” according to the National Park Service (NPS).

The area will be cared for by SafeLawns.org employees. According to NPS, “SafeLawns.org originally contacted the National Mall & Memorial Parks in Spring of 2007 offering to maintain at no cost to the NPS some portion of the National Mall using proactive environmentally friendly techniques and proceedures.” Among those used are aeration, compost and compost tea applications, and overseeding, all of which comply with Department of the Interior Integrated Pest Management requirements. The Environmental Protection Agency will also conduct independent soil monitoring, along with complete record-keeping of the project.The panels under SafeLawns.org’s care are currently closed to public use, along with others in the eastern half of the National Mall, as part of NPS’s scheduled rotation. They will reopen next April, at which point the lawn’s health will be tested by daily use.

For now, though, the most intensive treatment is underway. The first panel has received “8 [inches] deep tilling for reduction of compaction and aeration . . . Then 450 cubic yards of solid plant material compost were tilled into the soil. The site was re-graded, seeds were applied and a liquid compost mulch applied over the seeds. It will be watered through October, 2007. Panel 2 received core aeration, liquid compost and seeds but, like the NPS panels, will not be irrigated.” A third adjacent panel will be maintained by NPS according to their regular practices as a “control” by which the organic panels may be measured. SafeLawns.org’s work area is between 4th and 7th Streets on the Mall, and will by cared for through August, 2009.

“This is exactly the kind of high visibility project we had in mind when we conceived our organization in February of 2006,” said SafeLawn.org’s founder, Paul Tukey. “If we can grow resilient grass on the National Mall, where 27 million people trample the lawn each year, then we will have demonstrated that we can grow grass anywhere. Most importantly, we’ll have proved that you can grow grass without relying on chemical fertilizers and pesticides that can harm wildlife and contaminate drinking water, as well as cause harm to people and their pets.”

Sources: Landscape Management, National Park Service



Organic Market Continues to Grow

(Beyond Pesticides, October 11, 2007) American consumers who buy organic food regularly are still a small minority, but are growing, according to a survey conducted last month. Most people – whether organic consumers or not – consider organic foods to be safer, better for the environment and healthier. In addition, the majority of consumers surveyed said they found organic products to be generally more expensive, but most of the consumers who buy organic food said these products taste better and are worth the extra cost. “The many people who have positive attitudes to organic food suggest that the increase in consumption of organic food is likely to continue and, in a few years time, could account for a much larger share of the food market,” according to the survey, which was conducted by Harris Interactive last month and released yesterday. The online poll gathered responses from 2,392 online respondents, with figures for age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, region and household income weighted where necessary to bring them into line with their actual proportions in the population.The survey comes at a time when overall awareness of organic as a ‘healthier’ alternative to conventional food and drink products is growing . According to the latest figures from the organics industry, the market last year grew beyond expectations to represent almost a third of all retail food and beverage sales.Released earlier this year, the Organic Trade Association’s (OTA) 2007 Manufacturer Survey found that U.S. sales of organic foods totaled nearly $17 billion in 2006, exceeding last year’s forecasts of $16 billion. This marks a 22 percent increase compared to sales of $14 billion in 2005. Organic foods’ 3 percent share of total food sales is up from 1.9 percent in 2003 and approximately 2.5 percent in 2005.

According to the latest findings from the Harris poll, the number of consumers who report buying organic products ‘all the time’ still remains small – only one percent of the population. However, a further six percent said they by organics ‘most of the time’, while 31 percent responded ‘occasionally’, and 33 percent ‘rarely’. Some 26 percent of respondents said they ‘never’ buy organics.

Those who buy organics (including those who only buy them occasionally and rarely) report that their organic purchases are much more likely to have increased (32 percent) than to have decreased (5 percent) over the past year – evidence that organic food consumption has been rising, according to Harris.

Almost 80 percent of all respondents believe that organic food is safer for the environment, while 76 percent said they also thought it was healthier. Out of frequent organic food buyers, these figures jump to 92 percent and 98 percent respectively.

Some 86 percent of frequent organic food buyers also think it tastes better, but only 39 percent of all adults think this way. In addition, 95 percent of people, including 88 percent of frequent organic food buyers, believe organic food is more expensive.

About a third (36 percent) of American adults, including almost all (91 percent) frequent organic food buyers, believe that ‘organic food is much better for you’ and that ‘the extra expense is worth it to have better food’. A smaller 29 percent of the public believe it is ‘a waste of money as it is no better for you than conventional foods’. Some 36 percent said they ‘are not sure’.

The poll also found that some segments of the population are more likely to buy organic food regularly, including college graduates (11 percent), Liberals (11 percent), Westerners (10 percent), Echo Boomers (those aged 18-30; 10 percent), and Gen Xers (those aged 31-42; 9 percent).

Lorraine Heller © 2000/2007 Decision News Media SAS. All Rights Reserved. This story is posted here for the education of our members and we beleive it falls within the Fair Use statute of U.S. copyright law.



BASF To Get Serious About Worldwide Pesticide Counterfeiting

(Beyond Pesticides, October, 10 2007) One of the largest chemical companies in the world, BASF Corporation, announced in a press release October 9, 2007 that it will get serious in its campaign against the use of illegal pesticides. The sale and distribution of unregistered or counterfeit pesticidal products is clearly prohibited under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), resulting in harm to public health and the environment. Several companies have recently been fined by the EPA for selling and distributing unregistered or mislabeled pesticide products (See Daily News Blogs: “EPA Fines Clorox Over Export Labels” and “Target Settles with EPA on Labeling Violations”).

BASF sees the problem as adversely affecting its bottom line. BASF Agricultural Products spends over 300 million euros in research and development, especially in the field of crop protection, to develop and launch new products. As a result, the company is on a state of alert to prevent activities which deliberately infringe its existing patents or which are illegal, including product counterfeiting and the sale and distribution of unregistered pesticides. The agricultural products division of BASF said that its worldwide fight against illegal pesticides would involve taking legal action for patent infringement, illegal imports of products, as well as illegal use of company brand names.

Division president Michael Heinz said, “Whether it’s an infringement of our patent rights, illegal imports or ineffective substances being sold under our brand names — we will relentlessly pursue all violations. This is part of our worldwide product responsibility, and we’re doing it to protect our customers.” Products with counterfeit labels and packaging are of great concern from a public health perspective. A discrepancy between a container’s label and its contents may not only be potentially dangerous for the users, but can pose significant economic damage in agriculture and elsewhere. In some cases, the product may contain hazardous and/or banned chemicals, or may contain chemicals that are completely ineffective.

Sources: Webwire and BASF press release.




Chloropicrin Fumes Send Nevada Farmworkers to Hospital

(Beyond Pesticides, October 9, 2007) Two state agencies and the U.S. EPA are close to completing an investigation of the poisoning of over 100 farmworkers in Nevada two weeks ago. Chloropicrin, an agricultural fumigant, drifted to a worker-occupied field, sending 121 laborers to Saint Lyon Medical Center (SLMC) for treatment on the morning of September 26. Upon arrival, the workers were showing symptoms including difficulty breathing, nausea, watery eyes and sore throat. SLMC Administrator Joan Hall said that only 12 of the 121 people required emergency room care, and most returned to work the same afternoon.

Normally, chloropicrin’s off-gas dissipates, but because of a weather inversion the fumigant stayed lower to the ground and drifted more than a half-mile away from its application area to the worker-occupied field. Speaking on behalf of local farming operation Peri & Sons Farms, media contact Tim Cummings said both the Nevada Department of Agriculture and Occupational Safety and Health Administration have concluded their portion of the report, with the remaining piece due from the EPA. Peri & Sons owns both fields, which are located just over a half-mile apart, far enough apart from each other for such applications, according to state regulations and the EPA’s guidelines. Cummings said that findings so far have shown no wrongdoing or incorrect farming practices on the part of Peri & Sons Farms, but that he would reserve further comment until the investigation is complete. Ed Foster, regional manager for the Plant Industry Division of the Nevada Department of Agriculture, said he expects a report by all parties involved to be completed within this week. “It’s pretty cut and dried,†Foster said.

Chloropicrin is non-selective pre-plant soil fumigant with fungicidal, herbicidal, insecticidal, and nematicidal properties, according to the EPA, and is also used to treat wood. The chemical is extremely toxic, with the probable oral lethal dose in a human weighing 150 pounds (70 kg) being 350-3500 mg, or between seven drops and one teaspoonful. According to the substance’s Material Safety Data Sheet, chloropicrin is an irritant, which, in higher doses can cause severe eye irritation and permanent vision impairment including blindness. Chloropicrin may be fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin. The MSDS says, at 15 parts per million, it is intolerable to humans for more than a minute’s exposure to eyes. The chemical is also a respiratory irritant, which requires treatment at a medical facility. Source: Reno Gazette-Journal (September 28, October 5)



Prince Charles’s Organic Gardens on Display

(Beyond Pesticides, October 5, 2007) Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, has long been a proponent of organic gardening and sustainability. In his new book, entitled Elements of Organic Gardening, the Prince of Wales illustrates how he maintains 15 acres of immaculate ornamental and vegetable gardens on his Gloucestershire estate, Highgrove. An organic gardener for the past 26 years, the Prince’s image has changed from a man who talks to his plants to organic spokesperson. “I think some people of the older generation saw him and organic gardening as mildly eccentric,” said co-author Stephanie Donaldson. “But I think it is like all prophets who have a bit of a problem to start with. People are starting to see that things he was saying 15 to 20 years ago are now being said by government scientists. Suddenly his time has come and people are starting to think that maybe he is right after all.”Highgrove’s head groundskeeper, David Howard, maintains the estate with organic, and often “old-fashioned”, tools. There is a team of draft horses to mow and rake the hay field, rather than a tractor. Slugs and other plant pests are kept in check by natural predators like hedgehogs birds. Beds are fertilized with compost and manure. “I challenge you to find any pesticides on the estate,” said Howard. “I don’t have a pesticides cupboard.” At the property’s entrance is a sign reading “This is a GMO-free zone.”

As for lawns, the Prince objects to the term; they are “green spaces which are mown regularly.” They are not weeded, aerated, watered, or fertilized. Instead, flowers, moss, and “weeds” are tolerated rather than causing concern. According to Donaldson, the organic approach was “to do with collaborating with nature rather than trying to vanquish it.”

Donaldson sees the Prince’s advocacy of organic gardening as the beginning of a larger trend. “I think any gardener aged under 40 these days will be generally organic. They are cutting down on the use of pesticides and fungicides because they have found that creating a balance in the garden is better,” she said. “They younger generation is far more aware of climate change and how it impacts all of us and they are worried about their future. They want to know what they are feeding their children.”

While Prince Charles’s book is available in the United States, there is a two-year waiting list for the public to view Highgrove estate. To join the waiting list, write to the Clarence House Press Office, London SW1A 1BA, England.

Sources: The Christian Science Monitor, The Dallas Morning News, The Mercury News, The Providence Journal, Reuters



EPA Delays Approval of Methyl Iodide

(Beyond Pesticides, October 4, 2007) On September 28, 2007, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) delayed approval of the pesticide methyl iodide, a highly toxic replacement chemical for the ozone-depleting methyl bromide (also called iodomethane), after more than 50 prominent scientists objected that the chemical was too dangerous. The decision surprised environmentalists who assumed the pesticide would most likely be registered despite opposition. According to EPA, it now “will address recent questions prompted by the pending registration of iodomethane.”

On September 24, 2007, scientists across the country — including six Nobel prize winners, alarmed by the prospect of registering methyl iodide as a pesticide, issued a letter to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson urging the Agency not to sanction the broad use of methyl iodide now or at any time.

“The gratifying thing is that EPA has been responsive to people who are really concerned about this,” Robert Bergman, a University of California at Berkeley professor who organized the scientists’ letter, told the Associated Press. The letter criticized EPA’s scientific analysis, calling for an independent scientific review of the agency’s assessment.

Methyl iodide and methyl bromide are injected into the soil at rates of 100-400 pounds per acre to kill soil-borne pests. Because of the high application rates and gaseous nature of these chemicals, they drift away from the application site to poison neighbors and farmworkers. EPA’s analysis evaluated possible buffer zones around fields and concluded that bystander exposure would not be significant. It said farmworkers could protect themselves sufficiently with respirators.

The Montreal Protocol, a 1992 commitment by the world’s nations that includes the phase out methyl bromide – one of the five deadly pesticides targeted by Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers – gave hope that farmworkers and others would finally stop being put at risk by this deadly pesticide. Unfortunately, EPA is not only backpedaling on this, but is also facilitating the chemical industry and agribusiness efforts to introduce methyl iodide, a fumigant that may be even more hazardous to human health than methyl bromide.

The state of California lists methyl iodide as a carcinogen under Proposition 65. EPA found that methyl iodide caused thyroid tumors–and introduced a previously unheard of cancer ranking of “Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans at doses that do not alter rat thyroid hormone homeostasis.” The EPA’s Cancer Assessment Review Committee came to this conclusion using only a single studyâ€â€in which 62-66% of the rats in both the control and the high dose group died during the experiment. In addition to thyroid tumors, the study showed significant changes in thyroid hormone levels, which are closely tied to metabolic disorders. Other animal studies evaluated by EPA also indicated that methyl iodide causes respiratory tract lesions, neurological effects, and miscarriages.



Action Alert: Farm Bill Action in Senate Agriculture Committee Expected Oct 4; Comment Now!

PLEASE CALL YOUR SENATORS TODAY! Urge them to stand with Senator Harkin in fighting for a farm bill that invests in the future!

Time is of the essence. If your Senator is on the Agriculture Committee (see list of Members and their contact information below) call and ask for their legislative aid that works on agriculture. If the agriculture aid is available, talk to them about your support for the programs in Chairman Harkin’s proposal (for more background on these programs, most of which are in the SAC platform, go to: www.sustainableagriculturcoalition.org). If the aid is unavailable, leave a short message of support, along with your name and phone number, on the aid’s voice mail or with the receptionist.

If you prefer to write, fax a brief letter of support, addressed to the Senator, and remember to include your name and address and contact information. The fax numbers are listed below. You can also email your Senator by finding their entry on this page.

The message is simple: “I am a constituent and am calling to urge Senator _________ to support Chairman Harkin’s farm bill proposal that would strengthen conservation, rural development beginning farmer, local food systems, and sustainable bioenergy programs.”

On organic, add the following. Ask for support for:

1) Support these organic farming priorities:

–$25 million/year in organic research and education
–$25 million over 5 years for organic certification cost sharing
–An organic conversation program, with at least 50% of funding going to farmers transitioning to organic farming.

2) Support the Conservation Stewardship Incentive Program.

3) Oppose the amendment that prevents USDA from advising farmers on the harms of different types of toxic pesticides and promoting safer alternatives like Integrated Pest Management,

4) Support Senator Harkin’s efforts to fund conservation programs, organic agriculture, beginning and minority farmer programs and community food project grants.


Member Staff Phone FAX
Tom Harkin (IA), Chair Mark Halverson 202-224-3254 202-224-9369
Patrick Leahy (VT) Brian Baenig 224-4242 202-224-3479
Kent Conrad (ND) John Fuher 224-2043 202-224-7776
Max Baucus (MT) Brandon Willis 224-2651 202-224-0515
Blanche Lincoln (AR) Robert Holifield 224-4843 202-228-1371
Debbie Stabenow (MI) Chris Adamo 224-4822 202-228-0325
Ben Nelson (NE) Jonathan Coppess 224-6551 202-228-0012
Ken Salazar (CO) Brendan McGuire 224-5852 202-228-5036
Sherrod Brown (OH) Joe Shultz 224-2315 202-228-6321
Robert B. Casey, Jr. (PA) Kasey Gillette 224-6324 202-228-0604
Amy Klobuchar (MN) Hilary Meggin Bolea 224-3244 202-228-2186


Member Staff Phone FAX
Saxby Chambliss (GA) Ranking Member
Martha Scott Poindexter 202-224-3521 202-224-0103
Richard Lugar (IN) Aaron Whitesel 224-4814 202-228-0360
Thad Cochran (MS) West Higginbothom 224-5054 202-228-9450
Mitch McConnell (KY) Allison Thompson 224-2541 202-224-2499
Pat Roberts (KS) Mike Seyfert 224-4774 202-224-3514
Lindsey Graham (SC) Laura Bauld 224-5972 202-224-3808
Norman Coleman (MN) Tony Eberhard 224-5641 202-224-1152
Michael Crapo (ID) Staci Lancaster 224-6142 202-228-1375
John Thune (SD) Brendon Plack 224-2321 202-228-5429
Chuck Grassley (IA) Amanda Taylor 224-3744 202-224-6020



Target Settles with EPA on Labeling Violations

(Beyond Pesticides, 2nd October 2007) Target Corp. has been fined over $40,000 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for violating pesticide-labeling rules under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). As part of the penalty, EPA (Region 5) filed a consent agreement and final order with Target to halt the distribution and sale of the products in violation. According to EPA, Target sold and distributed products from its stores and website that made pesticidal claims on their labels. Some product’s properties also made comparisons to other registered products sold by competitors. An inspector cited the company for violation in April and Target is now removing pesticidal claims from the products.The products identified were: Antimicrobial Toilet Seats, Home Ultimate Mattress Pads, Home Ultimate Pillows- which made “germ-killing†claims and Cleaner With Bleach, which compared its disinfectant properties with a competitor.

Under FIFRA (Section 2(u)), any substance or product intended for “preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest,†which includes germs and bacteria, is defined as a pesticide and must be registered with EPA prior to sale and distribution. EPA considers disinfectants, antimicrobial and antibacterial products to be pesticides.

This settlement is one of several recent EPA crackdowns concerning the sale and distribution of unregistered, mislabeled pesticides. The EPA maintains that this is a serious violation that can result in harm to public health and the environment.

Source: Trading Markets



In California, Fish and Drinking Water Poisoned with Rotenone

(Beyond Pesticides, October 1, 2007) For the second time in ten years, state officials have poured aquatic insecticide and piscicide rotenone into California’s Lake Davis in an effort to control an invasive species of fish, northern pike. Despite the first failure of rotenone to eradicate the pike in 1997, Fish and Game officials felt they had no alternative but to resort to the toxic chemical once more.

The invasive pike were first introduced, illegally, into Lake Davis in 1994. Since then, the population has reached uncontrollable proportions, out-competing local trout. The small town of Portola, which uses Lake Davis as its drinking water supply, is largely supported by fishing and tourism, which are boosted by its reputation for producing extremely large trout. Local businesses fear the consequences of the pikes’ destruction of the attraction.

Despite its economic concerns, the town did not universally support the first application of rotenone in 1997. Four residents, including the mayor pro tem, were arrested in a mass protest of the application as Fish and Game put thousands of gallons of the chemical in the lake. Within a year, pike reappeared.

Ten years and many failed attempted alternatives later, the pike population thrives. Fish and Game officials, in a series of community meetings, have convinced most residents that rotenone is the only option left. As a result, Lake Davis and 52 miles of tributary streams and rivers have been treated and dead fish are beginning to appear on shore.

Fish and Game has reassured the town that all traces of rotenone will be gone from the lake in five weeks. One resident said, “we’ve been told the long-term effect of rotenone on other species is negligible, [but] I’m not convinced.” Rotenone, while an “organic” pesticide, has been linked to conditions like Parkinson’s Disease from chronic exposure. Additionally, a letter from Beyond Pesticides and Defenders of Wildlife reports that

“EPA’s risk assessment of rotenone identifies several data gaps that are cause for additional concern about the chemical, including gaps on acute and chronic toxicity data for estuarine/marine fish and invertebrates, chronic risk to birds, and a lack of data to evaluate the toxicity to aquatic and terrestrial plants (raising further concerns about threatened and endangered plant species and indirect effects to threatened and endangered animals).”

Several residents have been heard to threaten reintroduction of the pike after the lake is restocked with trout, adding to fears that this application will not succeed, either. “If we don’t eradicate the pike this time, it’s probably impossible,” said Ed Pert, head of Fish and Game’s eradication effort. “I don’t want to go through this again. I don’t think anybody wants to go through this again.”

Sources: San Francisco Chronicle, Associated Press



EPA Expected To Allow Toxic Fumigant for Agriculture

(Beyond Pesticides, September 28, 2007) EPA is due to make a decision on methyl iodide, a highly reactive and carcinogenic chemical, for use in crop production as a soil fumigant. Scientists across the country are alarmed by the prospect of registering methyl iodide as a pesticide, and fifty-four chemists and physicians from across the country issued a letter to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson Monday urging the Agency not to sanction the broad use of methyl iodide now or at any time.“[W]e are concerned that pregnant women and the fetus, children, the elderly, farm workers, and other people living near application sites would be at serious risk if methyl iodide is permitted for use in agriculture,†said the group in the letter. In the chemical community methyl iodide is a well-known cancer hazard due to its ability to mutate DNA, and the scientists are fearful that methyl iodide’s high volatility and water solubility will expose many people to harm if the chemical is used in agriculture.

Methyl iodide and methyl bromide are injected into the soil at rates of 100-400 pounds per acre to kill soil-borne pests. Because of the high application rates and gaseous nature of these chemicals, they drift away from the application site to poison neighbors and farmworkers. EPA’s analysis evaluated possible buffer zones around fields and concluded that bystander exposure would not be significant. It said farmworkers could protect themselves sufficiently with respirators.

Environmental and farmworkers groups do not see the risks as reasonable or avoidable and stand firm in their continued resistance against the use of the fumigant. The Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA), the United Farm Workers (UFW) of America and Beyond Pesticides helped bring methyl iodide to the public’s attention and organize opposition to the registration earlier this year. EPA refused registration for methyl iodide in April 2006, after the Agency received thousands of public comments opposing the chemical (See “Stop Methyl Iodide: Don’t let EPA register new carcinogenic pesticideâ€).

“An EPA decision to register this chemical would be irresponsible and reckless. Exposure to methyl iodide puts workers and rural residents at greatly increased risk for cancer, thyroid problems, miscarriages and stillbirths,†says Dr. Susan Kegley, senior scientist with PANNA. “Why is it that EPA seems so intent on registering a pesticide that is more toxic than the ones we have now? We need leadership from EPA to move towards sustainable farms that don’t poison their neighbors and workers.â€

Internal documents obtained by The Associated Press indicate use of the fumigant may be approved on an interim basis and later reviewed after new safety restrictions are set for a group of fumigants already in use. The scientists who wrote to EPA questioned the Agency’s safety assessment and asked to delay the decision until the Agency’s evaluation of methyl iodide could be subject to peer review and scientific scrutiny. “U.S. EPA has made many assumptions about toxicology and exposure in the risk assessment that have not been examined by independent scientific peer reviewers for adequacy or accuracy. Additionally, none of U.S. EPA’s calculations account for the extra vulnerability of the unborn fetus and children to toxic insults.â€

The new product is MIDAS, a methyl iodide compound manufactured by Tokyo-based Arysta LifeScience Corp., and methyl iodide does break down quickly enough in air to not be considered as a replacement to methyl bromide, an ozone depletor that is scheduled for phase-out according to the Montreal Protocol of 1992. It is not clear that this factor alone negates the hazards of the substance and deems special treatment for its use as a fumigant. The state of California lists methyl iodide as a carcinogen under Proposition 65. EPA found that methyl iodide caused thyroid tumors, and introduced a previously unheard of cancer ranking of “Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans at doses that do not alter rat thyroid hormone homeostasis.†The EPA’s Cancer Assessment Review Committee used only a single study to come to this conclusionâ€â€in which 62-66% of the rats in both the control and the high dose group died during the experiment. In addition to thyroid tumors, the study showed significant changes in thyroid hormone levels, which are closely tied to metabolic disorders. Other animal studies evaluated by EPA also indicated that methyl iodide causes respiratory tract lesions, neurological effects, and miscarriages.

Sources: Washington Post, PANNA



Canada’s Ontario Premier Calls for Ban of Cosmetic Pesticide Use

(Beyond Pesticides, September 27, 2007) In a call for sweeping reform in Canada, the Ontario Liberal Party, lead by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, has called for the banning ban of all cosmetic use of pesticides across the province as part of their commitment to healthier Ontario families. Twenty five municipalities, covering about 30 per cent of the province, have already introduced local bans or restrictions on the cosmetic use of pesticides, those typically used on lawns and landscapes. Just as the Ontario Liberals replaced a patchwork of local bylaws when they banned smoking provincewide, this new pesticide and herbicide ban would create a single, comprehensive law for all Ontario communities. “There is growing concern about the potential harmful effects of these products on human health,†Mr. McGuinty said. “When there is such widespread concern, why would we take a chance with our health, and our children’s health, just for the sake of a few dandelions, or a bit of crabgrass?â€

The Canadian Cancer Society, the Ontario College of Family Physicians, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario and the Ontario Public Health Association have all expressed concerns about the cosmetic use of pesticides and the potential to cause harm.

The Premier met with Dr. Trish Van Boekel and Dr. Kristen Blaine in Stratford, Ontario. They started a petition among physicians calling for a ban on pesticides in parks and on lawns and gardens here in Stratford. “I wanted to bring these physicians and Dalton together because they share a concern for families’ health, and especially children’s health,†John Wilkinson, Liberal candidate for Perth-Wellington, said.

â€A provincewide ban is an important step that makes a lot of sense,†Mr. Wilkinson said. “Just as Ontario Liberals successfully banned smoking in public places in Ontario, we’ll also protect Ontario families by banning these chemicals in each and every community.â€

The ban on the cosmetic use of pesticides will focus on towns and cities. Farmers and managed forests will be exempt as they are already governed by strict rules for pesticide use.

“We are committed to public health, protecting our shared environment and protecting the public interest,†Mr. McGuinty said.

“Our campaign is about positive ideas that will help families, and this ban is one of them.â€

See Backgrounder.

For more information: Ontario Liberal Party Media Relations, 416 961-3800 Ext. 386



Ion-Generating Equipment To Be Regulated as a Pesticide

(Beyond Pesticides, September 26, 2007) In a Federal Register Notice issued on September 21, 2007, the U.S. EPA clarified the distinction between devices and pesticides by stating that ion-generating equipment will now be regulated under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) as a pesticide, if the equipment uses electrodes to emit ions (of silver or other substances) for pesticidal purposes. The notice outlines the timeline and process for manufacturers, sellers and other affected parties to come into compliance with the clarified requirements of FIFRA.

In 2005, the EPA was made aware of equipment incorporating substances, such as silver and copper that, through the use of electrodes, release the ions of the substances for the purpose of preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating a pest (e.g., bacteria or algae). Since such devices incorporate substances that accomplish a pesticidal function, the agency has determined that they are to be considered a pesticide for the purposes of FIFRA and must therefore be registered prior to sale or distribution as outlined in the federal notice issued.

Section 2(h) of FIFRA defines a device as “any instrument or contrivance (other than a firearm) which is intended for trapping, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest.†Section 2 (u) defines a pesticide as “any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest.†In a federal notice issued in 1976 (41 FR 51065), the agency first provided a distinction between devices and pesticides to be the means by which they achieve their pesticidal purpose. According to the agency’s statutory interpretation, the key distinction between pesticides and devices is whether the pesticidal activity of the article is due to physical or mechanical actions or due to a substance or mixture of substances. As such, any equipment that generates ions of substances for the killing of bacteria, etc. is to be considered a pesticide.

Potentially affected equipment include, but are not limited to, washing machines that contain electrodes that emit silver, copper or zinc ions and swimming pools that use ion generators to kill algae as an adjunct to chlorination. The silver ion generating washing machine is currently marketed with claims that it will kill bacteria on clothing. The agency is currently requesting information on any other type of equipment that generates ions for pesticidal purposes. However, determinations as to whether a product is a device or pesticide are to be made on a case-by-case basis.

For further information contact: Melba S. Morrow, Antimicrobials,
Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (703) 308-2716; fax number: (703) 308-8481; e-mail address: [email protected].

Source: Federal Register: September 21, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 183)



Boston Red Sox Team Up With NRDC to Green Fenway Park

(Beyond Pesticides, September 25, 2007) The Boston Red Sox announced on September 20, 2007 that the club will begin a partnership with the environmental group Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) to make Fenway Park “green†through a series of initiatives to improve the environment, including the introduction of locally-grown organic food by its concessionaire. Over the next several years, fans may find themselves drinking beer out of plastic cups made with corn starch, snacking on organic produce, and participating in a “fifth inning recycling stretch.â€

“Fenway Park is one of America’s most beloved buildings,” said Allen Hershkowitz, senior scientist at the NRDC and coordinator of the organization’s greening initiatives. “The tangible and important ecological steps that the Red Sox and their team sponsors are advancing will have a lasting impact. By committing to the greening of this historic building, the Red Sox organization is showing leadership that reaches far beyond the game of baseball. The Red Sox are demonstrating that every organization can make a difference by joining in our collective efforts to combat global warming, bio-diversity loss, and other ecological ills. “

Giving a second meaning to the “Green Monster†(the ballpark’s well-known left field wall), efforts to make Fenway more environmentally-conscious will include a recycling program, introduction of locally grown organic produce, and the consideration of solar panels to reduce energy consumption. These initiatives, and others, will take place over the next five years, culminating in 2012, when baseball celebrates the 100th anniversary of the nation’s oldest Major League ballpark.

“We are not only committed to preserving the history, beauty, and integrity of Fenway Park, but we are also determined to enhance the park’s environmental attributes so it can serve our team, our fans, and our community in the 21st century as well as it did in the 20th century,†said Larry Lucchino, President/CEO of the Red Sox. “We look forward to beginning this process with the help of some key partners.â€

Aramark, the concessionaire at Fenway Park, will be responsible for making available more environmentally-friendly food products, including locally-grown organic produce, throughout the ballpark’s concession services. Pesticide activists applaud plans to offer organic food, but encourage the franchise and NRDC to take the program a step further by making Fenway Park the country’s first organically managed Major League ball field.

For more information on organic turf management, see Beyond Pesticides Lawns and Landscapes webpage.



Members of Congress Push EPA To Act on Endocrine Disruptors

(Beyond Pesticides, September 24, 2007) Seven representatives wrote to the EPA last Thursday, urging the government agency to act promptly to identify and screen products for dangerous endocrine-disrupting chemicals. The letter asks EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson to provide definite deadlines in the testing and control of endocrine disruptors, which are substances that interfere with the normal functioning of the endocrine system, responsible for hormonal and developmental processes. EPA’s regulation of these substances that mimic or alter natural hormonal processes has been slow and lacks direction to meet set goals promptly, according to the U.S. Representatives. “To date, EPA’s efforts in this area have been characterized by missed deadlines, prolonged delays, and inadequate incorporation of public input,†according to the letter from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, chaired by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-California). Ranking Minority Member on the Committee Tom Davis (R-Virginia); Representatives Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland), Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland), Wayne Gilchrest (R-Maryland), and Jim Moran (D-Virginia); and Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) also signed the letter to EPA.

Advocates say that EPA’s lack of urgency on endocrine disruptors leaves the American population and future generations at risk for adverse health effects from exposure to these substances through food and drinking water. Dioxins, PCBs, and DDT are notable chemicals known to be endocrine disruptors, but “[m]any other chemicals, particularly those used in pesticides and plastics, are suspected endocrine disruptors based on limited animal studies,†according to the Committee’s letter.

The 1996 Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) set a 1999 deadline for EPA to develop a battery of assays with which pesticide manufacturers will be required to screen their products as possible endocrine disruptors, similar to tests required to determine whether chemicals cause cancer, birth defects, genetic mutations, or other problems. The manufacturers’ rapid-result tests are the first part of a two-tier testing system, after which chemicals flagged by the “Tier 1†tests will then undergo more intensive “Tier 2†tests to confirm that they are endocrine disruptors, determine how they interfere with the endocrine system, and identify the dose levels that may trigger such effects. Yet the Representatives say that EPA has not completed a single step of this multi-stage process to date.

More than 10 years after being directed to do so by Congress, the EPA announced this June that it will test 73 pesticides for their potential to damage the endocrine system and disrupt the normal functioning of hormones in the body. “This initial list of 73 chemicals is only a small fraction of the universe of 1,700 chemicals that the agency has identified for screening under the FQPA mandate, and a minute percentage of the 75,000 chemicals currently listed on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory. EPA apparently has no internal deadline for identifying subsequent sets of chemicals for testing, and no plan whatsoever for ensuring that all chemicals of potential concern will be tested,†according to the Committee’s September letter. The congress members gave EPA twenty working days to respond to the letter, which includes questions as to when certain steps will be completed. Source: OMB Watch




The Perfect Time for Lawn Care Is Now

(Beyond Pesticides, September 21, 2007) As temperatures drop and the leaves start to fall, it is quickly becoming the perfect season for organic lawn care. Whether you want to transition a chemically-maintained lawn or keep your organic turf looking healthy, the work you do now will pay off next spring. From television networks to national newspapers to lawn care companies, making residential lawns ready for winter is the topic du jour, and for good reason: the healthy soil you promote this fall will better support healthy and weed-resistant grass in the future. As David Miller, owner of Nature’s Way Pest Control in Florida, said, “It’s all about soil health and you shouldn’t treat your soil like dirt. “So what should you do? Read our factsheets for complete summaries of fall lawn care. The most important things you can do are:

  • Test your soil. Knowing what balance of nutrients exists will help you plan what to apply, and when, to your lawn.
  • Aerate your lawn. Soil compaction fosters weed growth and makes it harder for fertilizers and water to penetrate to your lawn’s roots. Aerators can be rented; once microorganisms return to your soil, they will help aerate it for you.
  • Fertilize moderately – and according to what a soil test says you need. Look for slow-release fertilizers that do not overload your soil, altering the pH and running off into nearby waterways. Leaving grass clippings on your lawn after mowing is an easy way to supply 58% of the nitrogen added by fertilizers.
  • Add organic matter. Compost and compost tea can be added after aeration, by spreading a quarter-inch layer over your lawn. They suppress pathogens and feed your lawn.
  • Overseed your lawn. Choose a native and pest-resistant type of seed (free from pesticides) that will offer the best ability to thrive in your area.

Lawn care trends are starting to move this way. According to the National Gardening Association, the number of people caring for all-organic lawns is expected to double in the next five years, and the sale of organic products is rising 27 percent each year. It is a trend with resources growing steadily, making it easier to convert.

As Murray Goff, a customer of Mr. Miller, said, “I have a daughter and a granddaughter. They can walk out on my lawn. I don’t have to worry about it. None of those things. It’s all organic and it makes so much sense.” Mr. Miller concurred. “We simply can’t keep polluting our earth. What I’m trying to do is a first step in one small way.” Todd Harrington, another business owner, agreed, “With chemicals, you’re not really doing anything beneficial; you’re polluting and you’re taking risks. With organics, you’re creating a sustainable environment.”

If you would like to convert your lawn to organic but are unable to maintain it completely, check our Safety Source for Pest Management for lawn care providers in your area.

Sources: Washington Post, Greenwich Time, First Coast News, The Philadelphia Enquirer, HeraldNet



Herbicide Use Along California’s Eel River Prompts Lawsuit

(Beyond Pesticides, September 20, 20087) A citizens group sued the county and the state of California September 14, 2007 for not allowing adequate public input before using toxic sprays on the Eel River to eradicate invasive weeds. Eureka-based Californians for Alternatives to Toxics (CATs) sued the Humboldt County Agricultural Commissioner (County) and the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) for their decision to use herbicides to kill purple loosestrife plants for as many as 10 years without first consulting with the public. The suit, filed in Humboldt County Superior Court, also faults the agencies for failing to consider safer and more effective methods such as biological weed control programs, already used successfully throughout the country.“The decision to spray was made behind closed doors with the many people who care deeply about the Eel River locked out,” said Patty Clary, speaking for CATs. “State law requires that the public be involved in important environmental decisions and that alternatives be seriously considered – these requirements were not met.”

The agencies’ decision to spray the herbicide imazapyr from boats on 200 riverbank sites along 25 miles of the Eel was first sprung on the public on July 10 at an invitation-only meeting with representatives of environmental groups in Eureka.

A second meeting at a rural state park campground in southern Humboldt was announced in the county newspaper only the day before. At both meetings, the public was informed of the decision and asked to support it, but was not given the opportunity to provide information and participate in the decision-making process.

After years of study and experiments, the two agencies filed notices that they were exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act on August 13 and began spraying the very next day. The CATs suit argues that the agencies weren’t exempt from the state law.

Termed the Purple Loosestrife Eradication Project, the eradication plan calls for the use of imazapyr annually for up to 10 years – even though native and/or endangered plant species such as Beach layia (Layia carnosa) could be affected by drift or runoff from spraying. Herbicide spraying has been shown to accelerate the spread of purple loosestrife when used in natural areas.

Imazapyr (trade name Habitat) was only approved for aquatic applications in California a year ago. Imazapyr is a non-selective herbicide and therefore likely to kill many untargeted plant species, which would further impact the ecology of the region. In humans, imazapyr is an irritant and causes rashes, swelling and redness of the skin and eyes. It also breakdowns slowly and is very persistent in soil and water. The U.S. Geological Survey says little is known about how the chemical moves through surface or ground water.

Purple loosestrife is an invasive aquatic plant that can crowd out native vegetation in marshes, wetlands and river communities. It was first discovered in Humboldt County in 1997, and was successfully eradicated using non-toxic measures. Over the past six years, however, a larger population of purple loosestrife has developed in Southern Humboldt County. “CATs supports the alternatives of using biological controls, such as two kinds of leaf eating beetles that are adapted to just consuming loosestrife,” Ms. Clary said.

Source and more information: Californians for Alternatives to Toxics, 315 P Street
Eureka, CA 95501, 707-445-5100, [email protected], http://www.alternatives2toxics.org/



The Legacy of Agent Orange

(Beyond Pesticides, September 19, 2007) In Vietnam, attempts continue to be made to protect villages from the ongoing threat of Agent Orange, used by American forces to deforest the jungle canopy in the Vietnam War over 30 years ago, according to the New York Times. Reforestation and fencing are being carried out to prevent local animals and residents from being exposed to soil contaminated with 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD), a potent dioxin contaminant of Agent Orange.

Phung Tuu Boi, forester and director of the Center for Assistance in Nature Conservation and Community Development in Hanoi, is attempting to reforest thousands of hectares in central Vietnam. However, his main concern is the dioxin that taints the soil and the local residents most at risk since they live off the land.

“The local people are poor and uneducated, and they don’t understand. Children come here to play and they collect insects and other things to eat,†said Mr. Boi.

TCDD is the most dangerous form of dioxin and the levels found in soil samples from Central Vietnam are more than 200 times the “acceptable†level set by the US EPA. Efforts to educate the residents about the dangers of dioxin are difficult since most cannot read and many speak local tribal dialects and not Vietnamese. Clean up of dioxin is very costly and would likely run into the hundreds of millions of dollars. According to William H. Farland, a former scientist with the Environmental Protection Agency who is vice president for research at Colorado State University, “It’s very expensive to clean dioxin up to background levels. The main issue is to prevent human exposure, not just to clean up the soils.â€

Mr. Boi is therefore attempting to protect residents by constructing a fence made of thorn-laden trees to keep residents and animals away from dioxin hot spots, hoping to prevent the next generation from being exposed to dioxin contaminated soil. Mr. Boi hopes the green fence will not only discourage local use of the contaminated area, but also provide an economic incentive to leave the barrier intact since the trees produce a fruit that residents can sell to make soaps and medicines.The U.S. sprayed millions of gallons of Agent Orange and other defoliants on Vietnam from 1962 to 1971, which destroyed large areas of forests. Areas that once served as American Special Forces air bases that stored barrels of Agent Orange have now become “hot spots†for dioxin contamination.

Dioxin, which takes decades to break down, accumulates in animal fat resulting in many grazing livestock contaminated with high levels of dioxins. Poor sanitation and a local diet that relies on fowl that peck on tainted soil keep dioxin exposure a constant threat to the locals. So far, 60 of the 240 families in the area surrounding the “hot spot†have health problems, such as limb deformities and deafness that have been blamed on dioxin. Elevated levels of TCDD have also been found in breast milk and blood of the local residents.

The effects of Agent Orange are not only felt in Vietnam. Studies have found that US war veterans exposed to Agent Orange have developed chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkins lymphoma and diabetes. Many children of veterans exposed have been affected by their parents’ exposure to the chemical and show a wide range of symptoms.

Source: New York Times

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