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Organic Lawn Care Gaining Momentum

(Beyond Pesticides, August 15, 2007) As the popularity and demand for organic food has and continues to increase, so too is the popularity of organic lawn care, as an increasing number of people are seeking out alternatives to conventional lawn chemicals.

Organic products are making inroads into the $35 billion lawn- and garden-care industry, which for years has been focusing on chemically-intensive methods. The growing demand for organic land care is coming from all sectors: homeowners, municipal park managers, and business professionals alike. A 2005 survey of 2,000 adults by the Natural Marketing Institute found 20 percent of consumers had bought some kind of environmentally friendly lawn-and-garden product. According to CNN, market researchers Freedonia Group estimate a 10 percent annual growth for the organic fertilizer market, twice the projected growth for all lawn and garden goods.

Taking the organic route may be more work and pricier initially, but the payoff will be a yard that costs less in the long-term to care for, is safer for the environment and handles stresses such as drought. Additionally, as more people switch to organic lawn care, the costs will keep coming down, and the techniques will be further refined.

With more pesticides and other synthetic lawn care chemicals being implicated in the development of Parkinson’s disease, autism, cancer and other chronic effects, concerned citizens are turning to safer, organic methods to care for their lawns. Conventional lawn care chemicals can be persistent, and are tracked into homes, leading to increased exposure to people and pets. Children are greatest at risk from chemical exposure, since they are smaller, have less developed immune systems, and also spend more time at home, in the yard, and low to the ground. Lawn chemicals have also turned up in waterways, where they damage aquatic environments. In many areas, these waterways are also utilized for drinking water.

Following on the heels of a 2001 Canadian Supreme Court decision that ruled communities can restrict the use of cosmetic pesticides on both private and public property, U.S. industry lobbied to block such restrictions from occurring in all but nine states. However, with education campaigns small municipalities have been able to secure organic treatment on public lawns and landscapes. The nation’s largest lawn-care company, TruGreen-ChemLawn, has even dropped the ChemLawn part of its name to capitalize on consumers’ growing preference for organic lawn care and improve their public image, despite a history of questionable, chemically-intensive methods.

The National Coalition for Pesticide-Free Lawns maintains a website with scientific documentation on the hazards of chemical lawn care, the benefits of organic care, and activist tools for community change, http://www.pesticidefreelawns.org. For more information on being a part of the growing organic lawn care movement, please visit https://www.beyondpesticides.org/lawn/index.htm. To find a service provider that practices least- or non-toxic methods, visit https://www.beyondpesticides.org/infoservices/pcos/findapco.htm.

Sources: Wall Street Journal, The Daily Green



EPA Decides Not To Initiate Special Review for 2,4-D Cancer Risk

(Beyond Pesticides, August 14, 2007) In an August 8, 2007 Federal Register Notice (72 FR 44510-44511), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its decision to not initiate a Special Review for the commonly used herbicide 2,4-D, as well as the related herbicides 2,4-DB and 2,4-DP (dichlorprop). Despite evidence to the contrary, according to the FR notice, “Based on extensive scientific review of many epidemiology and animal studies, EPA find that the weight of the evidence does not support a conclusion that 2,4-D, 2,4-DB and 2,4-DP are likely human carcinogens.”

Although a mounting body of evidence links 2,4-D to various cancers, particularly non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, EPA has been reluctant to classify it as a carcinogen in the face of industry pressure. EPA lists the herbicide in class D for carcinogenicity. Chemicals in this class are considered to have inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity, or not enough data is available. However, the link between 2,4-D and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has been demonstrated in the United States, Italy, Canada, Denmark, and Sweden.

A 1986 National Cancer Institute (NCI) study found that farmers in Kansas exposed to 2,4-D for 20 or more days per year had a six-fold higher risk of developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma than non-farmers. The risk of cancer was higher for farmers who mixed or applied the pesticide themselves. A 1990 study published in the journal Epidemiology (Vol. 1, No. 5) found a 50% increase in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in farmers who handle 2,4-D. Even a manufacturer’s study submitted to EPA in 1986 linked 2,4-D to rare brain tumors.

In 1991, an NCI study found that dogs were more likely to contract canine malignant lymphoma if their owners use 2,4-D on their lawns than if owners did not use the herbicide. When 2,4-D was applied four or more times per year, dogs were twice as likely to contract lymphoma. In addition to these epidemiological studies, a laboratory study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found a 4% incidence of lymphoma in rats exposed to 2,4-D and no lymphoma in unexposed rats.

EPA first proposed 2,4-D for Special Review in 1986. Two years later, EPA proposed not to initiate Special Review (53 FR 9590; FRL-3353-3), because it said the literature did not support a cancer link. EPA deferred a final decision until the completion of the 2,4-D reregistration eligibility decision (RED), which occurred in 2005.

EPA uses the Pesticide Special Review process when it has reason to believe that the use of a pesticide may result in unreasonable adverse effects on people or the environment. The Special Review process usually involves intensive review of only a few or just one potential risk. The review involves evaluating existing data, acquiring new information and/or studies, assessing the identified risk and determining appropriate risk reduction measures.

Known formerly as the Rebuttable Presumption Against Registration (RPAR) process, Special Review provides a mechanism for public input into EPA’s deliberations before the Agency issues a Notice of Final Determination describing its selected regulatory action. The Special Review process determines whether some or all registrations of a particular active ingredient or ingredients meet the federal standard for registration, or whether amendment or cancellation of portions or all of the registrations is appropriate.

Let the Bush Administration know that politics should not trump sound science. Tell EPA what you think about its decision to not initiate a Special Review for 2,4-D, despite overwhelming evidence of its carcinogenicity. Contact EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson by email or call 202-564-4700.



Long-Living Sharks Show Buildup of Toxic Chemicals

(Beyond Pesticides, August 13, 2007) Greenland sharks, which inhabit some of the least populated regions on Earth in seemingly pristine Arctic waters, contain high amounts of human-manufactured industrial waste in their bodies, including toxic pesticide byproducts. The findings are available online in Marine Pollution Bulletin (in press), entitled “Dioxins and PCBs in Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) from the North-East Atlantic.”

Greenland Shark, Nick CaloyianisAccording to the team of researchers at Stockholm University, the highest measured concentration found is for the world’s most toxic dioxin, TCDD, a compound found in the herbicide Agent Orange, which the U.S. military used during the Vietnam War. The herbicide was used for other applications from 1961 to 1971.

The study also names another set of discontinued chemicals, polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, as the main source of the contaminants found in the Greenland sharks. PCBs were banned in the 1970s, which illustrates how persistent such compounds are in the environment and how long-living, top predator species may carry them for decades.

Project leader Dr. Ã…ke Bergman, Ph.D., an environmental chemist at Stockholm University, told Discovery News that he and his team decided to focus on Greenland sharks since their normal lifespan may exceed 100 years, based on an annual estimated growth rate of just a fraction of an inch.

“I noticed that quite a few recently captured sharks appeared to be older than when PCBs were first manufactured in bulk in 1929,” he said.

PCBs were used in a variety of industrial applications, including pesticides, electrical-related fluids for capacitors and transformers, heat transfer fluids, lubricating oils, paints, carbonless copy paper, adhesives, sealants, plastics, and even in surgical implants.

Dr. Bergman and his team measured concentrations of PCBs, as well as the industry-related compounds dioxins and furans, in Greenland shark livers and muscle tissue. Dioxins and furans may occur naturally, such as during lengthy forest fires, but not at the amounts found in today’s environment. Dioxins, for one, can enter the waterways as byproducts of manufacturing processes and from the use of popular herbicides containing 2,4-D.

Though the health effects of most industrial pollutants remain difficult to quantify, Dr. Bergman said, “[t]hese contaminants can cause reproductive failures, neurological effects and other problems.”

Compared to other areas, the concentrations of contaminants are often low in the fish species consumed by the Greenland sharks in the remote marine environments that they inhabit. However, Dr. Bergman thinks that pollutant levels are especially high in the sharks due to their slow metabolism rates as a result of their cold-water habitats.

Also, studies show that other apex predators, like polar bears, large marine mammals and birds high on the food chain, tend to have more contaminants because of “biomagnification through the food web,” meaning that as one animal eats another, the substances in their bodies become more concentrated with each step up in the chain.

Dr. Bergman said, “Sharks provide evidence for what is happening in marine ecosystems, and since we found Greenland sharks carry quite a load of environmental contaminants, there is cause for concern.”

Another recent study also shows how some organic pollutants, such as lindane, can biomagnify in terrestrial food webs even though the same chemicals do not accumulate in aquatic food webs.

Source: Discovery News



Herbicide Resistance on the Rise in Southern States

(Beyond Pesticides, August 10, 2007) As the face of agriculture in America changes with rising prevalence of herbicide-tolerant crops, farmers in Mississippi and Arkansas are also facing challenges caused by increased herbicide resistance. A recent press release by the Delta Research and Extension Center (DREC) blames glyphosate-resistant weeds for increased costs in Mississippi, while a leading British researcher will work with the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service to determine the impact that the same weeds will have on farming in Arkansas.

According to DREC’s release, a “concern for agricultural production in the Mississippi Delta is the increase of weeds resistant to the herbicide glyphosate . . . DREC rice weed scientist Jason Bond said that both glyphosate-resistant horseweed and volunteer Roundup Ready soybeans have become problem weeds for Mississippi rice production.” Research associate Tom Eubank also said, “Glyphosate-resistant horseweed, ryegrass and pigweed are concerns in Mississippi Delta soybeans.”

Meanwhile, Arkansas farmers are noticing a similar trend: the increased use of glyphosate on Monsanto’s “Roundup Ready” crops is leading them to map the future of herbicide-resistant weeds and consider alternative weed management programs. According to the High Plains/Midwest Agricultural Journal, “researchers believe that if pigweed, or Plamer amaranth, can’t be controlled by glyphosate, it will add major costs to farming and drastically change the way the land is farmed.” Dr. Paul Neve, Ph.D., of England’s Warwick University, is coming to Arkansas to determine the extent of the need for change.

Herbicide-resistant weeds have ballooned in recent years, due particularly to the expansion of Roundup Ready crops, like soybeans and alfalfa. According to Syngenta manager Les Glasgow, “[I]f you go back, say 10 years, and look at glyphosate resistance, you probably wouldn’t see it. At that time, conventional wisdom said the frequency of mutation was extremely low. What wasn’t taken into account was how extensive and intensive the use of one mode of action would be.” Dr. Neve agreed on the cause of resistance. “Having seen the amount of seed production here, it’s obviously a problem. If you were writing a recipe for glyphosate resistance, the ingredients are already in place here,” he said. Chuck Foresman, head of Syngenta’s weed resistance strategies, points to a potentially greater problem. “Stacked resistance weeds are developing in the landscape,” he said. “That makes weed scientists’ jobs tough. Someone describes a problem. How do you offer a remedy? It’s hard to know if a stacked weed is out there.”

Weed resistance is only one of many reasons why genetically modified crops and reliance on herbicides is dangerous to both health and agriculture. Pesticide residues, misleading labeling, and complete testing prior to planting should also be considered. To view Beyond Pesticides’ page on genetic engineering, click here. Buying organic food whenever possible and supporting local agriculture is another way to ensure that you protect both your health and the environment. For more information on organics, including related publications, click here.

Sources: High Plains/Midwest Agricultural Journal, Delta Farm Press



China Works To Improve Food Safety Image

(Beyond Pesticides, August 9, 2007) China reports it is cracking down on the use of recently banned pesticides and is taking additional actions in an effort to counter concerns about the country’s food safety. The major exporter has been the subject of frequent reports of contaminated products, including several foods imported by the U.S.

Reuters reports that according to a new poll, U.S. consumers are extremely wary of products made in China, and nearly two-thirds said they would support a boycott of Chinese goods. In reaction to the potential loss of export markets and the upcoming Beijing Olympics, China says it will spend more than $1 billion improving food and drug safety over the next three years.

The Chinese government will specifically launch a campaign to crack down on the use of banned pesticides that are still being manufactured and remain in use. The campaign is in response to news reports that “a dozen or so” pesticide producers were still making highly poisonous pesticides such as methylamine and phosphamidon. Prior to the recent ban, 1,500 pesticide manufacturers, approximately half of the industry, produced the chemicals.

However, pesticides that are still approved for use in China are also raising concerns as they are typically overused. Official data reveals China sprays 1.45 million tons of pesticides annually, almost two times more than the Chinese government recommends, according to China Daily.

The overuse of pesticides in the country has been problematic for Chinese and U.S. consumers alike. The most recent concern over food security involves tons of ginger exported from China, which supplies nearly half of U.S. ginger imports and is a major supplier of ginger on the world market. Since the state of California recently discovered levels of aldicarb sulfoxide that are deemed unacceptable by the government, U.S. health officials are now working to determine how the ginger made it into the country and how widely it has been distributed.

According to the Oakland Tribune, this not the first time that contaminated Chinese ginger has been a problem. In recent months, Seattle port inspectors turned away shipments of Chinese ginger that contained unacceptable levels of pesticides, and Japanese authorities mistakenly allowed 25 tons of contaminated ginger into their country.

Pesticide misuse on ginger is only one example of contaminated products from China. For example, one recent study also documents seafood contamination – scientists have found that seafood products from southern China contain high concentrations of DDT and hexachlorocylohexane (HCH).

In response, China’s State Food and Drug Administration spokeswoman, Yan Jiangying says her department will work throughout China to educate the public about pesticide use, including the estimated 60 percent of the 1.3 billion population that resides in rural agricultural areas.

Sources: China Daily, Oakland Tribune, Reuters

TAKE ACTION: Buy local and organic whenever possible. While this is not always the cheapest source of food, it is a practice that supports the local economy, ensures local food production and protects you and your loved ones from pesticides. If you are not sure where to find local, organic food, try the Local Harvest website: www.localharvest.org.



New WHO Report Focuses on Children’s Susceptibility to Chemicals

(Beyond Pesticides, August 8, 2007) For the first time, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a report in July on children’s heightened vulnerability to chemical exposures at different periods of their growth and development. The organization cites over 30% of the global burden of disease in children can be attributed to environmental factors, including pesticides.

The report, Principles for Evaluating Health Risks in Children Associated with Exposure to Chemicals, is a new volume of the WHO’s Environmental Health Criteria series. It highlights the fact that for children, the stage of their development when chemical exposure occurs may be just as important as the magnitude of the exposure. In respect to pesticides, the report cites several studies that tie pesticide exposure during key periods of development to neurobehavioral problems, Parkinson’s disease, and immunotoxicity, including respiratory diseases.

“Children are not just small adults,” said Dr. Terri Damstra, Ph.D., WHO’s team leader for the Interregional Research Unit, in WHO’s press release. “Children are especially vulnerable and respond differently from adults when exposed to environmental factors, and this response may differ according to the different periods of development they are going through.”

Air and water contaminants, pesticides in food, lead in soil, as well many other environmental threats may cause or worsen disease and induce developmental problems. The report notes that children have different susceptibilities during different life stages, referred to as “critical windows for exposure” or “critical windows of development,” due to their dynamic growth and developmental processes, as well as physiological, metabolic, and behavioral differences. Exposure can occur:

  • In utero through transplacental transfer of environmental agents from mother to fetus or in nursing infants via breast milk.
  • Through diet – children consume more food and beverages per kilogram of body weight than do adults, and their dietary patterns are different and often less variable during different developmental stages.
  • Through inhalation and absorption – children have a higher inhalation rate and a higher body surface area to body weight ratio, which may lead to increased exposures.
  • Through behavior – children ’s normal behaviors, such as crawling on the ground and putting their hands in their mouths, can result in exposures not faced by adults.
  • Other physical factors – children’s metabolic pathways may differ from those of adults, and children have more years of future life and thus more time to develop chronic diseases that take decades to appear and that may be triggered by early environmental exposures.
  • Also, children are often unaware of environmental risks and generally have no voice in decision-making.

Some examples of health effects resulting from developmental exposures prenatally and at birth include miscarriage, still birth, low birth weight and birth defects; in young children, infant mortality, asthma, neurobehavioral and immune impairment; and in adolescents, precocious or delayed puberty. Evidence also suggests that an increased risk of certain diseases in adults such as cancer, chronic respiratory disease and heart disease can result in part from exposures to certain environmental chemicals during childhood.

Traditional risk assessment approaches and environmental health policies have focused mainly on adults and adult exposure scenarios, utilizing data from adult humans or adult animals. The report highlights there is a need to expand risk assessment paradigms to evaluate exposures relevant to children from preconception to adolescence, acknowledging each developmental stage.

The study, while pointing out risk assessment is flawed and encouraging new and improved research, also states “A lack of full proof for causal associations should not prevent efforts to reduce exposures or implement intervention and prevention strategies.”

Real world exposure is indeed complicated and makes it difficult to conclusively draw causal associations, especially taking into account synergistic effects, etc., leaving a clear and vital need to exercise the precautionary principle. The easiest and safest solution regardless of risk assessment methods is to avoid chemical use and exposure by using alternative, non- and least-toxic management methods for species that can cause economic and health problems, being more tolerant of species that are solely a nuisance or aesthetically displeasing, and using organic products, especially foods.

Due to the large amount of time children spend in schools, Beyond Pesticides’ Healthy Schools Project aims to minimize and eliminate the risks posed by pesticides through the adoption of school pest management policies and programs at the local, state, and federal level, thereby creating a healthier learning environment. Central to this effort are activities aimed at public education on pesticide hazards and efficacy of alternatives, and the continued development of model communities that serve as examples.

TAKE ACTION: Find out what laws your state has enacted to protect children from pesticide exposure. Learn about model policies your state and community can work toward adopting.



Pre-Adolescents Exposed to DDT More Likely To Develop Breast Cancer

(Beyond Pesticides, August 7, 2007) In a study that examines the influence of age of exposure on the magnitude of the association between DDT and breast cancer risk finds that women who were exposed to DDT before the age of 14 are five times more likely to develop breast cancer later in life. In contrast, the study finds exposure after adolescence does not increase risk.

The data used in the study targets the age of a woman in 1945 as an indicator for the youngest possible age for a woman to be exposed to DDT, since DDT was first introduced to the U.S. for mosquito control in 1945. The researchers, from the Center for Research on Women’s and Children’s Health, Public Health Institute at Berkeley, California and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, analyzed blood that had been collected from women between 1959 and 1967 – years during which the use of DDT was at its highest.

DDT and breast cancer in young women: New data on the significance of age at exposure,” published last week in the online edition of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, is “the first study specifically designed, a priori, to consider whether age at exposure may modify DDT effects on breast cancer.”

The health records for the women studied were collected from the California Cancer Registry and the California Vital Status Records. The researchers identified those who were diagnosed with breast cancer before age 50, or those who had died because of breast cancer before age 50. Of the women whose blood was stored, 129 cases were used to measure three forms of DDT: p,p’-DDT, o,p’-DDT, and p,p’-DDE. These cases were divided into groups based on what their age would have been in 1945 and included groups younger than 4 years old, 4-7 years, 8-13 years and >13 years old, and paired them with control groups.

After analysis, DDT was found to be present in all subjects. However, for those that developed breast cancer, DDT was at much higher levels than for those who did not. Those younger than 14 in 1945 with the highest levels of exposure were 5.4 times more likely to have breast cancer. In contrast, there was no relationship between exposure level and breast cancer for women who were 14 years and older in 1945. The researchers also found that those exposed at the youngest age had the highest risk for developing breast cancer.

These findings add to the growing number of studies that show exposure to chemicals that are hormonally active can lead to diseases such as cancer.

The recurring message is that exposure to these chemicals at critical periods in the body’s development, in this case pre-adolescent breast development, has long terms effects that manifest as adult onset of disease, such as cancer, later in life. Also important to note is that women who would have been exposed to DDT during the 1950s and 1960s have not yet reached the age of 50 – the age of greatest breast cancer risk is around age 60. This means that the significance of these findings may be larger.

According to Barbara Brenner, executive director of San Francisco-based Breast Cancer Action, “We have to start paying very close attention to what we put in our environment. This is an example of doing something to our environment where we did not understand the long-term consequences. I don’t know how many times this story has to be told.”

However, the study does not account for other known risk factors that may have predisposed the women toward cancer. Researchers also don’t know when the women were exposed to DDT. Co-author of the study Dr. Mary Wolff, Ph.D., a professor of oncology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine remarked, “I don’t think it’s just early life exposures. Most cancers are an accumulation of a lot of factors.”

Their conclusion is carefully worded: “It is too soon to decide that DDT exposure has little public health significance for breast cancer risk. We based this conclusion on 1) the long latency of possible effects on breast cancer, 2) the large numbers of women exposed world-wide, and 3) the evidence that we provide here which suggests that women exposed when young may be most strongly affected.”

They also note “the public health significance of DDT exposure is potentially large.”

This is important because the costs and benefits of DDT in respect to public health are still being weighed. DDT, or dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane, while highly persistent in the environment, was initially found to be effective against mosquitoes and the diseases they carry such as malaria. However, insect resistance to the chemical has been documented since 1946, DDT was banned in the U.S. in 1972 after it was linked to the decline of the bald eagle and other raptors, and it continues to be linked to health problems. The benefits of the use of DDT for mosquito control are still debated, especially in developing nations that are plagued with high infection rates of malaria. Some countries are continuing to use DDT to prevent malaria, while others insist that the health and environmental risks are too great citing alternatives and an international agreement to phase-out the remaining uses of the persistent chemical.

See the Washington Post’s October 9, 2007 coverage of this issue.

Sources: Environmental Health News, The Oakland Tribune



House Farm Bill Gets Mixed Review

(Beyond Pesticides, August 6, 2007) On July 20, 2007 the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Farm, Nutrition and Energy Act of 2007 (H.R. 2419), commonly known as the Farm Bill, on a vote of 231-191, with 10 Representatives not voting. The vote fell generally along party lines with 19 Republicans (just six from the Agriculture Committee) voting for the bill, despite opposition from Republican leadership, the threat of a Presidential veto, and 14 Democrats voting against it.

Organic and sustainable agriculture groups are giving the 2007 Farm Bill a mixed review. While taking several steps forward by increasing funding for programs that support the
next generation of farmers and new marketing options for organic, sustainable producers, the bill as a whole moves in reverse with substantial weakening of current commodity and conservation payment limitations and a 30 percent funding cut for the Conservation Security Program.

The National Organic Coalition (NOC), which includes the Rural Advancement Fund International, Center for Food Safety, Beyond Pesticides and others, developed a list of priorities for the Farm Bill. View a full analysis of the NOC requests adopted and rejected by the House Agriculture Committee.

The Sustainable Agriculture Coalition reports that the Farm Bill provides or increases mandatory funding for several sustainable, organic and family farmer-friendly programs, including the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program, Farmers Marketing Assistance Program, Organic Certification Cost Share Program, and Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers. The bill also provides $30 million a year in mandatory funding for the Value-Added Producers Grant Program (VAPG). Although this is $10 million a year less than is currently allocated, it does not cut all funding, as proposed by the rural development subcommittee. The bill also makes food supply chain networks to support small and mid-sized farms a priority under the VAPG program.

The bill provides renewed funding for the Wetlands Reserve Program, establishes a mandatory Cooperative Conservation Partnerships Initiative, and provides new incentives to lease or sell land coming out of the Conservation Reserve Program to beginning farmers. The bill makes major improvements in the Beginning Farmer Down Payment Loan Program and increases the percentage of loan funds reserved for beginning farmers. It also authorizes, though does not fund, two important new programs — a Rural Entrepreneurs and Micro-Enterprise Assistance Program, and an Organic Conversion Assistance Program.

At the same time, however, the committee unanimously passed a commodity program payment limitation provision that results in greater inequity in a program already faulted for its wastefulness and fraud. This is a significant step backward and one whose net effect would be a large increase in subsidies to megafarms, which drives small farm operations out of business. On the conservation side, the House bill weakens the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), the Conservation Security Program (CSP), and in certain instances the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP).

“The House Agriculture Committee made some positive strides with their bill. We applaud the stronger commitments made to the next generation of farmers and to new marketing tools that help increase family farm revenue and provide consumers greater access to healthy foods,” said Ferd Hoefner, Policy Director for the Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. “Unfortunately, the same forward-looking position does not characterize the Committee’s treatment of commodity and conservation programs.”

The vast majority of the funding in the Farm Bill continues to pad the bottom lines of corporate, conventional agriculture. According to the budget watchdog group, Taxpayers for Common Sense, current agriculture policy distorts our international and domestic commodity markets, prices small and family farms out of the market, does little for the rural economy, subsidizes crops that are of little nutritional value, and transfers billions of taxpayer dollars annually to a small number of producers.

The Senate is expected to address the Farm Bill in September or October 2007. Once the Senate adopts its version, a final Farm Bill will be negotiated in committee.



Maine Withdraws Opposition to Bt Corn

(Beyond Pesticides, August 3, 2007) Maine is no longer the only state to prohibit the use of genetically altered corn. Despite concern from the organic farming community, Maine joined the rest of the nation last Friday when the Board of Pesticide Control (BPC) ruled to allow Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn to be grown and sold in the state of Maine.

With the aim of reducing the use of hazardous pesticides, the BPC registered Bt corn products from Dow AgroSciences, Pioneer Hi-Bred International and Monsanto to be grown for animal feed. Bt corn is genetically modified to produce its own pesticide, a naturally occurring toxin that protects against a combination of insects.

Organic growers caution that overuse of the crop will lead to insect resistance to the Bt toxin, which is widely sprayed on organic crops.

“I think it might very well be a short-term solution and farmers will be forced to use more pesticides in the future,” said Board member Lee Humphreys, a market gardener. She warned that there are too many unknowns about the genetically modified corn, such as its long-term effect on the soil and in creating resistant bugs.

In addition, the safety of consuming milk and beef products from animals fed with Bt corn has not been fully probed. A 2000 report of the National Academy of Sciences on Bt crops concluded that “there is the potential for…adverse health effects” and recommended that “priority should be given to the development of improved methods for identifying potential allergens” in these crops.

“This technology has been out there about a generation,” testified Peggy Gannon, “and there have been no long-term tests on humans.” Ms. Gannon and others asked the Board to wait for approval until next spring to give the Legislature time to review new liability rules for planting genetically engineered crops.

Another concern is that the pollen from Bt corn will contaminate crops that are not bioengineered, possibly resulting in copyright infringement lawsuits from the chemical companies that manufacture the Bt corn seeds.

While allowing the corn to be grown in Maine for the first time, the Board plans to develop rules for the crops use to alleviate organic farmers’ fears of contamination.

“I’m only going to be able to say there aren’t unreasonable risks if we add some conditions (for use),” said Chairwoman Dr. Carol A. Eckert, M.D.

The applications were approved under the conditions that the three companies report sales data to the Board and support education and training. Just as important is the need to develop a strategy to prevent pollen drift, according to Russell Libby, executive director of the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association.

He said farmers must also follow a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirement to use non-Bt corn on 20 percent of their corn acres, so insects have a refuge from the toxin.

“If the refuge is planted on the edge of cornfields then it would make a great buffer” with nearby farms, Mr. Libby said.

Although EPA asks farmers to set aside refuges of non-Bt crops, a biotechnology industry survey published in January 2001 showed that nearly 30% of farmers who grew Bt corn in 2000 did not follow the resistance management guidelines.

Along with considering the potential adverse effect on the environment of Bt corn, the Board required that farmers had shown a need to use the Bt corn.

“If we don’t take advantage of this technology, these farmers may not be here in five or 10 years down the road,” said Board member Richard Stevenson.

However, When Does It Pay to Plant Bt Corn?, a 2001 report, found that American farmers suffered a net loss of $92 million, or about $1.31 per acre, from planting Bt corn between 1996-2001.

Bt corn has been a controversial issue in Maine, especially between small organic farms and larger traditional dairy farms, but it would not be the first genetically engineered crop grown in Maine. The Roundup Ready line of canola, corn and soybeans, which has been modified to survive herbicides, has been legally grown in Maine for at least 10 years, the Board said.

But the fact that Bt corn can not be grown in Maine had been a point of pride for some environmental and agricultural groups, whose members worry that the rise of bioengineered crops will hurt wildlife and humans and give corporations too much control over farming.

The Board’s decision bows to the pressure of industrialized dairy farmers and underscores the difficulties that organic agriculture faces.

Sources: The Boston Globe, Portland Press Herald, North Kennebec Valley Morning Sentinel, Keep Maine Free From Genetically Engineered Crops



Study Finds Frogs Near Agricultural Fields More Likely To Be Deformed

Deformed frog(Beyond Pesticides, August 2, 2007) According to the Associated Press (AP), a new study finds frogs in Vermont living near farms are more than twice as likely as those living elsewhere to have deformities like missing legs. Yale University ecologist David Skelly, Ph.D., told the AP he decided to look at Vermont frogs because the state has been a hot spot during the last 10 years for deformed frogs.

“We went to all these wetlands and cataloged where the deformities were found, and what kind of landscapes seemed to pose higher risks, if any,” Dr. Skelly said. “The answer was, frogs growing up in proximity to agriculture were more than two times as likely to have deformities. This doesn’t say it is chemical pesticides, but you can’t credibly consider this problem of the frogs without at least evaluating whether pesticides are involved.”

Richard Levey, a biologist with the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, said two common farm chemicals, atrazine and metolachlor, had been found in trace amounts in water from wetlands where deformed frogs had been found. But he told the AP that the concentrations were far below those thought to have any effect on aquatic life.

Research by Tyrone Hayes, Ph.D., a professor of Integrative Biology at the University of California, Berkeley, has found pesticides, including atrazine, to cause serious deformities at levels well below EPA drinking water standards.

While Dr. Hayes’ research has not linked pesticides to this specific deformity, he has shown dramatic effects at extremely low levels. Past research by Dr. Hayes has demonstrated that exposure to doses of atrazine as small as 0.1 parts per billion – a level permitted in drinking water by EPA – turns tadpoles into hermaphrodites – creatures with both male and female sexual characteristics. Dr. Hayes’ team found that up to 20 percent of frogs exposed during their early development produced multiple sex organs or had both male and female organs. Many also had small, feminized larynxes.

Dr. Skelly believes his research has discounted one theory, which was that the deformities are being caused by a naturally occurring parasite, a type of flatworm blamed for frog deformities in the Pacific Northwest. He says the flatworm in question has not been found in Vermont wetlands.

The study, “Ribeiroia Infection Is Not Responsible for Vermont Amphibian Deformities,” is available in the June issue of EcoHealth.

Source: Associated Press



Lawsuit Challenges EPA on Deadly Pesticide

(Beyond Pesticides, August 1, 2007) Farm workers and advocate groups, including Beyond Pesticides, filed a lawsuit yesterday against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to stop the continued use of a deadly pesticide called chlorpyrifos. Chlorpyrifos is a highly neurotoxic insecticide developed from World War II-era nerve gas. Exposure can cause dizziness, vomiting, convulsions, numbness in the limbs, loss of intellectual functioning and death.

“This pesticide puts thousands of workers at risk of serious illness every year,” said Erik Nicholson of the United Farm Workers. “It is inexcusable for the EPA to allow the use a pesticide they know to be damaging to people, especially children.”

Luis Medellin, a Lindsay, California resident, suffered first hand exposure to chlorpyrifos. “I got sick, and my mother and younger sisters started throwing up, all this in our own home. It was a terrible feeling, the smell coming in through our air conditioner,” he said. “The government must not allow this dangerous chemical to be sprayed around our schools and communities.”

Chlorpyrifos is used widely on corn, orchard, and vegetable row crops all over the country. Also know as Lorsban, it is responsible for a substantial number of worker poisonings each year and has been found to drift into rural schoolyards and homes. In 2001, an EPA report found that chlorpyrifos poses risks to the health of workers and to the environment. Spraying chlorpyrifos on fields from farm vehicles with open cabs causes “risks of concern†to workers, yet EPA does not require enclosed cabs to protect farmworkers. Workers who enter sprayed fields are also exposed to unsafe levels of chlorpyrifos.

“It’s wrong for EPA to allow continued uses of chlorpyrifos that exposes farm workers and their children to unacceptable risks of pesticide poisonings,” said Patti Goldman, an attorney for Earthjustice based in Oakland.

The 2001 EPA report identified serious risks for children who are exposed to chlorpyrifos through drift onto schoolyards and outdoor play areas as well as take-home residues on their farmworker parents’ clothing and skin. It called for additional study of the risks to children; however, it finalized its chlorpyrifos authorization in 2006 without taking any further action to protect them.

“Recognizing the risks to children, EPA banned most home and garden uses of chlorpyrifos. But by allowing continued use in agriculture, EPA failed to protect farm worker children or children living in rural areas,” said Shelley Davis, attorney for Farmworker Justice in Washington, D.C. “With safer alternatives already in widespread use, the EPA has betrayed the trust of the men, women, and children whose health it is supposed to protect,” she said.

“Poisonings due to accidents, drift, and airborne contamination remain a serious hazard to children in rural and agricultural settings,” said Dr. Routt Reigart, Professor of Pediatrics at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston who has treated many chlorpyrifos poisonings. “Chlorpyrifos is a potent neurotoxicant with both acute and chronic effects on children and their developing nervous systems. To protect children it is important to remove this hazard from their environments,” he concluded.

From 1987 to 1998, between 21 and 24 million pounds of chlorpyrifos were applied to more than eight million acres of crops in the US. It is one of the most heavily used insecticides in American agriculture, even though it was phased out of residential use in 2005 primarily because of the hazard it presents to children.

The lawsuit was brought by Earthjustice, Farmworker Justice, Natural Resources Defense Council, California Rural Legal Assistance, on behalf of United Farm Workers, Teamsters Local 890 in California, Sea Mar Community Health Centers, Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste, Beyond Pesticides, Frente Indigena de Organizaciones Binacionales, Farm Labor Organizing Committee and Martha Rodriguez and Silvina Canez, farmworkers in California.

Contact: Patti Goldman, Earthjustice, 206-343-7340 ext. 32
Erik Nicholson, United Farm Workers of America, 206-255-5774
Shelley Davis, Farmworker Justice, 202-293-5420 ext. 311
Mike Meuter, California Rural Legal Assistance, 831-757-5221 ext. 316

TAKE ACTION: Dozens of farm workers have been exposed to chlorpyrifos in two major incidents in California over the past month. As a result, workers have suffered acute poisoning symptom, including headaches, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, memory loss and chest pressure. For details and to email the California Department of Pesticide Regulations (CDPR) today and tell them to investigate these incidents to the fullest extent of the law, visit: http://www.ufwaction.org/campaign/chlorpyrifos.


Potential Link Between Autism and Pesticide Exposure

(Beyond Pesticides, July 31, 2007) Preliminary research into birth records and pesticide data reveal that mothers who were within 500 meters of fields sprayed with organochlorine pesticides during their first trimester of pregnancy were six times higher to have children with autism compared to mothers who did not live near the fields.

Scientists from the California Department of Public Health conducted the study, which is available online in Environmental Health and Perspectives, entitled, “Maternal Residence Near Agricultural Pesticide Applications and Autism Spectrum Disorders Among Children in the California Central Valley.” The study, initiated to “systemically explore the general hypothesis that residential proximity to agricultural pesticide applications during pregnancy could be associated with autism spectrum disorders in offspring,” found that 28% of the mothers studied who lived near fields in Central Valley, which were sprayed with organochlorines, such as endosulfan and dicofol, have children with autism. However, officials are quick to point out that their findings are preliminary.

“We want to emphasize that this is exploratory research,” says Dr. Mark Horton, M.D., director of the California Department of Health. “We have found very preliminary data that there may be an association. We are in no way concluding that there is a causal relationship between pesticide exposure of pregnant women and autism.”

The scientists conclude that the “possibility of a connection between gestational exposure to organochlorine pesticides and autism spectrum disorders requires further study.”

The study analyzes information collected for the years 1996 through 1998, for nearly 300,000 children born in 19 counties of the Sacramento and San Joaquin river valleys. State records of the addresses of the pregnant women were compared against those of fields sprayed with pesticides. Only areas sprayed with organochlorines exhibited extraordinary patterns.

The highest rates for children with autism were those whose mothers lived closest to these fields. Exposure is brought about due to chemicals drifting off of the fields and into residential areas.

According to Susan Kegley, Ph.D., of the Pesticide Action Network North America, “This is one of the first papers that links use of pesticide to incidence of a disease, and autism in particular. The findings are very strong. This is a six-fold factor in comparison to someone who is not exposed.” But even though small numbers of children were involved, “it is still one of those things that make you sit up and pay attention,” she says.

A previous report citing air monitoring in Fresno, Monterey and Tulare counties in July by the state Department of Pesticide Regulation indicates that endosulfan can spread via the air from fields and expose the public. The agency is likely to soon designate endosulfan as a toxic air contaminant, and then take suitable steps to minimize chemicals drifting off fields into nearby homes.

Endosulfan and dicofol were developed in the 1950s to kill mites on cotton, vegetables and other crops. Since then, organochlorine use has declined because of increasing insect resistance, coupled with use restrictions and phase-outs of most other organochlorines, such as DDT. Endosulfan and dicofol are still in use in the U.S., however, both affect the nervous system, and have been shown to cause reproductive effects and alter hormones in animal studies. Even though these chemicals are not found in household products, residues are also found in food.

A growing number of scientific studies now link exposure to pesticides with increased rates of certain cancers, nervous system diseases, learning disabilities, Parkinson’s disease, and reproductive problems. Children, especially, are considered a high-risk group due to their increased exposure and sensitivity to toxic chemicals. Developmental disabilities such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental delays, and behavioral disorders are being studied for links to childhood exposure and environmental contaminants found in pesticides. Autism, which has been increasing in prevalence, currently affects one in every 150 children.

For more information on pesticides and children’s health, and ways to protect the next generation, please visit https://www.beyondpesticides.org/schools/index.htm.

Source: Los Angeles Times



Action Alert: Groups Call for States to End Pesticide Use

(Beyond Pesticides, July 30, 2007) Following the release of a new national report, Ending Toxic Dependency: The State of IPM, environmental and health groups in New York state issued a letter to Governor Eliot Spitzer. In the letter, they requested that the Governor order all state agencies to phase out use of toxic pesticides in favor of less- and non-toxic products. Twenty-six groups signed the statement, which urges Mr. Spitzer to reduce the amount of pesticides used in the state, which, in 2004, included 2.7 million gallons applied by pest-control companies alone.

“We should not be exposing state workers and the public to hazardous and unnecessary chemicals that can cause a range of serious health problems, from asthma attacks to birth defects and cancer, as well as contaminate our air and drinking water,” said Laura Haight of the New York Public Interest Research Group, one of the co-signing organizations. “It’s not rocket science; there are towns and counties and cities across the state doing just this on their own property.” The body of the letter, expanding Ms. Haight’s statement, reads:

Our groups, which represent citizens from across the state, applaud you for your commitment to protecting the environment and public health. We appreciate the work you did as Attorney General to reduce the public’s exposure to harmful pesticides. As Governor, you have the opportunity to make New York a national leader in promoting and implementing safe and effective alternatives to pesticides.As you know, pesticide use poses a significant risk to public health and the environment. Large amounts of hazardous pesticides are used across New York State on a daily basis. Pesticides can contaminate air and water, as well as cause a wide range of acute and chronic human health problems including asthma and respiratory distress, neurological impairment and learning disabilities, immune system damage, many types of cancer, hormone disruption, liver damage, and birth defects.

Effective, non-toxic and least-toxic pest control alternatives exist for virtually all common pest problems. Many local governments in New York have already adopted their own laws to restrict or ban pesticide use on municipal property. These include Albany, Buffalo, New York City, Suffolk County, Westchester County, and numerous others. New York State has an opportunity to reduce the public’s exposure to harmful pesticides, as well as set an example for the private sector, by implementing these practices on state-owned and operated property.

We are respectfully requesting that you issue an Executive Order requiring that state agencies phase out the use of hazardous pesticides and switch to safer pest control alternatives on state property including state parks, state office buildings, and state colleges and universities. The most acutely toxic pesticides and those that are known or suspected to cause cancer, endocrine disruption, or threaten water supplies should be eliminated first.

The letter was signed by: Beyond Pesticides, Cancer Awareness Coalition, Inc., Center for Health, Environment & Justice, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Citizens’ Environmental Coalition, Clean New York, Community Health and Environment Coalition, Concerned Citizens of Cattaraugus County, Concerned Citizens of the Plainview-Old Bethpage Community, Inc., Environmental Advocates of New York, Fluoride Action Network Pesticide Project, Grassroots Environmental Education, Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition, Group for the East End, Hopewell Junction Citizens for Clean Water, Huntington Breast Cancer Action Coalition, Inc., League of Women Voters of New York State, Long Island Neighborhood Network, New York Public Interest Research Group, New York State Advisory Council on Children’s Environmental Health and Safety, People’s Environmental Network of New York, Prevention Is The Cure, Inc., Quality Quest Coalition, Rochesterians Against the Misuse of Pesticides, Sierra Club, and Staten Island Citizens for Clean Air.

According to a spokeswoman, Mr. Spitzer “understands the health and environmental concerns associated with pesticides” and that the Department of Environmental Conservation will take the proposal into consideration.

: Urge your state to adopt a strong policy regarding toxic chemical use in the management of state-owned and leased property, including buildings and land. For more information, contact Jay Feldman, [email protected], 202-543-5450.

Source: The Ithaca Journal



Organic Dairy and Meat Lead to Better Quality Breast Milk

(Beyond Pesticides, July 27, 2007) A new study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, shows that organic dairy and meat products in a mother’s diet improve the nutritional quality of her breast milk – markedly increasing beneficial fatty acids.

Specifically, a diet in which 90% or more of dairy and meat products are organic is correlated with measurably higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than in a moderately organic diet or a conventional diet. CLA is a type of fat that is believed to have anti-carcinogenic, atherosclerotic (i.e. ability to prevent hardening of arteries), anti-diabetic and immune-enhancing effects, as well as a favorable influence on body fat composition. For newborns specifically, CLA is believed to especially aid immune system development.

“These findings provide scientific support for common sense, by showing that organic foods are healthier,” says Dr. Lukas Rist, Ph.D., who is the lead author of the study and the head of research at the Paracelsus Hospital in Switzerland. The study, “Influence of organic diet on the amount of conjugated linoleic acids in breast milk of lactating women in the Netherlands,” involved 312 breastfeeding women with 1-month old infants from the Netherlands and compared mothers on a strict organic diet, greater than 90% organic dairy/meat, to those on a moderately organic diet, 50-90% organic dairy/meat, and those on a conventional diet, no organic dairy/meat.

“Many consumers know, based on increasing media coverage of scientific and medical research, that organic foods reduce their exposure to pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics, but this study shows that organic foods also offer superior nutritional quality,” says Charlotte Vallaeys, Farm and Food Policy Analyst at The Cornucopia Institute. “The benefits of consuming organic food are of paramount importance when thinking about their impact on the development of very young children and fetuses,” Ms. Vallaeys added.

Other recent studies add support to the growing literature on the measurable nutritional benefits of organic foods. Cows that acquire most of their nutrition from grazing pasture have been shown to produce milk with decreased levels of saturated fat – the “bad” type of fat – and increased concentrations of unsaturated fatty acids and CLA – the “good” types of fat.

Additionally, organically grown fruits and vegetables have numerous health benefits, including higher levels of antioxidants, as well as vitamins and minerals, than their conventionally grown counterparts, according to a 2006 study out of the University of Texas. A University of California at Davis study, published in 2003 found greater nutritional attributes in organically grown food, which the authors believe may result from the lack of insecticides and herbicides used (see Daily News story).

Source: Cornucopia Institute



Children Sprayed at Day Care with Railroad Herbicides

(Beyond Pesticides, July 26, 2007) A company with previous pesticide violations will likely face a significant fine after accidentally spraying children at a day care in Virginia last week with herbicides. Several children were directly sprayed and at least three experienced symptoms of acute pesticide poisoning.

The company, NaturChem, was hired by Norfolk Southern to spray a section of railroad tracks, which they do every three years to suppress unwanted plants along the tracks. Sixteen children were playing outside at the day care, adjacent to the tracks as the NaturChem tanker went by. Four children, who were playing along the fence, were directly sprayed. While day care staff took them inside, washed them and changed their clothes immediately, at least three children had acute symptoms following their exposure, including a bloody nose, diarrhea, eye irritation, and blistering.

The chemicals’ labels prohibit application methods that result in drift to other property or people, according to the Virginia Department of Agriculture, and it is illegal to use pesticides in a manner inconsistent with their labeling. This is NaturChem’s second violation in Virginia, following a $2,000 fine in 2005 for causing property damage in Giles County. The company also reached a $194,200 settlement with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture three years ago for 809 separate violations, in what was that state’s largest ever agricultural fine. While the company, with Norfolk Southern, is responsible for the children’s medical expenses related to their exposure and cleanup of the day care’s playground, they will also face a larger fine than for their previous incident in Virginia.

The chemicals that NaturChem sprayed were glyphosate, triclopyr, and imazapyr, according to Angela Harris, a senior toxicologist at the Arkansas-based consulting company Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health. These three chemicals have been linked to a variety of health effects beyond irritation, including cancer, neurotoxicity, and reproductive effects.

However, according to Ms. Harris, the chemicals are relatively harmless. “Whatever’s going to happen is going to happen right then, so the kids don’t have to worry about getting sick tomorrow or anything because of the chemicals,” she said. “Those are really common base chemicals that anyone would spray in their backyard if they were spraying. Those chemicals are deliberately made to be fairly non-toxic to humans because humans use them a lot.” NaturChem’s General Manager, Eddie Johnson, claimed that the chemicals “are not going to hurt anybody.”

The company’s claim is not reassuring parents. Sara Ballou, whose 2-year-old son was sprayed, followed the decontamination routine recommended by a poison control center. “If it’s not a big deal, why are all these things having to happen?” she wondered. “I really want to know why it happened, and I want to be assured that it will never happen again.”

Spraying along railroad tracks and roads is not the only vegetation management option available. For more information on state programs and alternatives, read “The Right Way to Vegetation Mangement” in Pesticides and You (pages 9-17).

Sources: Bristol Herald Courier (July 18, July 19, July 20), Associated Press, WHSV TV



Widespread Toxic Chemical Use Allowed by States on Public Property

State laws regulating pest management allow broad dependency on toxic pesticides, while four states call for pesticide reduction and alternatives

StateIPMReportWashington, DC, July 25, 2007 – With increasing public concern about the use of toxic and polluting pesticides because of adverse impacts on people and the environment, a national study finds that states are lagging behind on “green” standards for managing their state lands and buildings. The report, Ending Toxic Dependency: The State of IPM, to be published in the Summer issue of Pesticides and You, finds that statewide integrated pest management (IPM) laws do not exist in 40 states and the District of Columbia, and existing laws in only 10 states are limited and mostly inadequate.

Only four states call for pesticide reduction and alternatives that do not rely on toxic chemicals in their IPM law. Six of the 10 states adopt the definition most promoted by the chemical and pest control industry — a combination of methods without priority being given to non-chemical practices and absent toxic reduction or elimination goals and least-toxic chemicals.

“While people are increasingly concerned about pollution, global warming, and fossil fuel use, state legislatures have a responsibility to ensure that pest management practices on state property are environmentally sound,” said Jay Feldman, executive director of Beyond Pesticides, and co-author of the report. “The toxic and petroleum-based pesticides are not needed and it’s wrong for states to do nothing or fall short of their responsibility to health and the environment,” Mr. Feldman said. The report cites 195 million acres of state land that would be affected by statewide laws requiring environmentally sound pest management practices.

In the report, Beyond Pesticides, a Washington, DC-based national clearinghouse and advocacy organization focused on pesticide hazards and alternatives, evaluates the states’ definition of IPM and essential components that it says are key to effective programs that trade toxic pesticides for sound public health and environmental practices. For buildings, these include sanitation, structural repairs, moisture control, maintenance, and biological controls. Outdoors, practices include planting proper plant varieties, soil health and natural fertilization.

Local governments across the country in 17 states have adopted ordinances that phase-out toxic pesticides on public property. Forty-one states prohibit towns and cities in their state from restricting pesticide use on private land.


Contact: Jay Feldman or Laura Hepting, 202-543-5450



Organic Farming Shown To Keep Pace With Conventional Methods

Update: See Organic Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD),  United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 2008.  The report notes that not only can organic agriculture feed the world but it may be the only way we can solve the growing problem of hunger in developing countries. UNEP and UNCTAD state that its extensive study “challenges the popular myth that organic agriculture cannot increase agricultural productivity.†In an analysis of 114 farming projects in 24 African countries, UNEP reports that organic or near-organic practices result in a yield increase of more than 100 percent.

(Beyond Pesticides, July 24, 2007) After a three-year study of worldwide organic versus conventional farm yields, researchers have found that organic farming can produce as much as, and even exceed the crop and animal yields of conventional farming. These findings dispute the myth that organic methods are less productive.

University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources and Environment professor Ivette Perfecto, Ph.D., and Catherine Badgley, Ph.D., research scientist with the University’s Museum of Paleontology, conducted the study. Their findings are derived from a database of information from farms in both developed and developing nations. The full study, “Organic agriculture and the global food supply” is published in Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (formerly known as American Journal of Alternative Agriculture), Vol. 22, Issue 2.

Among the findings are that (1) in developed countries, organic and conventional farms recorded similar yields, (2) yields can be doubled or tripled in developing countries using organic methods, and (3) organic fertilizers can be used to attain such yields, even without putting more farmland into production.

Their research shows that for organic corn, yields range from 84 percent to 130 percent of conventionally grown corn. “It even surprised us,” Dr. Badgley said, “We expected we might find that it might be oh, 80 percent or something simply because that’s the number that has been cited in the past.”

This study is not the only analysis that shows organic farming can be competitive with conventional methods. Other findings have reported that comparable yields can be obtained with organic farming while using 30 percent less energy, conserving water and without pesticides.

However, some have disputed these findings. Mike Score, who has worked several years with African farmers, and is a Washtenaw County agricultural agent for Michigan State University Extension, said that these reports do not reflect his experience. Mr. Score said, “The farmers I have worked with have not been able to equal yields (with organic methods) in all cases.” He also added that other factors, such as labor and fuel costs, need to be taken into consideration.

Organic farming conserves natural resources by recycling natural materials and it encourages an abundance of species living in balanced, harmonious ecosystems. Organic farmers are required by the National Organic Standards to minimize soil erosion; implement crop rotations; provide for the humane, general welfare and health of farm animals and prevent contamination of crops, soil, or water by plant and animal nutrients, pathogenic organisms, heavy metals, or residues of prohibited substances. Even though the popularity of organic produce has grown tremendously in recent years, farmers in the US are not nearly keeping pace with consumer demand for organic products, estimated to be growing by 20 percent a year. Organic growers face an uphill battle against the conventional growers that get the lion’s share of appropriations from the Farm Bill.

Beyond Pesticides is a member of the National Organic Coalition that is advocating for an increase in the funding available for organic farmers in the 2007 Farm Bill. For more information, please visit https://www.beyondpesticides.org/organicfood/index.htm.

Source: The Ann Arbor News



Climate Change and Pesticides Hot Issue for Fish

(Beyond Pesticides, July 23, 2007) New research finds several species of freshwater fish have lower temperature tolerances when exposed to the widely used pesticides endosulfan and chlorpyrifos. The discovery reveals another key pesticides issue in the global warming debate.

The study, “The Effects of Three Organic Chemicals on the Upper Thermal Tolerances of Four Freshwater Fishes” (Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, July 2007), is the work of Ronald Patra of Australia’s Department of Environment and Conservation and colleagues. The study establishes the upper temperature tolerances of both unexposed and exposed silver perch, eastern rainbowfish, western carp gudgeon and rainbow trout. Exposed fish were given sublethal doses of endosulfan, chlorpyrifos or phenol.

The results show exposure to endosulfan cause a decrease of temperature tolerance in silver perch by 2.8 °C, eastern rainbowfish 4.1 °C, western carp gudgeon 3.1 °C, and rainbow trout 4.8 °C. Chlorpyrifos decreases temperature tolerance in silver perch by 3.8 °C, eastern rainbowfish 2.5 °C, western carp gudgeon 4.3 °C, and rainbow trout 5.9 °C. Phenol is not shown to cause a significant decrease in tolerance.

The authors conclude, “The reduction in thermal tolerance of fish in the presence of endosulfan and chlorpyrifos suggest that, not only does temperature influence the sensitivity of fish to a toxic chemical, but chemical exposure also affects the temperature tolerance of fishes.”

The additive stress on species from exposure to pesticides and other toxics in combination with rising global temperatures reiterates that reducing pesticide use in favor of non-toxic alternatives remains an important action that protects and improves environmental and human health.



Dow To Clean Up Michigan Dioxin Hot Spots

(Beyond Pesticides, July 20, 2007) Dow Chemical Company has reached agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to begin cleanup of dioxin contamination downstream of its Midland, Michigan facility immediately. The teratogenic (i.e. ability to cause developmental malformations) and mutagenic compounds are not only byproducts of manufacturing processes but are contained in one of Dow’s most used herbicides.

Last November, Dow identified dioxin hot spots along the Tittabawassee River, but corrective action “has taken too long” according to an EPA press release. “EPA has documented that dioxin contamination in soil poses risks to human health and the environment.” Dioxins are a family of chemicals that have been linked to cancer, weakened immune systems and reproductive problems.

Terry Miller, a member of Lone Tree Council, an environmental group, told the Saginaw News that EPA’s decision confirmed his suspicions that Dow was “dragging their feet” in the cleanup efforts. “There’s been a lot of print suggesting the state has been too hard on the company when it appeared that Dow was being too slow,” he said. “The federal government would seem to support that contention.”

Michelle Hurd-Riddick, a spokeswoman for the Lone Tree Council, was quoted by the Saginaw News saying that her search of the federal agency’s documents revealed “fatigue and frustration” with the chemical giant’s “chronic, chronic delays” while the highest concentrations of dioxin contamination linger untouched.

Past waste disposal practices, fugitive emissions and incineration at the Midland plant have resulted in on- and off-site contamination of nearby waterways. Dow’s manufacturing of chlorine-based products and other chemicals results in dioxins, as well as furans, chlorobenzenes and heavy metals, as byproducts.

Dioxins can be found in final products too, including 2,4-D, one of Dow’s major herbicides in use today. 2,4-D is commonly found in weed and feed and is used widely for vegetation control in agriculture as well. Dow has been a leader in obscuring the science and weakening the regulation of these and other deadly chemicals. Beyond Pesticides is working to make consumers aware of the dangers of these products and hold companies accountable for their wrongdoings.

Sources: EPA Press Release, Saginaw News



USDA Announces Colony Collapse Disorder Research Action Plan

(Beyond Pesticides, July 19, 2007) In response to the recent declining bee colony crisis, U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics Gale Buchanan announced on July 13, 2007 that USDA researchers have finalized an action plan for dealing with colony collapse disorder (CCD) of honey bees, which includes pesticides as a reason for the problem.

“There were enough honey bees to provide pollination for U.S. agriculture this year, but beekeepers could face a serious problem next year and beyond,” Buchanan said. “This action plan provides a coordinated framework to ensure that all of the research that needs to be done is covered in order to get to the bottom of the CCD problem.”

The action plan coordinates the federal strategy in response to CCD. It addresses four main components: (1) survey and data collection needs; (2) analysis of samples to determine the prevalence of various pests and pathogens, exposure to pesticides, or other unusual factors; (3) controlled experiments to carefully analyze the potential causes of CCD; and (4) developing new methods to improve the general health of bees to reduce their susceptibility to CCD and other disorders. Four possible causes for CCD are identified in the plan: (1) new or reemerging pathogens, (2) new bee pests or parasites, (3) environmental and/or nutritional stress, or (4) pesticides. Research will focus on determining which of these factors are contributing causes of CCD, either individually or in combination.

CCD became apparent as a problem beginning in the winter of 2006-2007 when some beekeepers began reporting losses of 30-90 percent of their hives. While colony losses are not unexpected during winter weather, the magnitude of loss suffered by some beekeepers was highly unusual. There is currently no recognizable underlying cause for CCD. The main symptom is finding no or a low number of adult honey bees present with no dead honey bees in the hive. Often there is still honey in the hive and immature bees (brood) are present.

Many scientists believe that pesticides, including imidacloprid, have been shown to disrupt the mobility, navigation, and feeding behavior of beneficial insects, and have been blamed for the decline in many insect populations, especially the honeybee.

Pollination is a critical element in agriculture, as honey bees pollinate more than 130 crops in the United States and add $15 billion in crop value annually.



Colombian Aerial Anti-Drug Spraying Found to Cause DNA Damage

(Beyond Pesticides, July 18, 2007) Since 2000, the United States has financed aerial spraying of glyphosate over Colombia’s coca crops, the raw material of cocaine, as part of the “War on Drugs.” Scientists from Pontificia Catholic University in Quito, Ecuador, have completed a study of 24 residents living within three kilometers of the Colombian border — an area targeted by the coca spraying – and have found a wide variety of ailments. The study’s subjects suffer from symptoms that include intestinal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, numbness, blurred vision, skin irritation, rashes, and difficulty breathing. In addition, the damage to their chromosomes was 600 to 800 percent greater than that of people living 80 km away, which can signal possible conditions like cancer and reproductive effects like miscarriages.

The U.S. has increased the spraying each year since 2000, including the addition of a fourth spray team in 2006. In 2006, the Colombian National Police’s Anti-Narcotics Directorate (DIRAN) sprayed more than 424,055 acres of coca. Extensive research in recent years regarding glyphosate’s toxicity to placental cells and aquatic life, among others, has prompted the U.S. Congress to seek guarantees that Colombian wetlands would not be sprayed, but the program continues to threaten legal crops, domestic animals, and fish hatcheries, in addition to exposing humans to the study’s documented health effects.

Research like this study, led by researcher Cesar Paz y Mino, has led Colombian officials to seek out other means of eradication of the coca crops. By 2006, more than 100,000 acres, or 25 percent, were destroyed by workers using hoes, while guarded by policemen against guerrilla groups that derive much of their wealth from the cocaine trade. This year, they aim to uproot 172,000 acres. “We are convinced of the advantages of manual eradication over spraying, and that’s why we want to give more importance to manual eradication,” said Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos.

This position, likely due in part by studies like that of Paz y Mino, is also aided by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) data that shows coca crops remain as strong as they were in 2001, despite $5 billion in U.S.-funded spraying. El Tiempo, Colombia’s largest newspaper, published an editorial that said, “The strategy doesn’t work; fumigating doesn’t eradicate. Instead of clamoring for help on a program that seems more inappropriate every day, the government should take advantage of this moment to redirect and rethink its anti-drug collaboration with the United States. Fumigation should be suspended and only used in extraordinary causes.”

TAKE ACTION: Democrats in Congress have recently cut aid to Colombia by ten percent from concern over human rights and the efficacy of spraying. To ensure that coca eradication does not continue to endanger humans or the environment, write to your senator or representative and express your concern over these issues today!

Sources: Truthout, Washington Post



Research Suggests That Risk Assessments for POPs Need Revision

(Beyond Pesticides, July 17, 2007) A study conducted by Canadian researchers show that high concentrations of POPs, or Persistent Organic Pollutants, can be observed in humans and other air-breathing animals even though they may not accumulate in fish. This suggests that current risk assessment methodologies need to be changed for identifying potential POPs in birds and mammals.

POPs are synthetic, toxic chemicals that persist in the environment, bioaccumulate in food chains and are common contaminants in fish, dairy products and other foods. These compounds are generally accepted to be hydrophobic and fat-soluble. Screening for these bioaccumulative compounds is normally conducted with laboratory tests using fish. However researchers Barry C. Kelly, and Frank Gobas, Ph.D., at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia report that this methodology may overlook a significant number of pollutants that pose health risks to air-breathing animals.

The study entitled “Food Web—Specific Biomagnification of Persistent Organic Pollutants” (Science 2007, v317, p236) examines the biomagnification of moderately hydrophobic compounds with octanol-water partition coefficients (Kow) between 100 and 100,000 (currently, compounds with Kow greater than 100,000 are generally categorized as bioaccumulative compounds and tend to be hydrophobic and fat-soluble) and compounds with high octanol-air partition coefficients (Koa). The compounds have been tested within a variety of food webs including one with only water-respiring organisms, one with only air-breathing organisms, and one with both (including humans). Compounds with a high Koa and Kow, such as PCB 153, biomagnify in all food webs. However, compounds such as lindane, which has a high Koa and low Kow do not biomagnify in food webs including only water-respiring organisms, but do accumulate in food webs with air-breathing animals.

According to Lynn Goldman, M.D., of the John Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, the study suggests, “a broader range of chemicals, with high Koa but lower Kow, should perhaps be considered to be persistent organic pollutants.” Dr. Gobas points out that even though the degree to which chemicals are transformed in organisms is difficult to predict, he hopes that environmental regulations will change in light of this new work. EPA research chemist, Lawrence Burkhard says, “[C]urrent risk assessments that classify a chemical as a persistent organic pollutant have based their conclusions primarily on science drawn from aquatic toxicology. This paper strongly suggests risk assessment methodologies need to be changed to include data on bioaccumulation in birds and mammals. If this is done, more chemicals may be classified as POPs than have been in the past.”

The finding is important since many Americans may carry enough POPs in their bodies to cause subtle but serious health effects, including reproductive and developmental problems, cancer, and disruption of the immune system. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), POPs pose a particular hazard because of four characteristics: they are toxic; they are persistent, resisting normal processes that break down contaminants; they accumulate in the body fat of people, marine mammals, and other animals and are passed from mother to fetus; and they can travel great distances on wind and water currents. Even minute quantities can cause nervous system damage, diseases of the immune system, reproductive and developmental disorders, cancers and other diseases like diabetes. Most vulnerable are those in the womb or egg, and in infancy, as vital organ systems are being developed.

The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (see Daily News) represents one of the most important efforts by the global community to rein in and ultimately halt the proliferation of toxic chemicals. This treaty, ratified on May 17, 2004 is an attempt to reduce the impact of these persistent chemicals throughout the world. The U.S. has yet to be among 150 ratifying countries. In 2001, President Bush promised to support the treaty, but his administration has sought to undermine it with legislation that would make it harder, rather than easier, for EPA to comply.

Source: Chemical and Engineering News



Report Notes Greater Environmental Risks to Boys

(Beyond Pesticides, July 16, 2007) In its report released on Father’s Day 2007, “Men, Boys and Environmental Threats,” the Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment urges greater awareness among parents about environmental risks to boys. “All children are at risk from exposure to environmental hazards, but boys appear to be at greater risk,” said Dr. Lynn Marshall, MD, with the Ontario College of Family Physicians.

The report summarizes the evidence about environmental risks to boys, specifically examining cancer, asthma, learning and behavioral disorders, birth defects and testicular dysgenesis syndrome. Below is a summary of the report’s findings.

Cancer: Although cancer is rare among all children, more boys are diagnosed with cancer than girls. Among young adults (age 20—44) several cancers are on the rise, including testicular cancer. Concern arises over parents’ exposures before conception or during pregnancy. Childhood cancers are associated with exposures to pesticides, solvents, petroleum products, motor vehicle exhaust, benzene and other pollutants. Much remains unknown. Since cancer involves problems with cell division, it is logical that exposures during times of rapid cell division (especially in the womb) likely pose the greatest risk.

Asthma: In the past 20 years there has been a dramatic rise in asthma in children. Less well known is that more boys have asthma than girls and more are hospitalized for it. Boys are born with smaller airways, relative to their lung size, than girls. They also tend to have more allergies, which can contribute to developing asthma. Asthma is a complex disease. Evidence shows that it results from interactions between genetics and environmental triggers. Such triggers include indoor and outdoor air pollution and also include some pesticides and chemicals in household cleaning products.

Learning and Developmental Disorders and Disabilities: Large numbers of children have learning and behavioral disorders or disabilities. The apparent increase in autism in recent years is of concern. For unknown reasons, boys are at greater risk for autism as well. More boys than girls have autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, Tourette’s syndrome, cerebral palsy, and dyslexia. For autism and ADHD, boys outnumber the girls by up to four to one. We know that children’s brains can be damaged by lead, mercury, arsenic, radiation, dioxins, PCBs, solvents and some pesticides.

Boys’ brains may be more vulnerable for several reasons. There are genetic differences, slower rates of maturity and greater vulnerability to physical injury. Brain development and the pattern of hormone production in the womb are different for boys than girls. Recent studies of adults reveal gender differences in brain structure, function and chemistry. These differences may make boys more vulnerable to chemical exposures. As well, there are a larger number of cell divisions in males during fetal development, which increases the chances of genetic errors occurring.

Birth Defects: Birth defects occur in about two to three per cent of births in Canada – boys are affected more often than girls. About half of birth defects affecting boys include cryptorchidism (undescended testicles) and hypospadias (a defect of the male urinary tract). Stillbirths and miscarriages, which often can be due to birth defects, also seem to be more common in male babies. Many factors can contribute to birth defects including genetics, infection during pregnancy, and environmental factors. While much remains unknown, interaction of multiple factors is likely. We know that certain chemicals can impact development, including lead, mercury, radiation, and PCBs contaminated by dioxins and furans. Scientists suspect there are many more contaminants that come into play, including some pesticides, organic solvents, and some air pollutants.

Development of the male reproductive system has more steps and is more complex than for the female system. As a result there are more chances for error. Rapid cell growth creates a higher risk of incorporating errors during development than cells growing more slowly. Where defects originate in an X chromosome, females have a chance to “neutralize†this defect with another X chromosome, while males have only one X

Testicular Dysgenesis Syndrome: Scientists describe a group of impacts on the male reproductive system under the term Testicular Dysgenesis Syndrome (TDS). TDS includes the birth defects cryptorchidism and hypospadias, as well as poor semen quality (i.e. reduced sperm count, abnormal sperm), decreased fertility and perhaps also testicular cancer. Scientists suspect chemical exposures during pregnancy, specifically during the time when the male reproductive system is developing, may be causing these related impacts. Hormones (the endocrine system) play an important role in the development of the fetus. Scientists suspect that TDS results from chemicals that can disrupt these hormones. Called “endocrine disruptors,” scientists have shown these effects for a few chemicals including PCBs, dioxins and some pesticides.

The report encourages parents, especially fathers, to take an active role in protecting their children from environmental risk factors. A checklist of preventive measures is included in the report.

For more information on children and pesticides, visit Beyond Pesticides’ Children and Schools webpage.

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